Here’s Why Martial Arts Might Be The Workout Your Body Needs

Martial arts has been practiced for centuries as a means of self-defense, but it also offers a wide array of physical benefits that can greatly improve overall fitness and well-being. Whether you are looking to build strength, increase flexibility, improve cardiovascular health, or simply find a fun and engaging way to exercise, martial arts workouts might be perfect for your body.

Build Strength and Muscle Tone

One of the primary benefits of practicing martial arts is the improvement in strength and muscle tone. The various techniques and movements involved in martial arts require the use of multiple muscle groups, resulting in a full-body workout. Kicks, punches, and strikes engage the arms, legs, core, and back, helping to build lean muscle and increase overall strength. Additionally, many martial arts incorporate resistance training exercises, such as push-ups, sit-ups, and weightlifting, further enhancing muscular development.

Improve Flexibility and Balance

In addition to strength training, martial arts also focuses on improving flexibility. Unlike traditional forms of exercise that may primarily target a specific muscle group, martial arts involve a wide range of movements that require the body to be flexible and agile. This constant stretching and bending not only helps to increase flexibility but also improves balance and coordination. Over time, practitioners of martial arts may notice an improvement in their range of motion and a reduced risk of injuries in their day-to-day activities.

Effective Cardiovascular Workout

Martial arts are an excellent cardiovascular workout. The fast-paced nature of many martial arts disciplines, such as Muay Thai or Taekwondo, requires participants to perform high-intensity movements that elevate the heart rate. Regularly engaging in these activities can help improve cardiovascular health, increase endurance, and burn calories. According to the American Council on Exercise, individuals can burn up to 500 calories per hour during martial arts training sessions, making it an effective way to achieve weight loss goals.

Mental Health Benefits

Apart from the physical benefits, martial arts also offer numerous mental health advantages. Practicing martial arts requires discipline, focus, and mental resilience. As individuals learn and master various techniques, they develop a strong sense of self-awareness and self-confidence. The mental discipline required in martial arts can also help alleviate stress and anxiety, as it promotes mindfulness and a sense of inner peace. Furthermore, the social aspect of martial arts classes provides a supportive community and fosters positive relationships, which can contribute to overall mental well-being.

Choosing a Martial Arts Style

Martial arts offer a unique and exciting way to engage in physical exercise, combining various elements of strength training, flexibility, cardiovascular fitness, and mental discipline. Whether you are a beginner or already have some experience, there are a plethora of martial arts styles to choose from, including karate, judo, krav maga, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, among others. It is important to consult with a qualified instructor before starting any martial arts program to ensure that it aligns with your fitness goals and abilities.

Martial arts provides a comprehensive and multifaceted workout that can improve overall fitness and well-being. From building strength and flexibility to enhancing cardiovascular health and mental resilience, martial arts offer numerous physical and mental benefits. If you want to promote martial arts to your community through your own fitness studio, consider investing in a martial arts studio management software like My Best Studio.

Improve Your Workout in 6 Easy Steps

You know you should be exercising more, but the idea of a workout can seem overwhelming. The best workout is the one that you actually do. The more you exercise, the more benefits you’ll see. But sometimes it can feel like a lot of work to get it all together.

Here are 5 easy steps that will help you improve your workout routine.

1. Make sure you have everything you need
Before starting your workout, pick a place where you’re comfortable and have everything you need in one place (a gym bag with clothes and shoes, water bottle, etc.)

2. Warm up by doing some stretches
Doing some light jogging before jumping into heavy lifting is a good way to warm up your body and ready it for an intense workout session

3. Don’t overdo it
If something doesn’t feel right, stop doing it! Recovering from injury can be painful but if it happens, you need to give your body time to heal.

4. Find an activity that you enjoy doing
Most people complain how hard it is to stick to a workout but it’s more likely that you’ll keep doing it if you enjoy it!

5. Take a break between sets of exercises
Taking breaks is actually necessary and beneficial. To get the most out of your workout you need to let your muscles recover and build up strength for the next set of exercises!

