Studio Management Software at an Incredibly Low Price

Is it getting really daunting for you to manage your yoga or fitness studio all by yourself without any technological intervention? My Best Studio has something that can make your task easier and in a cost effective manner, with NO hidden charges.


What’s Studio Management Software All About?

It is basically a cloud computing software that can automate all the processes involved in your yoga and fitness studio. All you need is a stable internet connection and a business account that can allow you to access the complete software setup from wherever you are. It keeps you assured about managing your customers and employees, and you can focus on expanding your business.

It can be effortlessly integrated with your website without any need to update it manually. You don’t need to invest any additional time to do so and all the data that you put up on the website gets automatically added in the software offered by My Best Studio.

Who Can Benefit From It?

Whether you own a small or large fitness studio, gym, or club, studio management software can easily manage all the activities.

You can even avail its benefits if you are a yoga teacher, martial arts trainer or a dance studio owner.

It makes your studio all the more professional, which ultimately helps you expand your student base.

Why Should You Get It?

Studio management software has some awesome advantages in the field of Yoga, fitness, martial arts, dance, etc. Here’s why this software has the upper hand:

1. The software helps you expand your fitness studio. As all your processes become automated, it becomes very easy for you to concentrate on acquiring new customers and strategizing on retaining them.

2. It is user friendly and gives you the scope to outperform your competitors and companies from the same industry. It contains additional exclusive features that will go a long way in boosting your business and driving greater revenue. Ultimately, you will stay ahead in the competition.

3. It is a cakewalk to manage your members. The software allows you to create the exercise classes and reach out to the members through emails and text messages. Their body mass, exercise schedule, and other relevant information can be securely stored in the software.

4. You can easily maintain the personal information of the members and their payment records. You can track the payments by clients, thereby eliminating the possibility of missing a payment. Receipts are also generated through the system and you can send it across to your clients every month. It nullifies all the hassles related to finances and collection of fees.

5. Attendance of your employees and their salary structure can also be stored in the studio management software. As a result, it makes the job of human resource department much easier.

6. Studio Management Software seamlessly operates everything for you, which means that you can communicate well with the fitness studio members instead of managing paperwork. It also reduces the overhead costs as you need to employ less number of staff members.

Doesn’t it sound like a troubleshooter for all your problems related to manual processes?

Get in touch with us now and get the best studio management software at the most reasonable price from My Best Studio.

Posted by: Katherine Birgen | May 25, 2017

Better Website Design for Your Dance Studio

Website Design for Your Dance Studio: Dance Your Way to a Better Website Design

For each dance studio, there is a different purpose that each owner tries to carry out.  Your studio could be competition based, focused on an end-of-the-year recital, improvements in technique, or encouragement in dance fitness classes. Your studio can also focus on different styles and forms of dance: ballet and pointe, tap, jazz, hip-hop, lyrical, or various ballroom dances like the Samba or Waltz.  Whether your focus is on recreational dance, training for a professional career, or teaching modern or classical dance, your website design should have an individual format and theme that reflects what your specific focus is on.

When a customer seeks out your dance studio on the internet, My Best Studio can give you a website design that provides a preview of what your dance studio is all about. With distinct and unique designs made fit for your particular dance studio, we can work above and beyond in creating a website that sets you apart from your competitors, and rises above the mundane and ordinary.

My Best Studio can offer you the best dance studio website designs, focusing in on what you offer to your customers. Having a customized website is one of the best ways to market your business and have you stand out among many. Having an individual website design is an easy tool that can aid your business against your competitors.

Web Design that is Appealing

With a web design like no other, appealing customers is no problem. It gives customers expectations of what kind of company you are, and if your dance studio is one they are willing to invest their time in.  A dance studio that invests in fashioning a website that is appealing and effortless for a customer to work their way around, is a studio that cares about what kind of business they want to be viewed as; one that is concerned with their clients comfort.

People will presume that a business willing to devote large amounts of effort into one minute detail about their company will apply that same detailed care and concern to the quality of service being provided to them. This can include the quality of choreography, the dedication teachers have in improving the skills of their students, and the level of commitment the administration has in keeping their clients worry-free about how a studio is organized.

