Body Age: What Is It and What Does It Mean for You?

Wondering if your body age is higher than your actual age? It’s a common concern, and it’s not hard to understand why. We live in a society that values youth and beauty, so it’s natural to feel like we’re aging faster than we should.

But here’s the thing: You can’t really change your body age. The only thing you can do is change what you do with your body, which will inevitably affect how it ages.

So why does knowing your body age matter? It’s all about making the right decisions for yourself—and understanding what those decisions are.

What is Body Age?
According to the American Council on Exercise (ACE), your body age is a number that represents how old your body feels based on its actual age. The ACE’s study found that the average person’s body age is about two years older than their chronological age.

Why is it worth knowing Body Age ?
Body age is an interesting piece of data because it can be used not only for health purposes, but also for tracking your overall fitness level and how long you have before reaching the end of your life expectancy. Body age can help people who want to live a longer life learn more about their mortality and how they can stay healthy in order to extend their lifespan.

How is body age calculated?
Body age is calculated by looking at five different factors: muscle strength, cardiovascular health, liver health, kidney function and immune system function.

Muscle strength: This is measured by the amount of resistance needed to push a button on a device called a dynamometer.

Cardiovascular health: This is measured by the ability of blood vessels to relax and dilate in response to blood pressure changes.

Liver health: This is measured by the amount of bilirubin in your blood—bilirubin is produced when red blood cells break down and die.

Kidney function: This is measured by how much creatinine there is in your urine—creatinine comes from muscles breaking down during exercise or protein digestion.

Immune system function: This measures how quickly white blood cells are produced in response to an infection (white blood cells fight infections).

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