6. Workout in a positive, comfortable space
Make sure your workout space has good lighting, air circulation, and privacy (if possible). Scheduling a private class in a personal training studio is a good idea.

Finally, remember that if you want to get the most out of your workout, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. This will help you avoid skipping workouts later on in the day due to fatigue or busyness.

Are you a personal trainer or entrepreneur with a passion for helping people improve their workouts and reach their fitness potential ? Explore how My Best Studio’s fitness studio management software can help you better manage your studio operations so you can achieve your goal.

Last 10 Years Fitness Trends

As we move towards the end of 2019 we also move to the end of another decade. These 10 years have shown immense growth and diversity in the methods and techniques of different workouts and trends. This one is for the last 10 years that have got us here today.


Fitness boxing and specialty classes such as Zumba, Bollywood, Afro-Cuban, and ballroom dancing grew in popularity – encouraging more people to become involved in physical activity, but in a slightly different way. This period saw personal training to increase significantly in popularity (and continues to be up until this day). It was less for the rich and famous, and more for the everyday gym user, and as a result many gyms and fitness centres moved away from having ‘floor-based’ gym instructors to service their clients.


It was during this time that the age demographic of those involved in physical activity began to broaden quite dramatically, with a large focus on providing fitness programs for both older adults and children. With obesity at epidemic levels for both children and adults in Australia, more families were looking for programs to help them lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle.


trends like intermittent fasting, low carbohydrate and gluten-free diets became popular to follow (and continue to be up until this day). The first examples of successful wearable technology were also starting to hit the market at this time, giving people an insight into information about their health and fitness that was previously unobtainable.


With the functional fitness movement becoming increasingly popular, traditional gym equipment was still being used, but was now sharing space with innovative equipment such as kettlebells, battle ropes, suspension trainers and many other unique tools that could be used as a part of an exercise program. Primal, body-weight training, movement-based, whatever you want to call it, functional fitness was at the forefront during this time.


This period also introduced the world to a new type of ‘fitness centre’, one that was determined to capture the atmosphere of large group-training while incorporating high intensity strength and aerobic based exercises – all in short, pre-determined and repeatable workouts.


High Intensity Interval Training was trendy and there are lots of people seeing fabulous results in the fitness club and with home regimens using these high and low intensity moves. Strength Training remained a popular form of exercise workouts, especially among males interested in fitness and better health. More and more women continued to hit the fitness clubs for various strength training exercises as well, in the hopes of building or improving their strength.


Bodyweight training included the use of minimal equipment makes it a super convenient and affordable do-anywhere workout. And it’s not limited to just push-ups and pull-ups-put a fresh spin on bodyweight exercises with different routines.


Group Training.
Some things are just more fun in a group. Group exercise instructors teach, lead and motivate their students through classes designed for a specific intention. Experienced and educated group instructors help people of varying levels achieve their fitness goals. They use a combination of leadership, teaching and motivational skills to accomplish this. Group programs appeal to a wide demographic because of the variety of choices available, camaraderie and social aspects. Thus group training was immensely popular in 2017.


Wearable Technology
Activity trackers, smart watches, and heart rate monitors were as popular as ever in 2018 for people who—were into seeing their workouts by the numbers, wearable technology can give them interesting feedback about how you move. Many estimate your steps, sleep, standing time, calories burned, and time spent working out.


The ancient practice has been on the list for many years. ACSM notes that in 2019, yoga has taken on many forms, like “Power Yoga, Yogilates, yoga in hot environments,” and more. Now that we’ve seen goat yoga, who knows what other forms of yoga the future holds? Yoga became immensely popular with a 32% increase only in 2019. It is on of the hottest forms of workout right now and will continue to be for some time.

Things You Should Know Before You Start Working Out

Since summer has just started, everyone is in hurry to get back into shape to look impeccable this year. People usually join fitness, dance, yoga or pilates studios. But here are a few things you should know before you start working out.

