Why My Best Studio is better than others

My Best Studio is a software development company that creates management softwares for different studios like dance, pilates, crossfit, yoga, pole fitness and many more. There may be other such companies in the market who supply similar services, but My Best Studio is set apart from them. Let’s find out how.

1. Motive
The main motive of My Best Studio is the clients happiness. It aims to provide softwares which are up to the client’s expectations. They value quality over quantity. While other companies, the motive is to get more clients.

2. Features they offer
My Best Studio offers a wide variety of features to their clients. You can choose from a large number of already made designs for your studio or even create your own!
For anyone investing in our services, they are provided with a free personalized app! Other companies usually charge extra fee on top of the existing one but not My Best Studio. The app comes with tons of amazing features that are custom made only for the particular client.
Other than this, many of the other features include easy online booking, client management, a free branded app, a responsive and SEO friendly website which helps in social media marketing and email marketing! This is way beyond what other companies even offer.

3. Price
One of the main factors to investing in softwares is price. And My Best Studio provides it’s services for only $55 per month and guarantees no increase in price later in the future. This fee includes an embedded class schedule into your website, free personalized app, custom studio management software, help centre, 24/7 customer service and much more! Other companies charge more and offer less.

So we can conclude that My Best Studio is one of the most client friendly and pocket friendly company that will give you great results!

What to look for in a management software?

A studio management software, by definition is an application or set
of programs that help studio support, improve, and automate their
processes. Such software assist in eliminating errors,
completing studio tasks, reporting activities and increases overall
efficiency and effectiveness.
An ideal studio management software is one which is designed to
help streamline the complexity of large projects and tasks as well as
facilitate team collaboration and project reporting. In other words, it
should make the work of the studio owner easier and increase
business. Here are some things to look for in a studio management

1. Flexibility
There are tons of management softwares in the market but to
find the right one for you is a task. A management software
should be flexible enough to satisfy all your needs. It should be
bendable to benefit you and your business.

2. Customization
Not all management softwares offer this, but it can make work
very easy for you. Having a software made solely for your
studio is a privilege because it is highly beneficial. It makes you
exclusive and saves time for you. Every studio is different and
thus you need what’s best for you!

3. Price
This is a very big factor in every software. Most of them have a
very high retail price which makes it difficult for the studio
owner to invest in it. Find a company that offers a reasonable

price which suits you. Companies also have a tendency to
increase prices over the years so look out for that!

4. Efficiency
After investing money in the software, it should prove to be
helpful and efficient. Nobody wants to put their money in the
wrong place! Try to find companies that either give free demo’s
or free returns. It will take off stress and make you feel

5. Comfort
You should be comfortable using the software. If you are not
used to using high end softwares than take a test run or go for
something easier. There is no point of getting a software if it
makes your work a problem rather than a relief.

One of the best softwares in the markets are the ones by My
Best Studio. They not only are fit for every pocket but also
provide free demo’s. They personalize the software to fit every
need of the consumer to make them feel best. Check them out!

8 Types Of Yoga Explained

Originated in ancient India around 5th and 6th century BCE, Yoga is a group of physical, mental and spiritual practices or disciplines which largely consist of postures called Asanas. Yoga has a huge past which divides it into many different types. With all these options it is not easy to find out which one is best for you. So here is a quick guide explaining 8 different types of yoga, so you can pick what’s best for you.

1. Hatha yoga
Hatha yoga was mainly developed in the 20th century, focusing particularly on asanas (the physical postures), and also became popular throughout the world as a form of physical exercise. This modern form of yoga is now widely known simply as “yoga”.
This is not only the most common form of yoga but also the most sought after one. Multiple people practice it throughout the world which has only made it more popular.

2. Vinyasa yoga
It essentially means movement synchronized with breath and is a vigorous style based on a rapid flow through sun salutations. This is the second most sought after form of yoga. It mainly consists of asanas like Hatha yoga. But the difference is that here, the movement of the asanas are paired with breath.

