5 Fun Facts About Zumba As A Form of Dance Fitness

Zumba is a high-intensity workout that mixes international dance moves like salsa, merengue and flamenco to create an exhilarating dance fitness experience. The Zumba dance workout is typically done in a group setting. It’s very much like going to a class at the gym; however, this is not your typical workout.
The practice has become popular all over the world, but do you know why? Here are 5 fun facts about Zumba as a form of dance fitness.

Fun Fact No. 1
You can burn between 500 and 1,000 calories with a single class. That’s the equivalent of jogging for about 30 minutes! The average woman can burn up to 800 calories in an hour of Zumba (and less for men).

Fun Fact No. 2
Zumba is an easy-to-follow, intense dance workout. There are no quick steps or complicated moves in Zumba.

Fun Fact No. 3
This form of dance fitness is a great way to boost your energy, lose weight, improve joint health and body awareness.

Fun Fact No. 4
Zumba is one of the most popular forms of exercise in the world today. This dance fitness has been incorporated into a number of TV shows, games and even movies.

Fun Fact No. 5
A fiery North Carolina dance teacher created the first Zumba class after watching her students practice salsa steps in Spanish-speaking countries. Nowadays there is an entire Zumba instructors network!

If you are looking for a fun way to stay fit and build up your strength, Zumba may be right for you. When you participate in Zumba and other forms of dance fitness, you might be surprised to learn that these activities are not just about having fun – although that is one part of why people do them. The other main reasons are for physical activity, burning calories and improving your overall health. Zumba exercise for belly fat control is widely known.

Do you have a dance fitness studio ? My Best Studio is a fitness studio management software used by dance fitness studio owners across the world. Know more.

A Guide To A Successful Gym Grand Opening

We’ve all been there: you’ve planned how to open a fitness studio and now you’re excited about the grand opening of your local gym. But you don’t know how to get the word out and make it the best event possible. Don’t worry—we’ve got you covered!

Secure a date and time for the grand opening of your gym or fitness studio
You’ll want to schedule it around peak hours so that as many people as possible can see it happen. Most people are looking for a fitness studio nearby, so they are likely to be interested in your new venture. If there are other businesses in your neighborhood that have grand openings at the same time, try to coordinate with them so that you don’t overlap too much.

Plan out how many people you want at the event
Consider how many fitness studio memberships or registrations you expect will sell during this time period and add 50% more than that number to account for those who may not be able to make it at first due to scheduling conflicts or travel plans (i.e., vacation). Then double that number again and set up enough space for all of them—you never know who might drop by unexpectedly!

Get early birds in the door
People tend to procrastinate when it comes to buying tickets for events and this is especially true with gym openings. Make sure that you have set up an online ticketing system so that people can purchase their tickets in advance and avoid any last-minute rush. You can also offer incentives like discounts or freebies if they buy early on.

Make sure all of your equipment is in perfect working order
Ensure you have a variety of machines available and enough space for each one (this will save you from overcrowding later down the road). Then, make sure that everything is clean and hygienic. As a fitness entrepreneur, you want to set a good first impression!

Have a great web presence
A website is essential for any business these days, but especially when it comes to fitness clubs. It’s important that people know about your gym before they even step foot inside so make sure that your website has all information they need about what you offer and how much it costs (and if possible, put it on social media too!). If someone knows what they’re getting into before they come in then there will be no surprises!

Start advertising
Look into any local newspapers or magazines with circulation numbers in the thousands or tens of thousands; if possible, contact their advertising departments directly. Add a ‘Gym opening’ banner or poster wherever you can.

Now that you have your grand gym opening in place, make sure that you run a successful business. Specialized fitness studio management software like the one offered by My Best Studio are a great way to get started.

5 Ways to Get a Rock-Solid Core

If you’ve been searching ‘how to strengthen core back muscles’ or ‘how to strengthen core for beginners’ we can help! Want a rock solid core? Here are three core exercises you can do at home or in the gym to help you get there:

1) Plank
This is the ultimate exercise for your core and can be done anywhere. To do a plank, get into a push up position with your hands on the floor under your shoulders, then extend your legs behind you so that only your toes and forearms are touching the floor. Hold this position for as long as possible without arching your back, bending at the waist or hips, or resting on anything else for support.