1. Quitting has consequences
Once you start hitting the gym and working out, your body will change. It will get used to working out and getting a daily dose of exercise. Your weight and body shape is likely to change till your body gets used to the workouts that you do. And once you quit or even go for a vacation, your body will drastically change again, due to the lack of working out. This change is majorly weight gain but it is subjective to every individual.
So if you ever wish to take a break, then work out a schedule so you do not lose the body you have worked so hard for.

2. The scales fluctuate
The scales will fluctuate on a daily basis. One day you may wake up and be happy seeing that you weighed how you wish to be but on another day it may be completely different. This depends on your calorie intake, water retention, muscle gain, body stress, hormonal secretions and countless other activities that you do throughout that particular day.
So one thing you should do is not rely on the numbers on the scale every single day. It can de-motivate you and also give false hope. Keep working despite all that because practice is the key.

3. Diet is important
Honestly, this is one thing that may make or break you from reaching your goal body or weight. I cannot stress the importance of diet enough. You can exercise everyday for months and eat incorrectly, and there will be absolutely no change in the way you look. Whereas, you will see changes in mere weeks if you eat clean and healthy. Try to eat as many whole foods and possible and cut down on levels of sugar and oil intake in your body. Also drink 8-10 glasses of water everyday and watch your body transform.

4. Results take time
This is one thing that again, cannot be stressed enough. Results do take time and effort. You cannot expect abs to grow in a day and nor can you become thin in a day or two. Consistency is the key here. You need to workout as often as possible and change it up. Do not let your body get used to a single workout routine and challenge yourself. If you do t correctly you will not only see amazing results but also will feel good inside.

Lastly, do not stress yourself over small things and end up hurting yourself with juice cleanses or counting calories. It will take time and patience but if you are faithful, you will get what you want.

Reasons You Aren’t Losing Weight

Are you trying to lose weight but have been unsuccessful so far? Here are 5 reasons why it is happening and how to fix it.

1. Calories
Overeating and under-eating both have a huge effect on your body. If you are overeating, it means you are consuming more calories than you are burning in a day, so ultimately you are going to gain weight due to increase in body fat levels. To fix it make small changes in your routine. Do more exercise or eat less slowly.
If you are under-eating you are going to feel fatigued and not perform up to the mark. Under-eating forces your body into starvation mode and you are likely to get cravings. What you need is a balanced diet between healthy carbs, protein and fat. This will help to get your metabolism back up and will help to get your body back.

2. Exercise
Even after exercising if you aren’t getting the wanted results then either you aren’t pushing yourself enough or challenging your body enough. You need to switch up your routine so your body does not get use to your workouts or they will yield little to no result. So switch up between strength training and cardio.

3. Stress
Yes! Stress does really have a huge impact on our hormones. It can cause hormonal imbalance and have an effect on depression and anxiety which can also lead to weight gain. Make sure you are checking in with yourself to see how you feel because you don’t want your stress levels to get too high. The best thing to do is unwind at the end of the day and have some time for yourself.

4. Sleep
A good sleep is one of the most important factors of our physical and mental health. Sleep helps our body to relax after a tiring day and lack of sleep is one of the single biggest factors for obesity. Studies show that people who don’t get enough sleep have an 89% greater risk of obesity. It can affect your mood and appetite. So make sure you are aiming to get around 7-8 hours of sleep per night.

5. Water
Seriously, water is so important for the body. If you want to reduce your calorie intake make sure you have a glass of water before every single meal. By drinking more water you also increase the number of calories you burn throughout the day. So it is advised to drink about 8-10 glasses of water every single day.


Top Tricks To Get Back On Track

It is hard to get back on track after you have taken a break or fallen off the wagon. So I am going to make it easy for you today with these top 5 tips.

1. Set a goal
Now setting a goal is the best way for you to get back on track. If you don’t have a goal, you won’t have any motivation and you will eventually stop working out. Keep reminding yourself that you have a goal you want to achieve and why you started this journey.