3. Ashtanga yoga
Ashtanga yoga is a system of yoga transmitted to the modern world by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois (1915-2009). This method of yoga involves synchronizing the breath with a progressive series of postures—a process producing intense internal heat and a profuse, purifying sweat that detoxifies muscles and organs. The result is improved circulation, a light and strong body, and a calm mind.

4. Iyegar yoga
This form of yoga is great for those who want to work on injuries and joint problems. It focuses on correct alignment of the body and very precise moves. These postures are held while holding your breath and the duration of each pose increases with expertise. This practice great improves stability, mobility , strength and flexibility.

5. Bikram yoga
Created by yoga guru Bikram Choudhury, the key feature of this practice is to do a set of poses in a room heated to 41 degrees centigrade and 40 percent humidity. The heat makes you sweat excessively thereby getting your body rid of toxins while the postures work every part of your body and bring oxygenated blood to all your internal organs. This form of yoga maybe very intense but it is known to give results.

6. Yin yoga
This form of yoga is very slow paced. You need to hold the asanas or postures from 40 seconds to 2 minutes. This is for people who are not intent on doing hardcore yoga. It relaxes your body and mind and stretches your muscles and tissues to make you more flexible.

7. Restorative yoga
As the name suggest, restorative yoga is for people who have a stressful job or are overthinkers. This type of yoga helps to refresh and rejuvenate the person and uplift their mood. If you are struggling with insomnia, anxiety, stress-related illnesses, then you should definitely try restorative yoga. This practice helps you tap your parasympathetic nervous system so that you can truly relax your mind and body deeply.

8. Kripalu yoga
This form of yoga focuses less on the asanas and more on self reflection, pranayama, meditation and relaxation. It aims to distress the mind and body for better health and self awareness. Not as rigid as the other practices, this one requires you to modify poses according to your body’s needs.

Different types of yoga can be learnt at different studios. My Best Studio is an Los Angeles based company which provides management softwares for yoga studios to make your job easier. Sign up now!



Business Development With A Management Software

Every business needs resources to grow and become better. Business development can be taken to mean any activity by either a small or large organization, non-profit or for-profit enterprise which serves the purpose of ‘developing’ the business in some way.
With the development of technology in today’s world, it has become easy to reach out to your target audience to develop your business. The different softwares available in the market have made it easy to manage and expand your business.

What does a development software ideally do?
A development software should usually make your work easy and efficient. It should be easily accessible to the public and should also answer an of their questions without them having to put extra effort. With all of that in mind, it should also correctly promote your business in a way that new customers are attracted to it. And lastly, it should carry your theme throughout the entire website.
A management software gives an overview of the business activity & people associated with it.It helps in promoting your business in less expensive manner as compared to traditional media. It is accessible 24/7 and increases availability to the widest possible audience.
Custom software plays a key part in your organization’s growth and efficiency. Business operations can be complex and every organization has different needs and issues. The numerous advantages of custom software development include integration, personalization, and cost effectiveness.

How can we help?
At My Best Studio we offer custom management softwares for your studio. We offer communities like yoga, pilates, dance, martial arts, fitness, personal training and much more. Our services include a personalized mobile app, over 50 different types of analyzed reports, unlimited user log ins, and much more. Our management software will develop your business by sending more traffic towards your studio. You will see your studio thrive with us. Sign up now!


How Management Softwares Can Save Your Time

People say technology has come a long way, which indeed it has. The calculations that once took up ample of time now merely take seconds and save time. Similarly, studio management softwares will not only save time for you but also increase productivity. After all, time is money!

Why should you get one?
With the increasing amount of paperwork and calculations for every small thing in today’s world, time is fleeting. Everybody runs to save time and make the most of it. That is where we come in. My Best Studio does the work for you. Once we step in, you step out and make time to do all your other work.

How do we help?
My Best Studio starts where others left off. Our studio management software helps you control everything that happens in your studio. Designed to be simple and intuitive, it manages teachers, students, staff, class scheduling, sales of products and services, and online booking with payments. We will not only do work for you but also make it easier and accessible at a simple click!

