The Ultimate Guide to Scheduling Workouts

It’s time to get fit! You’ve been thinking about it, maybe you’ve even tried to do it before and just didn’t feel like you were getting results. But this time is different—you’re going all in. You’re ready to take control of your body and put yourself first, because you know how important it is to be healthy and happy.

But here’s the thing: if you know how to make a workout plan for yourself, it’ll never happen. And what good is a plan if you don’t stick with it? The benefits of scheduling a workout are immense.  So let’s make sure your workout schedule doesn’t fall by the wayside this time around by creating a workout schedule for beginners that actually works for you. Here’s how:

Make it a priority:
You wouldn’t leave your bills unpaid or go without eating or drinking for days on end, so why would you do that with your workouts? Schedule them in like any other important appointment—even if it’s just a quick walk around the block and back before work, or a 10-minute stretch break at lunchtime—and don’t let yourself cancel unless there’s an emergency. Keep in mind that your needs are unique and that a workout schedule for men and women would typically be different.

Pick your favorite type of workout(s):
Yoga? Boxing? Running? Once you learn how to make a workout plan for weight loss or muscle gains, write it down in your planner or calendar app as something that needs to happen at least once per week. Then add any other types of workouts (strength training, martial arts classes) that sound fun or interesting to you! And remember, this is just an outline—you can do whatever feels right for YOU!

Figure out how long each workout should be:
If this is new for you, another of the popular workout routine tips is to try starting with something short and simple like walking or jogging for 30 minutes at an easy pace. That way, if something comes up or if something doesn’t go according to plan (or if life gets in the way), it won’t feel like a huge setback when it comes to getting back into your routine later on down the road.

Figure out your goals:
Know your workout plan goals. Then break them down into smaller steps. For example, if your goal is to run 5 miles every day, start by running 2 miles on Mondays and Thursdays for two weeks straight. Then add an extra mile every week until you reach 5 miles each day!

Don’t forget about rest days:
You’ll need them so that your body can recover from the hard work of training and grow stronger from it too!

Make sure you have all your equipment:
If you’re training at a fitness studio, this will be taken care of. Make sure the equipment is well sanitized and set to default settings before you begin. If there’s anything else you need (water bottle, towel, sweat band), have that within easy reach as well.

If you are a fitness business owner and want to keep track of bookings and schedules, explore My Best Studio’s fitness management software.