An alternative of this is the Side Plank. To do this, lie on one side with your legs straight and feet stacked on top of each other, toes pointing toward 10 o’clock (if you’re lying on your right side). Place one hand on the floor next to your body with the elbow bent at 90 degrees and forearm parallel to the ground. Lift yourself off the floor until you’re supporting yourself on one forearm, while keeping both feet flexed so that they don’t touch the ground, resting just above it instead. Hold this position for as long as possible without sagging or swaying—then switch sides!

2) Medicine ball slam
Medicine balls are great for building strong core muscles, because they force you to stabilize yourself while throwing them up in the air and catching them again. The medicine ball slam is one of the easiest ways to do this—simply stand with feet shoulder-width apart and hold a medicine ball above your head with both hands. Then throw it up into the air as high as possible while squatting down into a deep lunge position before catching it again over your head when it comes back down again (try not to let it hit the floor!). Repeat 8-10 times per set.

3) Crunches
Many people want to know how to get a strong core fast. Crunches are another great way to work out your abs because they target all four parts of this muscle group (upper abs, lower abs, obliques). To do them correctly, lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor (or use an exercise ball if you want more resistance). Make sure that arms are crossed over chest or behind head.

4) Deadlifts
Deadlifts are a great way to build up your core strength and build your confidence in the gym. It’s a simple exercise that can be done anywhere with just a barbell, so it’s perfect for beginners! You should start with light weights until you get the hang of it, and then gradually increase the weight as you get stronger. This will help you maintain good form throughout the movement.

5) Russian Twists
Russian twists are one of the best core strengthening exercises – it’s a great way to strengthen and tone both sides of your core at once. Lie down on the floor with knees bent and feet flat on the ground about shoulder-width apart. Lift yourself up onto your shoulders and hold this position for as long as possible before lowering back down again. If this position feels uncomfortable or painful, try placing a pillow under your lower back for support or lie down on an exercise ball instead of directly on the floor while performing Russian twists as well—this will help take some pressure off your lower back while still allowing you to engage muscles throughout.

Your core is one of the most important parts of your body, and it’s essential to your health and well-being.

Are you a personal trainer of fitness business owner committed to helping people achieve their fitness goals. Discover how a fitness studio software like My Best Studio can help you improve your fitness offering as well as enhance your ROI.

Personal Trainers Unveil Their Favorite Clean Eating Recipes

It’s no secret that the best way to stay healthy and fit is to eat clean. But what does it mean to “eat clean”? If the question “how to eat clean and healthy on a budget” is on your mind, read on.

We asked some of the best personal trainers in the business for their favorite clean eating recipes. Here’s what they had to say. Here they share some of their clean eating recipes for beginners.

One personal trainer said, “I always make sure my clients are eating plenty of protein, so I love this recipe for chicken breasts with quinoa and spinach. It’s simple, easy, and really tasty.”

Another said “”I get bored easily when it comes to cooking, so this is one of my go-to dishes for when I’m short on time: grilled chicken breast with steamed vegetables and brown rice.”

Lasagna is always delicious, but the clean eating recipe takes it up a notch by using lean ground beef in place of sausage and cheese sauce made from skim milk instead of heavy cream. The result is an incredibly flavorful meal that won’t leave you feeling weighed down after eating it!

Clean eating recipes like carrot cake are perfect for springtime or for celebrations. It’s made from whole wheat flour, which gives it a hearty texture, but it’s also topped with a light vanilla glaze that will satisfy your sweet cravings.

Yet another personal trainer added “My favorite clean eating recipe is my homemade chocolate banana smoothie. It helps me get enough protein in my diet while still being yummy!”

Clean eating is all about making sure you’re getting all of the nutrients you need without filling up on junk. It’s not about counting calories or cutting out certain foods—it’s about making sure your diet is balanced and nutritious. Personal trainers know this because they spend their days helping clients reach their health goals, and they get to see firsthand how diet impacts their body composition and energy levels.

“I love my lentil soup recipe because it’s so healthy, filling, and delicious!””, said a first time personal trainer.