Our cloud based management system works through any device. It’s all for one low monthly payment, the same for any size studio! Sign up for a Free demo. The power of our software speaks for itself.


The Benefits Of Website Development

In today’s hectic world, not every person has time to leisurely check out every gym or fitness studio in town. This is when people turn to the internet. With so much data to access at your fingertips, the internet is a spectacular platform to promote and grow your business. But as to do so, you also need to have an eye catching website for your studio. And not only that, but also it should develop and change as per the requirement of the consumers.

It is not an easy task to create a personalized website for your studio. To do so you must have a lot of experience handling the computer and its languages. And since that is not very common, studio owners usually outsource other companies to do it for them at a nominal fee.

How to develop your website?

To develop your website you need to have a list of core points to be maintained throughout. It should be easily accessible to the public and should also answer an of their questions without them having to put extra effort. With all of that in mind, it should also correctly promote your business in a way that new customers are attracted to it. And lastly, it should carry your theme throughout the entire website.

What are the benefits of website development?

• It gives an overview of the business activity & people associated with it.

• Lower Maintenance Needs

• It helps in promoting your business in less expensive manner as compared to traditional media.

• More Mobile Traffic towards your business.

• It is accessible 24/7 and increases availability to the widest possible audience.

• Faster Mobile Development at Lower Costs.

How can we help?

At My Best Studio we offer custom management softwares for your studio. We offer communities like yoga, pilates, dance, martial arts, fitness, personal training and much more. Our services include a personalized mobile app, over 50 different types of analyzed reports, unlimited user log ins, and much for. Sign up now!

Easy Pointers To Grow Your Pilates Studio

One of the most popular forms of exercise these days is pilates. And with the increasing competition in pilates studios, being on top of the ladder is crucial. You need to work harder and constantly strive for more and in order to stand out, extensive knowledge and skill is not enough. Even after all that, everyone is bound to make a mistake or crack under pressure. Small mishaps can cost you even the biggest of clients and instead of helping you grow your business, it will only deteriorate your progress.
So here are a few easy pointers that will help you grow your pilates studio

1. Consistency is key
Being consistent is a very important task as the owner of a pilates studio. Make a list of things to get done every week that benefit your business and stick to it. If you keep on reverting for the smallest details yourself, people will notice your effort and take you seriously.

2. Give regular clients attention
Your regular clients should be given attention so that they keep coming back and stay loyal. Don’t lose these clients in order to get new ones or in the end you will not be left with any. Give out offers and discounts once in a while or on special occasions. After all, everyone loves a good discount!

3. Upgrade, upgrade and upgrade.
After every few months, find a way to upgrade your studio. It does not mean to get your entire studio renovated, but even the smallest things don’t go un-noticed by people. Even if it is just a new music system or sign outside it will make a difference. Customers will notice that you are bringing in more capital to the business.

4. Easy access
It is not possible for you to go around giving customer support to every client. And one of the best ways to grow your studio is to establish a reliable connection between the both of you. You can do that with a pilates studio management software like My Best Studio. Not only will you get an easily accessible customized app but also many other management and organizational functions like customized schedules, client efficiency, analyzed reports and unlimited staff log in options that will grow both your pilates studio and increase your customers.

From LA to New York, ‘My Best Studio’ will make managing and booking pilates classes a piece of cake. This pilates studio software offers many things from a personalized app, 50 different types of analyzed reports, easy client management and even unlimited staff access. With customer friendly services, effortless studio management and a guaranteed increase in sales, your pilates studio will thrive with us. So what are you waiting for? Sign up now!


Ways To Improve Your Dance Studio

For any new and upcoming dance studio, getting customers and long term clients is not easy. It takes years of build up and hard work. But if you want the work to be efficient, then here are a few methods to improve your studio.

1. Location
The location of your studio is of utter importance. Choose a place where there is no competition around and where there is no other studio. This way people will come to your studio at their convenience.

