A Guide To A Successful Gym Grand Opening

We’ve all been there: you’ve planned how to open a fitness studio and now you’re excited about the grand opening of your local gym. But you don’t know how to get the word out and make it the best event possible. Don’t worry—we’ve got you covered!

Secure a date and time for the grand opening of your gym or fitness studio
You’ll want to schedule it around peak hours so that as many people as possible can see it happen. Most people are looking for a fitness studio nearby, so they are likely to be interested in your new venture. If there are other businesses in your neighborhood that have grand openings at the same time, try to coordinate with them so that you don’t overlap too much.

Plan out how many people you want at the event
Consider how many fitness studio memberships or registrations you expect will sell during this time period and add 50% more than that number to account for those who may not be able to make it at first due to scheduling conflicts or travel plans (i.e., vacation). Then double that number again and set up enough space for all of them—you never know who might drop by unexpectedly!

Get early birds in the door
People tend to procrastinate when it comes to buying tickets for events and this is especially true with gym openings. Make sure that you have set up an online ticketing system so that people can purchase their tickets in advance and avoid any last-minute rush. You can also offer incentives like discounts or freebies if they buy early on.

Make sure all of your equipment is in perfect working order
Ensure you have a variety of machines available and enough space for each one (this will save you from overcrowding later down the road). Then, make sure that everything is clean and hygienic. As a fitness entrepreneur, you want to set a good first impression!

Have a great web presence
A website is essential for any business these days, but especially when it comes to fitness clubs. It’s important that people know about your gym before they even step foot inside so make sure that your website has all information they need about what you offer and how much it costs (and if possible, put it on social media too!). If someone knows what they’re getting into before they come in then there will be no surprises!

Start advertising
Look into any local newspapers or magazines with circulation numbers in the thousands or tens of thousands; if possible, contact their advertising departments directly. Add a ‘Gym opening’ banner or poster wherever you can.

Now that you have your grand gym opening in place, make sure that you run a successful business. Specialized fitness studio management software like the one offered by My Best Studio are a great way to get started.