My Best Studio can help you, help your customers. With a successful website that creates a lasting identity and expresses just what your dance studio will bring to the community, you can focus on what you do best, whether it is instructing young toddlers to pirouette with their feet turned out, drilling a high school’s competitive routine over and over again so that they can win first place at Nationals, or helping adults gain greater flexibility and coordination.

Dance is a form of art, and designing your website is an art form in itself too.

Get in touch with us now and get the best studio management software at the most reasonable price from My Best Studio.

Posted by: Katherine Birgen | May 25, 2017

How can you choose the Best Yoga Studio Software?

What do you think are the essentials of starting a Yoga Class? Finding a Place? Hiring appropriate staff? There is much more to it. If you plan to start your yoga class, all you need is a comprehensive studio management software.

To become an entrepreneur is what you need here! You need to keep a track on the following things:

  • Sales Transactions
  • Employees Scheduling
  • Appointments
  • Sales Reports
  • Marketing
  • Online Booking
  • Business Management
  • Online Scheduling
    and much more..

A powerful web-based software can be time saving and can also easily manage your staff, class schedules, payment transactions, payment process, and much more. Also, you can create new events and class planning for your business.

Few most important things to look for in studio management software are:

  • Web-based Potential.
    Web based studio management software is hosted in the cloud, that means you can manage your yoga business at the studio or when you’re home. Simply open your browser and login.
  • Website Integration.
    The students can register online and they will be automatically added to your database. That is what Website Integration means. Selling passes and memberships on your website will allow students to purchase or renew memberships from home.
  • Appropriate Class Management.
    While you’re figuring out your ideal class schedule, you can easily add or remove a class. Moreover, you can keep a track on the popularity of the class by checking students in for class as they arrive.
  • Extracting your Data.
    It is important to extract your data so that you have accurate records of class schedule, attendance, memberships, and revenue readily available for review. This will be quite some help to your accountant.
  •  You need a software solution that manages your accounting, your student membership, billing, and invoicing. This will integrate all your efforts put on different software for different functions. A one stop solution!

It’s all about how you manage your Yoga Studio!

Tips for Attracting New Customers to Your Yoga Studio

Yoga means union of the individual consciousness or soul with the Universal Consciousness or Spirit. It is all about discipline.  It takes time, dedication, and willpower to train your body and mind. The same is true about marketing. To get more yogis to your studio, you need discipline and the right marketing techniques to drawn them in. Here are 5 ways you can attract more people to your yoga studio and turn them into loyal members.

  • Know your Target Audiences
  • You can use Facebook ads to spread the word out about your yoga facility. Facebook ads offer a level of customization that few other marketing platforms can match. You can get really granular with your results by targeting specific area codes, demographics, and shared interests. You can create multiple ads targeting different audiences. It is important to create a universe of target audience to attract the right kind of people.

  • Highlight key features оf your Yoga Studio
  • Unmistakably manifest what you offer at your studio, including different sorts of yoga classes, specific classes, workshops, instructional meetings, and so forth. Highlighting the advantages of rehearsing yoga will urge individuals to need to go to your studio and give it a shot. It is critical that you express the intended interest group your studio takes into account, whether it is apprentices, transitional, progressed, or each of the three. You ought to state how long your studio has been іn operation as this brings credibility. People will want tо practice yoga from experts. By allowing viewers and customers to learn about instructors backgrounds, why they started yoga, their certifications and awards, and where they have taught yoga, will generate interest and draw іn customers.

  • Market your Offer Promotions
  • Nothing grabs attention and cuts through indecision and mental chatter like a great offer. People might hesitate to join your studio because they’re unfamiliar with your yoga style or the kind of environment your classes provide. A fantastic deal is a great way to lure them in. Studies have shown that 80% of consumers say coupons close the deal for them when they’re undecided about a purchase. What kind of deals should you consider? A free class or free week is very enticing for new members. You can even go the extra mile and offer an unlimited month of discounted classes for $XX. Another route to take is to offer a membership deal. A special sign-up membership rate can be an attractive option, especially if you pair it with a bonus. Offer a free special class or a one-on-one session. If your studio has swag, a free shirt, mat, or towel would be a sweet deal to top it all off.