2. Trends
Do your research of current trends and operate your studio accordingly. You might have to change a certain way but it will only benefit you. People are attracted to latest trends and want to be a part of it so they will come to your studio.

3. Music
Dance and music go hand in hand and the better the music, the more fun the dance. Work on upcoming music which your clients enjoy. This will give them a sense of confidence and due to the increase in familiarity of pace, they will only want to come back.

4. Easy access
Provide your customers easy access to the studios schedules and timings so they can attend at their convenience. The My Best Studio app which comes for free with our studio management software will help you to do so.

5. Organize
Keep your dance studio organized and keep every detail in order. As mentioned previously, our dance studio management software, will help you to do so. We provide facilities like a free app, unlimited employee login, schedules, easy customer access, over 50 different types of progress reports and much more.


Ways To Give Your Studio A Boost

Every new studio struggles a bit to get a good start up. This is the most crucial time for the development of a studio and using key tricks of the trade is how you shall expand you studio and increase your business.

1. Offers and discounts
Everybody loves a discount or offer on new things. Give holiday discounts to new customers or give away free vouchers. The people who use them, will instantly fall in love with your studio and come back for more.

2. Promotions
Don’t be afraid to promote your studio on social media or via text. In today’s world, digital marketing is a huge platform so take advantage of it and it will help you reach countless more people.

3. Get an upgrade
Get your studio an upgrade by getting a good management software like we have at My Best Studio. Our studio management software will get your studio organized and make your work easy. It will give you access to every little detail at one click.

4. Easy access
With our studio management software you will get enough time to focus on your job. With a personalized app, a website, over 50 types of analyzed reports, unlimited staff access, schedules and much more your customers will have an easy access to your studio.

How to Create a More Attractive Dance Website

Your dance studio website should be created in such a way that it helps you accumulate a large number of visitors and convert them into customers. If you own a dance studio, your website needs to reflect your dance expertise and convince your visitors to become your customers.

Read on for some tips on how to generate more traffic to your website.

Things to Include on Your Website

  1. Interesting and Meaningful Content

    Your website should have helpful content that your visitors will find interesting. Your website should be easy to navigate and important information should be easy to locate. Make sure you update your website content regularly. Be it your blog or web pages, it should be relevant to industry trends.

  2. Details are Important!

    Your users might notice something as trivial as the copyright year in the footer of the website. Having a copyright with the year 2015 in the footer would not leave a good impression with your readers who are visiting the site in 2018.
    Also, your pricing structure and schedule of classes should be easily located on your website. This reduces the chances that they might choose your competitors over you.

  3. Come Up with a Marketing Strategy

    Dance studio owners should consider a video content marketing strategy for their dance studio website as it is the top website trend today. This will help your website visitors would get a better idea about your services and training that you offer through your videos.

  4. Client Testimonials

    Brands can showcase their amazing services on their website as much as they want, but client testimonials work the best as we tend to trust people who have availed the services rather than the CEO of that company. Ask for feedback from your customers and add those reviews on your website for greater impact. Showcase your awards and accolades too, as that would instill trust in your visitors.

How to Optimize Your Website for Search Engines? 

  1. What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

    SEO is the most important aspect to consider if you want to have a successful dance website. Google has strict rules for websites and if you fail to abide by them, your website will get lost in the World Wide Web. If your content is not on par with the standards set by Google, none of your marketing efforts will be able to help you increase business.
    Include internal links and outbound links to reputed sources, as well as relevant page titles and descriptions with keywords. This will increase the likelihood of your website ranking high on search engines.

Build Your Brand Visibility 

Whether it is your website or your social media platforms, be consistently visible on them. Follow your branding guidelines so that your customers can relate to your brand each and every time. Your logo, font style and color theme should all be in sync with your brand guidelines.

Wrapping Up

My Best Studio can help you with all your dance studio website needs and ensure you experience great business growth as well. Our experts are knowledgeable on the latest web development trends and can create impressive websites at a reasonable cost.