2. Schedule your workouts
Every person has a different time they want to workout. Some like to do it first thing in the morning while some like to do it at the end of their day. Work out a schedule and stick to it so you can get back on track.

3. Accountability
Once you hold yourself accountable for your wokouts and exercise, you will learn to stay on track and realize to take care of your health. Actions produce results and if you are accountable for your workouts, you will make sure to stay on track. You will also have nobody to blame but you.

4. Cut the excuses
Yes, so many of you will have excuses of why you cannot work out or why you will stop working out. Talk to yourself and address the issues on why you keep making these excuses. Learn to ignore the excuses that pop up in your mind. Make time to workout because you are doing something good for your own self and once you start you won’t want to stop.

5. Find what works for you
Workouts are different for every individual as everyone likes different things. If you want to stay on track then stick to what you enjoy but at the same time don’t be afraid to switch it up to challenge your body.


Pilates Studio Software: Tips for Scheduling a Workout


Scheduling a Workout Around a Busy Lifestyle: Pilates Studio Software

Pilates studio software is a useful tool that we can use to facilitate scheduling our classes or booking appointments at our studios. However, it is also important that we find the time in our busy lives to treat our body to a nice, long workout. We live in a society where we are consistently occupied with various tasks. Moreover, sometimes healthy eating and a change of lifestyle is all we need to start focusing on our tasks. In addition, it is important for us to stay mentally and physically healthy to lead an active and well scheduled lifestyle.

Here are some tips on what you can do to organize your life and your workout schedule.

  • Create a Reasonable Schedule
    Put together a schedule that doesn’t pack too many activities in one day. Consider the time it takes you to drive to a destination, cook a meal, workout or relax. Write down what you could like to accomplish for the day. Making a mental note can sometimes get confusing and it’s better to build a routine that you can memorize during the week. Pack your work-out clothes in a gym bag and take them to work with you. Sometimes, going home straight after work drains your body and dissuades you from working out. However, if you go to the gym straight after work, think of all the time you’ll have to relax in the evening.
  • Keep Your Workout Gear Organized
    Prepare your gear the night before. Organize your workout gear and place it in your gym bag to make sure you’re not rushing in the morning. Furthermore, place your gym bag by your front door and grab it on your way out. It’s hard to find excuses when your prepared.
  • Prioritize You Daily Activities
    We get it. Sometimes it’s hard writing down what classes you need to take. The excuses are endless when it comes to working out. But we promise that if you get in the habit, you’ll live a happier and healthier lifestyle in no time. Straighten out your priorities. If you have a Pilates class coming up, remind yourself that your physical health is priority. Sometimes, it’s easy to be forgetful even if you write things down. Luckily, there is Pilates studio software you can take advantage of. For example, the My Best Studio app allows you to organize your Pilates classes and will prevent you from missing out on any classes!
  • Perfection is a Myth
    There’s no such thing as perfection. Therefore, it sometimes it rains and other times there is scorching hot temperatures. Even if you can’t go out for a run or don’t have transportation to get to your favorite Pilates classes, you can still work out at home. Working out is a way of life that will help you and make you happier in the long run.
  • Add Small Workouts To Your Daily Routine
    Sounds strange, right? Not really! Add stretches throughout the day. If you’ve been sitting on your desk, stand up and stretch your arms out or do some quick lunges. You don’t need to be in a Pilates studio to get those endorphins going.
  • You and You Health is a Priority
    Working out gives you a sense of satisfaction and makes you feel great about yourself. Therefore, it puts you at peace and you feel like you have achieved a great deal. Dedicate yourself to your workout schedule and follow it religiously.

Wrapping Up
Don’t wish for it, work for it. No doubt, reaching for your goals is tough and obstacles will always interfere but strength and determination will always succeed. Scheduling is tough, don’t be afraid to use pilates studio software to organize yourself and your activities. All things considered, your body will thank you for all your hard work.