  • Follow Up
  • Offer a great deal, reach out to the right audience, and you’ll have plenty of leads in no time. But once you’ve got the prospects you need to follow up with them. Most leads go “cold” if you don’t respond to them within the first 15 minutes after they’ve made contact. So reach out to them as soon as possible and schedule a date for them to visit your yoga studio. A great tool to help you stay on track with your leads is a CRM. CRMs are Customer Relationship Management systems that allow you to store, organize, and manage your contact information for leads & potential customers. You can use CRMs to build targeted and automated mailing lists. You can send out multiple mailing lists simultaneously to different audiences. CRMs let you keep track of your history with different leads & potential customers. You can track which offers they signed up for, what deals they redeemed and your contact history with each of them. It’s one of the best ways to build segmented contacts with tags.

  • Bespeak Credibility
  • Customer testimonials are the best way tо build а positive reputation and boost reliability. Having other clients express their satisfaction with the services your Yoga Studio іs providing them will encourage others to come to your Yoga Studio.

Boost Your Yoga Business : Pay Less, Get More

The birth of a vision is the easy part. It’s simple to set your sights on an end goal, and get caught up in the success that could prevail from your grand idea. It’s harder cultivating that vision, and seeing the process through the obstacles you can encounter as a business entrepreneur. That kind of innovation requires focus, determination, and drive. It demands a tireless spirit, and sleepless nights. But most importantly it commands a specific type of budget that’s usually large and flexible. Certain expenses can’t be spared and as the mastermind behind your studio you have to allocate particular funding to places you don’t initially consider but are crucial to the outcome of your brand.

As a creative individual, your strengths probably don’t align with the organizational aspect of numbers and when it comes to money the only language you speak is the desire for more. You may not have a lot of experience with budgets or more so sticking to them, and you aren’t exactly sure where you should apply the most pressure. You know you need help with this sort of thing, but you’re terrified of playing the fool. It’s completely natural to feel out of your element. This is why you sometimes need a tip or two that’s easily believable and doesn’t leave room for any misconstruing.

A website is a vital component to your business and the traffic it can accumulate. It is your best resource in marketing your vision, and simplifying an experience for an average consumer. It is something that you can spare no expense in creating. It’s a necessity that you must dispense a sum of money on molding into the perfect weapon in your arsenal of exposure. BUT, after that best yoga website design is turned into a reality, you can learn to cut corners and save money.

The biggest way developers learn to make money, is off of the naivety of the people that contract out their services. In order to not become that person, learn to look for companies that are offering one set fee. If a company is offering a set fee, chances are their intentions are more respectable then a company that is looking to charge you a monthly fee for the maintenance of said website.

Developers tend to be riding a wave that’s already crested and leveled when charging their customers a monthly fee. In simpler everyday terms, it’s like you’re paying a man to paint your fence for a fee of $100. But then after the fence is done, he continues to charge you $50 a month even though the work has already been performed and he’s no longer there but he claims it’s a “maintenance” fee. That’s not logical when it comes to yard work so don’t let it be logical when it comes to your website design. Pay less in the long run, and use the extra money to get more for your business. So the only flexibility you’ll need will be in your joints for yoga poses and not in your wallet accounting for hidden fees.

Studio Management Software – Skip the Line and Save Time

When I was growing up, and my attention span tended to be short and my patience thin, I always encountered a line. As much as it frustrated me, it became somewhat normal to me. You go to the grocery store, you wait in line. You get in a drive-thru, you wait in line. You go to Disneyland; you wait in VERY long lines. It was clearly a way of life. Until, suddenly as I got older, it wasn’t anymore. Lines today are shorter or non-existent because of technological strides that we’ve made as a society. Looking back I realize now how much of our lives are wasted by waiting. Now that I’ve gained back such a huge portion of my time, I’ve accomplished so much more in a day. That’s what people want. To make the most of the time they have, and spend less of their lives waiting. Which is why certain POS solutions are desirable to the audience it caters to. Fitness is a vital component to our success and happiness, but it often falls low on our list of priorities. Not because we don’t care, but because the initial transaction requires too much time. Many studios emphasize a face-to-face signup, and that notion alone is unappealing to the businesses savvy that spend too much time in an office, and don’t want the added hassle of making a detour on their commute home. People want to obtain a product or service by simply clicking a button, and with studio management software that’s exactly what they’ll get.