If you’re looking for a way to stay healthy without sacrificing flavor, look no further than clean eating recipes. Clean eating is all about finding foods that are natural, simple, and whole—which means no processed ingredients or additives. It also means avoiding genetically modified organisms (GMOs), which are found in most processed foods.

Personal trainers with their own fitness studios are using My Best Studio’s fitness studio management software to manage their business operations. Check it out here.

The Ultimate Guide to Scheduling Workouts

It’s time to get fit! You’ve been thinking about it, maybe you’ve even tried to do it before and just didn’t feel like you were getting results. But this time is different—you’re going all in. You’re ready to take control of your body and put yourself first, because you know how important it is to be healthy and happy.

But here’s the thing: if you know how to make a workout plan for yourself, it’ll never happen. And what good is a plan if you don’t stick with it? The benefits of scheduling a workout are immense.  So let’s make sure your workout schedule doesn’t fall by the wayside this time around by creating a workout schedule for beginners that actually works for you. Here’s how:

Make it a priority:
You wouldn’t leave your bills unpaid or go without eating or drinking for days on end, so why would you do that with your workouts? Schedule them in like any other important appointment—even if it’s just a quick walk around the block and back before work, or a 10-minute stretch break at lunchtime—and don’t let yourself cancel unless there’s an emergency. Keep in mind that your needs are unique and that a workout schedule for men and women would typically be different.

Pick your favorite type of workout(s):
Yoga? Boxing? Running? Once you learn how to make a workout plan for weight loss or muscle gains, write it down in your planner or calendar app as something that needs to happen at least once per week. Then add any other types of workouts (strength training, martial arts classes) that sound fun or interesting to you! And remember, this is just an outline—you can do whatever feels right for YOU!

Figure out how long each workout should be:
If this is new for you, another of the popular workout routine tips is to try starting with something short and simple like walking or jogging for 30 minutes at an easy pace. That way, if something comes up or if something doesn’t go according to plan (or if life gets in the way), it won’t feel like a huge setback when it comes to getting back into your routine later on down the road.

Figure out your goals:
Know your workout plan goals. Then break them down into smaller steps. For example, if your goal is to run 5 miles every day, start by running 2 miles on Mondays and Thursdays for two weeks straight. Then add an extra mile every week until you reach 5 miles each day!

Don’t forget about rest days:
You’ll need them so that your body can recover from the hard work of training and grow stronger from it too!

Make sure you have all your equipment:
If you’re training at a fitness studio, this will be taken care of. Make sure the equipment is well sanitized and set to default settings before you begin. If there’s anything else you need (water bottle, towel, sweat band), have that within easy reach as well.

If you are a fitness business owner and want to keep track of bookings and schedules, explore My Best Studio’s fitness management software.

5 Important Data Points You Can Track With A Fitness Management Software

One way is to use a fitness management software like My Best Studio. With My Best Studio, you can track all of the important data points you need in order for your business to run smoothly.

Membership Recruitment
Make sure your gym is growing with this key metric. A fitness club software tracks how many new memberships were added over the past week/month/year, as well as how many memberships were canceled in that same period of time. This helps you make sure you’re getting enough new memberships—and keeping them!

Member Retention
This tells you how long a member has been with the gym and whether or not they’re likely to stick around for another year or more. If someone’s been with your gym for less than 6 months and has already canceled their membership once (or twice), then there might be something going on that requires intervention from management before they leave for good! A fitness studio management software helps you retain your important members.

Member Engagement
This one’s all about tracking which members are using their membership regularly (which means they’re getting results!) versus those who show up every once in a while, but never really get anything done

Payment information
Review your income statements, manage payouts of all the employees on your payroll, and define terms that work for your business. You can also send payment reminders and auto charge payments for memberships.

Employee Management
Define access rights with the right staff and employee access controls, manage payments with flexible instructor payment modules and check instructor availability whenever you choose.

These are just a few of the benefits of a fitness center software. To know more click here.

How to Make Your Strength Training More Effective

One of the most important parts of a good workout is knowing how to make your strength training more effective. Strength training offers multiple health benefits and is a key part of any workout for overall health and wellness. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of a new workout program, or even just a new gym, but it’s important to know how to improve workout performance. Remember that it’s all for naught if you’re not doing something that works for you.

