Finding the right kind of workout for you

Any bodily activity that enhances and maintains physical fitness is considered a work out. People work out to get in their desired shape or even as a hobby. There are multiple different kinds of ways in which one can give off some sweat, but if you can’t find the right one, you won’t enjoy it. Here is a list ways to know which work out is best for you.

1. Pen down your goals
The kind of work out that will be best for you will depend on what you’re looking to get out of it. Do you want to get in shape? Or do you want to let out some steam? Or do you want something that will help you relax? Ask yourself what you want. This will make it easier to narrow it down for you.

2. Do your research
Once you know what you want, you need to do some homework on it. Find out what you are attracted to the most. These work outs should help you achieve your goals and still be fun! Trying different things will give you an insight on how it will be.

3. Fix a routine
Once you know what work out you want to go for, set a routine. It may be weights, yoga, pilates or even dance, but consistency is key! If you don’t give enough time to this, you will not be able to ever enjoy it.

Check out My Best Studio for an insight to get any kind of studio organized. Their management softwares help any size and any kind studio.

What To Look For In A Personal Trainer

A personal trainer is one who has any knowledge or credibility in the fitness field. They help clients by setting goals according to their needs and providing feedback and assessments. Personal trainers are hired to get undivided attention related to health and fitness purposes. You may want one too, and you’ll be dedicating a lot of money and time to your trainer so there are a few things you should look for in a personal trainer so you can get amazing results!

1. Experience and certification
Ask your personal trainer about his experience before hiring him. Find out about his previous clients and how they benefited with the help of the trainer. Also, check for certification, because there are too many frauds out in the market that may be a waste of money and a hazard to your health.

2. Personality
Personality can make or break a person’s opinion in your head. Meet up with your trainer in advance and check if you are comfortable with him. If you think you need someone to push you, than look for the firmness and surety in their personality. They should be motivating and should be able to get results out of you.

3. Availability and flexibility
Your trainer should be available on the same day and timings that you are. You may be able to adjust once or twice but it cannot happen all the time. You should be comfortable with them and they should have flexible hours so you don’t have to stress in case you need to cancel during emergencies.

4. Comfort
You should be comfortable with your trainer. You should be able to tell them where you are facing problems and what you would like to improve so you both can work on it together. Without the comfort factor, there can be a lot of awkwardness between the both of you which may not be able to get you the results you are working so hard for. Be open and honest with them and see the difference.

5. Effective and progress
Take a trial turn with your trainer and find out how you feel. Did they push you? Did they change up your routine? Do you feel at least a little sore? And most important, do you feel like you want another session with them? These questions will give you more answers than you can think. Your trainer should be able to say that, with their help, you have progressed and that’s when you will know that they are the right one.

Just make sure that you are comfortable with your personal trainer and they can get you your desired results. Check out My Best Studio for studio management softwares for personal training.

8 Types Of Yoga Explained

Originated in ancient India around 5th and 6th century BCE, Yoga is a group of physical, mental and spiritual practices or disciplines which largely consist of postures called Asanas. Yoga has a huge past which divides it into many different types. With all these options it is not easy to find out which one is best for you. So here is a quick guide explaining 8 different types of yoga, so you can pick what’s best for you.

1. Hatha yoga
Hatha yoga was mainly developed in the 20th century, focusing particularly on asanas (the physical postures), and also became popular throughout the world as a form of physical exercise. This modern form of yoga is now widely known simply as “yoga”.
This is not only the most common form of yoga but also the most sought after one. Multiple people practice it throughout the world which has only made it more popular.

2. Vinyasa yoga
It essentially means movement synchronized with breath and is a vigorous style based on a rapid flow through sun salutations. This is the second most sought after form of yoga. It mainly consists of asanas like Hatha yoga. But the difference is that here, the movement of the asanas are paired with breath.

3. Ashtanga yoga
Ashtanga yoga is a system of yoga transmitted to the modern world by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois (1915-2009). This method of yoga involves synchronizing the breath with a progressive series of postures—a process producing intense internal heat and a profuse, purifying sweat that detoxifies muscles and organs. The result is improved circulation, a light and strong body, and a calm mind.

4. Iyegar yoga
This form of yoga is great for those who want to work on injuries and joint problems. It focuses on correct alignment of the body and very precise moves. These postures are held while holding your breath and the duration of each pose increases with expertise. This practice great improves stability, mobility , strength and flexibility.