We’re typically used to the point of a sale occurring over a cash register in a boutique or via a receptionist at a front desk whose taking your check and writing you a receipt for the class you just sweated through. But smart studios that are focused on building their empire won’t just satisfy the market of people who prefer to do things this way. By utilizing studio management software, you’ll be creating a bigger market and tapping into a population that older studios don’t have access to. You’ll attract old and new by maintaining a business that can either be obtained through the ease of a click of a button, or through the valued norm of an over the counter exchange. People who don’t utilize studio management software are isolating an active part of the public. Which is why, if you want to be successful, you have to embrace old traditions as well as modern ways.

By using this software, you’ll receive:

-lower rates

-generate more business by creating an online store

-save time and stress by auto-billing

– receive the hardware you need to garner the most sales

-guaranteed security with customer’s sensitive information

So expand your market today, and let those who worry about time skip the line. Your successful fitness studio will thank you in the long run for learning to cater to all ends of the spectrum, and your empire will flourish because of it. Watch and see.

The New Now

We’ve all heard it before; that ancient expression our grandparents stressed to us at any given opportunity. You know the one; anything worth having is worth waiting for, or in simpler terms patience is a virtue. As we grew, we learned to respect it, maybe even embrace it, and somewhere along the way we started to really believe it. Even in today’s world, this golden standard still holds its validity when discussing the perfect soul mate, or the ideal meal, but it’s no longer acceptable in a technological market. Welcome to the one place where patience is no longer a virtue, and is instead an inconvenience or a detrimental aspect to what could very well be the success of your empire. When building THE yoga studio of your dreams, you have to consider what will appeal to your core audience. Chances are your demographics are composed of busy, life-loving individuals who are looking for a release from the things that prevent them from being perfectly centered. This includes the hassle and headache they’d have to endure from a yoga studio that isn’t using appointment booking software.

Sadly, the current generation is littered with people who aren’t familiar with my grandparents’ motto, and only see the beauty in how rapidly something can arrive. However, if you want to see results in the project your undertaking, you have to conform your standards to the here and now even if that notion differs from the one you were raised by. People want to join a community where things can be achieved with the simple click of a button. Phone conversations are nearly becoming obsolete and chit-chatting at a counter after an intense workout isn’t a desirable interaction for the average person anymore. With yoga studio management software, you’ll find a variety of ways to maximize the potential for accumulating new business, and securing the current customers you have. They’ll be able to choose classes by viewing your online schedule, complete with times and instructors, and can book fifteen minutes before a class begins, or fifteen days if that’s their forte. You’ll be covering a large spectrum of last minute attendees as well as certified planners, by enabling this appointment booking software.

Besides the appeal of a booking system that isn’t dictated by pencil and paper, with yoga studio software, you’ll maintain better customer relations with all the tools that it utilizes. This software will give you the option of sending out automated emails to all ofyour clients with updates, changes in classes, reminders, as well as promotions and special offers. It’ll also grant you ease with membership enrollment, and a database with unlimited storage that won’t limit your population. So give the people what they want and join the new now. The one where you can order a game from Amazon Prime on Thanksgiving Day and see it on your doorstep a mere two hours later. Or a person can register for a class with the click of a button one hour before it begins, because fitness matters even to the business savvy. Fast is the new motto.

Custom Websites Vs Ready Templates

As a business owner, you are constantly bombarded by various options that promise to strengthen your brand and increase your success. It’s your job to weed out the candidates that aren’t a good fit for you. This becomes a similar task for the public that’s looking to potentially use you in the future. What sets your company apart from others? What makes you unique and appealing? These are questions you should be looking to answer when composing your website. Websites are often a daunting task to undertake when you have little to no knowledge of that technological world. In order to make your business as successful as you picture it to be, sometimes you have to share that vision with an expert and trust them to recreate it to the best of their ability.

Consumers are also constantly overwhelmed by variety. They need something that catches their eye, maintains their interest, and answers their questions quickly and efficiently. You want to stand out in today’s world; you have to break the monotony. Website design is one of your easiest tools in waging this war against competitors. Customizing your website is one of the best ways to market your company. Though there’s often comfort and ease in using a ready template, customizing your website sets you apart from other studios who have demonstrated their mediocrity by doing so. A website embodies the company it represents. It sets the tone for what a customer can expect out of the brand that their investing in. If you’ve taken the time to craft a website that’s different and unique, you’ve already won half the battle. People will assume that if you’re willing to invest that kind of time in one minor detail about your company, that you’ll apply that same meticulous care and concern to every other aspect, thus ensuring well-maintained relationships.