Whether you’re just starting out or are looking for ways to improve your current routine, here are some tips to have the most efficient workout and make your strength training more effective:

Adjusting your reps
You can start by increasing the weight and decreasing the number of reps. This will help build muscle and burn fat, as well as increase your strength.

You should also increase the number of sets you do each day and add more exercises to your routine. This will increase your muscle mass, which helps you burn more calories throughout the day.

Targeting various muscle groups
You can also use a variety of exercises that work different muscle groups, such as chest presses or squats. These kinds of exercises will help you build lean muscle without getting bulky or heavy looking.

Do compound lifts
Instead of isolation exercises like bicep curls, opt for compound lifts such as squats or dead lifts. Compound lifts work more muscles at once, which means they’ll help you build more muscle faster than isolation moves. And they’ll help you burn more fat too!

Choose the right amount of weight for your fitness level.
If a weight feels too heavy for you, it’s probably too heavy—and that’s okay! You don’t have to lift every dumbbell on the rack if it feels like too much for you at this point in time. That would just be overdoing it. If you’re just getting started and want to be cautious about weights, resistance training is one of the most effective things you can do.

Don’t forget to stretch
While static stretching is best saved for after a workout (it helps relax muscles while they’re still warm), dynamic stretching should be done before every session—it’ll increase blood flow throughout the body and help prevent injury during exercise by keeping muscles limber.

Track your progress
Whether it’s with a journal or an app on your phone, writing down what exercises you did each day will help keep track of your fitness level and how you’re performing and progressing. It will also act as a visible indicator of the health benefits of working out.

The right fitness studio can make all the difference. If you are a fitness studio owner looking to deliver better value to your customers, explore a fitness studio management software like My Best Studio. Know more.

Best Martial Arts for Self Defense

Martial arts are an excellent way to learn self-defense. The training is extremely rigorous, and the discipline it teaches will help you in your daily life as well as in a fight. Plus, the best martial arts for self-defense provide a great workout! If you’ve been wondering, “what is the most effective martial arts for self defense” read on for some answers.

The types of martial arts for self-defense include:

This Israeli martial art is one of the best forms of self-defense martial arts today. KravMaga focuses on practical techniques that can be used by anyone regardless of size or strength. It’s also easy to learn and doesn’t require special equipment or uniforms like some other martial arts do.

Judo translates into “gentle way,” but don’t let its name fool you—this martial art can be very physically demanding if you practice it correctly! Judo involves throws, pins, joint locks and chokes (called strangulation), which can all be used against an attacker when they’re done correctly in order to incapacitate them quickly without causing any permanent damage.

Brazilian JiuJitsu (BJJ):
Unlike other forms of martial arts like judo where opponents stand upright while grappling each other with their hands or legs through various throws and take downs until one person wins by pinning their opponent down.

Aikido was developed by Morihei Ueshiba in Japan in the early 20th century as a martial art that uses minimal force (or no force) to defeat attackers. Aikido emphasizes movement over strength and helps practitioners develop balance and flexibility while learning how to defend themselves without hurting their opponents. That’s why this is considered one of the most practical martial arts for self defense.

Karate is a Japanese martial art that focuses on striking and blocking techniques. It is also known as one of the most effective forms of self-defense because it teaches you how to use your body weight and momentum in order to take down an attacker. Karate can be practiced by anyone of any age or level of physical fitness, making it an ideal choice for someone looking for a martial art that will work their body instead of just their mind.

Tae Kwon Do:
Tae Kwon Do is another Japanese martial art that focuses on kicking techniques and jumping kicks (as opposed to punches). This makes it an excellent choice for people who prefer not getting into hand-to-hand combat situations as much as possible, but still want some form of self-defense training on hand in case things get out of hand. It’s also great if you have kids who want to learn some basic self-defense moves they can use at school or while playing outside with friends!

Mixed Martial Arts (MMA):
This is a combination of several different forms of martial arts including Brazilian JiuJitsu (BJJ), Muay Thai kickboxing, wrestling, judo and others. Because it has elements from so many different styles, MMA is effective at defending against multiple attackers at once.

