Fitness Instructors Share Their Morning Routine

The importance of morning routines is often underestimated. Its always worth knowing the morning routines of successful people. Fitness instructors swear by their morning routines in helping them perform their best at the fitness studio. We spoke to yoga, pilates, martial arts instructors and entrepreneurs to find out how they start their day. If there’s anyone who understands healthy living, its them. So read on and get inspired by these morning routine ideas.

Sandy, Fitness Studio Co-owner

What time do you wake up?
I’m up somewhere between 7-8:00am. My 3-year-old decides when “the sun has woken up”.

What do you listen to?
Some smooth jazz or a podcast

Do you do a workout?
Almost always. I love that boost of energy that a morning workout gives you. Unless there’s something else that is earth-shatteringly important, I never skip my morning workout. But I have to be flexible at times.

What do you have for breakfast?
Black coffee, eggs and toast if I have time; a vanilla protein shake if I’m rushing.

Nick, Personal Trainer

What time do you wake up?
My alarm is set for 5:30am but I really wake up around 6am on most mornings. Although I can afford to sleep in a bit later on weekends, I try to keep my routine consistent. It just helps to keep my energy levels high, which always helps. If you want to know how to make your morning better, don’t succumb to the temptation to lie in, your body won’t benefit from it. My first clients start at 7.30am, so I practice what I preach “Early to bed, early to rise”, for a healthy sleep cycle.

What do you listen to?
Nothing. Apart from the sound of the birds and the bees. Literally. I try to keep my mornings free of any electronic sound. Oh, except for the espresso machine.

Do you do a workout?
I do advocate working out in the morning. It really sets your day off on an energetic note. But considering my sessions start early and I’ve become better with time management, I now prefer to workout in the late afternoon. It lets me train with friends in that mid-afternoon time between clients. People sometimes ask me what the best time is to workout. I think it depends on what your schedule looks like, but I also feel that a quick workout before bed is a great way to help your body unwind.

What do you have for breakfast?
 Great question! A glass of water as soon as I wake up, just to flush out all those toxins, first thing in the morning. This is followed by black coffee. Breakfast is oats, mixed frozen berries, whey 1.5 scoops of protein, fiber powder, a teaspoon of peanut butter blended for 45 seconds. Its quick, easy and delicious.

Zack, Yoga Entrepreneur

What time do you wake up?
I’m up by 5am so I can drive to work by 5.30 am. Yup, fitness instructors start their day before everyone else.

What do you listen to?

I listen to the High Performance Podcast during my morning commute. Your mind is at its sharpest in the morning and it’s the best time to learn something new.

Do you do a workout?
I don’t normally do a full work out in the morning; but I always stretch. With some of my favorite music playing. It just helps me wake up, get ready for class and sets me up for the rest of the day.

What do you have for breakfast?
7 days a week, my breakfast is exactly the same. Protein porridge. It may sound boring but I switch things up every other day while ensuring I’m eating protein rich food– sometimes I added a teaspoon of Nutella, some sliced bananas, or some crushed biscoff. On a rare treat day, especially if Im on holiday I might choose a bacon and egg bagel to start the day with a glass of orange juice — but that’s a luxury.

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