Customized web development has also been known to do a couple of things like:

-Increase traffic

-Decrease bounce rates

By creating a comfortable niche that’s user-friendly to consumers, you’ll easily get the response you’re looking for, and the smooth signature your company will be recognized by. So let us help you get the best yoga website design, or other fitness endeavors depending on your forte, and let’s populate those classes with one of kind people that were initially drawn to you by your one of a kind website.

Making Your Starting Point a Captivating Sight in Half the Time

Any successful business places a certain level of importance on marketing their brand and creating a platform that’s appealing and engaging, as well as moderately easy to use for the everyday person.

One of the most important tools that you can utilize in today’s world is the web. The volume of activity that a website creates is responsible for over half the money your business can make.

The biggest headache that most people face is coming up with a website design that’s easy to navigate. Chances are, as a fitness enthusiast, most of your core knowledge lies in the semantics of that, and doesn’t quite cover graphic design. That’s completely normal, and as the creator of your own destiny, it’s your job to find an outlet that can assist you in making an accessible place that’s captivating and direct to the general eye.

As a person who thrives on creativity and has a specific vision in mind, it’s sometimes hard to relinquish control. And that is exactly why you should pick a web development company who has a large selection of templates to choose from when designing yoga website designs, fitness website designs and Pilate’s website designs.

Learning the small details that creating a website entails, would take up so much of your energy, but by partnering with the right Los Angeles based Web Development Company ensures that you will be provided the proper care it takes to bring your best yoga website design to life and work around the specifics you supply them with.

When choosing a web development company, look for a company that will provide you with these features that you and your clients will benefit from:

– Multiple pages of website programming
– Unlimited forms
– Photo Gallery
– Personalized URL
– Online Class Schedule Management
– Mobile Friendly
– Social Media Integration
– Text Messaging

These features set you apart from your competitors and allow you to handle your relations with customers with ease. It also builds an eye-catching starting point for potential clients and simplifies communication in a way that’s favorable to this generation by integrating social avenues that are consistently utilized. So while you center your chi, we’ll centralize the success of your business by creating a design that’s what you want without the headache.

Minimize Complexity, Maximize Growth

Fitness has become not only a key priority to the everyday civilian, but also a thriving investment for the business savvy entrepreneur in today’s world. As said entrepreneur, you are constantly on the lookout for strategic tools within your reach that are easy to navigate, produce the quickest results, and minimize your time spent updating multiple outlets and instead directed at nurturing your relationships and brainstorming innovative and engaging ideas to grow your fitness empire. offers a variety of web solutions that are specifically tailored to your business. This studio management software was created with the intent of saving you time, and combines all the necessary elements that make for a successful website. Instead of running numerous programs, through this software you’ll be able to:

-Track your employees as well as add students quickly and stay connected via social media/text messaging,etc.

-Manage your sales transactions and visualize your growth via aids such as data charts that are easy to read and efficient

-View and maintain an active class schedule where students are able to select an option and time frame that suits their needs with the click of a button

-Navigate the smooth design with ease regardless of your limited computer knowledge, and allow endless users access to the program

Think of it like this: You have a list of items that range from grocery to beauty, but you’ve also worked an eight hour day and you’re convinced that you only have the energy left for one trip. So you’d rather make one stop where you can pick up all these things. It’s the same with your website: you need a variety of tools, but you don’t have the patience or time to access multiple outlets. This studio management software is your Target: Great land if you will. also takes the hassle and headache out of yoga website design and offers a template that can be used interchangeably for a variety of core curriculum like, Pilates, fitness and dance. You give them the content you’d like your website to display, pick a preference for what is aesthetically pleasing to you, and they create the final result that draws a crowd and maximizes your business’s potential. With personalized touches like an original URL, easy links to other marketing outlets, and a friendly display that’s appealing on any device, you’re bound to have the best yoga website design. So choose an option that’s easily controllable and saves you time, and spend that energy on doing what you love- sharing your fitness with the world.