Can you use martial arts for self defense? Of course you can and you should. Protecting yourself should always be your first priority.

Are you a Martial Arts business entrepreneur? Explore how investing in a Martial Arts Studio Software can streamline your studio operations and help you optimize your revenue.

Pro tip for martial arts instructors and business owners:
Use a fitness management software to improve your martial arts studio operations and supercharge your growth. Know more.

Why You Aren’t Seeing Conversions from Your Fitness Website

We’ve all heard the statistic that 80% of small businesses don’t have a website and are missing out on a ton of potential customers. And yet, so many businesses that do have websites aren’t maximizing their potential.

Your site can be your company’s greatest asset—or its biggest liability. If you’re not careful, your site could be making some very avoidable mistakes. Here are some common mistakes that could explain why you are seeing low conversions from your fitness website.

Mistake #1: Forgetting about mobile users
Mobile traffic has surpassed desktop traffic for many websites, so you need to make sure that your website displays properly on both desktop and mobile devices (and tablets). This means your fitness website design should be responsive – meaning it adjusts its layout depending on which device is being used to view it. If your website is not responsive, any customer landing on your website will get quickly frustrated with the user experience and leave your site without performing an action.

Mistake #2: Not including relevant call-to-actions
When people visit your website, they don’t have time to read long paragraphs of text or watch an entire video before they decide whether they’re going to stay or go. Your call-to-action (CTA) should be clear and concise, and it should be placed prominently on every page of your fitness web design—not hidden at the bottom of the page where no one will see it!

Mistake #3: Bad grammar, poor writing or insufficient information
There’s nothing worse than seeing typos on a website that’s supposed to be selling a professional service! It makes the company look unprofessional and sloppy, which can turn customers off from doing business with them in the future if they think this is how their products or services are delivered as well. Additionally, if your fitness studio website design fails to deliver the most important and relevant information needed for consumers to make a decision, you will likely lose out on a potential customer as well.

Mistake #4: Missing contact information or address details
The best fitness website designs have their contact information up, front and center. If a customer is interested in your service but has no one to talk to, to convey his interest or find out specific details, he will go elsewhere. There is a lot of competition and simple mistakes like this can really cost you. Any service without a physical address could also look suspicious, so make sure the address of your fitness studio is clearly visible to potential customers.

How To Start a Personal Training Business

Starting a personal training business can be incredibly rewarding. You get to help people live happier, healthier lives, and that’s something really special. Personal training studios are a lucrative business idea as well. Here’s a step by step guide on how to set up and start a personal training business.

Hire the best trainers
The best trainers are those who can connect with their clients on a personal level, and understand their needs and goals as well as how to help them achieve them. They need to be able to understand how the clients body works and be able to formulate workouts that make sense while still challenging the client.

Make sure you have enough equipment
When your personal training studio is well-managed with fully functional and the latest equipment in a welcoming space, you are likely to not just attract clients but keep them coming back for more.

Stay up-to-date on the latest studies & research
A personal trainer certification is not enough. Knowing about how different types of exercise affect our bodies and staying up to date with the latest research can help you make sure your clients are getting the most out of their workouts!

Set up attractive workout plans & referral programs
Once you learn how to set up a personal training business and have a loyal client base, use them to attract more customers to your studio. Focusing on keeping your clientele happy is worth the effort because each of them become spokespersons (free word of mouth) for your studio. You can consider incentivizing clients for each new customer they bring in as well.

Communicate clearly& regularly with clients
Whether via email or SMS, let your clients know about the latest events, new classes, or merchandise being sold at your studio. Use digital communications to up sell services to your clients. Regular communication also ensures your client knows exactly what’s expected of them before starting a new workout routine or diet plan. This is especially true if your clients are newbies or have never worked out before. They may not know what they need or want from their workout sessions yet, so it’s up to you to guide them through those first few sessions.

Check in with clients
If your client is having trouble following through with their exercise program or has chronic pain issues that may need medical attention, it’s up to you to make sure it is addressed with expediency.

Use a fitness software to manage your personal training studio functions
A personal training software like My Best Studio can help you manage class scheduling and booking, track payments, record client details and more. A personal training management software allows you to spend more time on your clients, doing what you do best, and less time on administrative issues.