5. Bikram yoga
Created by yoga guru Bikram Choudhury, the key feature of this practice is to do a set of poses in a room heated to 41 degrees centigrade and 40 percent humidity. The heat makes you sweat excessively thereby getting your body rid of toxins while the postures work every part of your body and bring oxygenated blood to all your internal organs. This form of yoga maybe very intense but it is known to give results.

6. Yin yoga
This form of yoga is very slow paced. You need to hold the asanas or postures from 40 seconds to 2 minutes. This is for people who are not intent on doing hardcore yoga. It relaxes your body and mind and stretches your muscles and tissues to make you more flexible.

7. Restorative yoga
As the name suggest, restorative yoga is for people who have a stressful job or are overthinkers. This type of yoga helps to refresh and rejuvenate the person and uplift their mood. If you are struggling with insomnia, anxiety, stress-related illnesses, then you should definitely try restorative yoga. This practice helps you tap your parasympathetic nervous system so that you can truly relax your mind and body deeply.

8. Kripalu yoga
This form of yoga focuses less on the asanas and more on self reflection, pranayama, meditation and relaxation. It aims to distress the mind and body for better health and self awareness. Not as rigid as the other practices, this one requires you to modify poses according to your body’s needs.

Different types of yoga can be learnt at different studios. My Best Studio is an Los Angeles based company which provides management softwares for yoga studios to make your job easier. Sign up now!



Business Development With A Management Software

Every business needs resources to grow and become better. Business development can be taken to mean any activity by either a small or large organization, non-profit or for-profit enterprise which serves the purpose of ‘developing’ the business in some way.
With the development of technology in today’s world, it has become easy to reach out to your target audience to develop your business. The different softwares available in the market have made it easy to manage and expand your business.

What does a development software ideally do?
A development software should usually make your work easy and efficient. It should be easily accessible to the public and should also answer an of their questions without them having to put extra effort. With all of that in mind, it should also correctly promote your business in a way that new customers are attracted to it. And lastly, it should carry your theme throughout the entire website.
A management software gives an overview of the business activity & people associated with it.It helps in promoting your business in less expensive manner as compared to traditional media. It is accessible 24/7 and increases availability to the widest possible audience.
Custom software plays a key part in your organization’s growth and efficiency. Business operations can be complex and every organization has different needs and issues. The numerous advantages of custom software development include integration, personalization, and cost effectiveness.

How can we help?
At My Best Studio we offer custom management softwares for your studio. We offer communities like yoga, pilates, dance, martial arts, fitness, personal training and much more. Our services include a personalized mobile app, over 50 different types of analyzed reports, unlimited user log ins, and much more. Our management software will develop your business by sending more traffic towards your studio. You will see your studio thrive with us. Sign up now!


How Management Softwares Can Save Your Time

People say technology has come a long way, which indeed it has. The calculations that once took up ample of time now merely take seconds and save time. Similarly, studio management softwares will not only save time for you but also increase productivity. After all, time is money!

Why should you get one?
With the increasing amount of paperwork and calculations for every small thing in today’s world, time is fleeting. Everybody runs to save time and make the most of it. That is where we come in. My Best Studio does the work for you. Once we step in, you step out and make time to do all your other work.

How do we help?
My Best Studio starts where others left off. Our studio management software helps you control everything that happens in your studio. Designed to be simple and intuitive, it manages teachers, students, staff, class scheduling, sales of products and services, and online booking with payments. We will not only do work for you but also make it easier and accessible at a simple click!

Our cloud based management system works through any device. It’s all for one low monthly payment, the same for any size studio! Sign up for a Free demo. The power of our software speaks for itself.


The Benefits Of Website Development

In today’s hectic world, not every person has time to leisurely check out every gym or fitness studio in town. This is when people turn to the internet. With so much data to access at your fingertips, the internet is a spectacular platform to promote and grow your business. But as to do so, you also need to have an eye catching website for your studio. And not only that, but also it should develop and change as per the requirement of the consumers.

It is not an easy task to create a personalized website for your studio. To do so you must have a lot of experience handling the computer and its languages. And since that is not very common, studio owners usually outsource other companies to do it for them at a nominal fee.

How to develop your website?

To develop your website you need to have a list of core points to be maintained throughout. It should be easily accessible to the public and should also answer an of their questions without them having to put extra effort. With all of that in mind, it should also correctly promote your business in a way that new customers are attracted to it. And lastly, it should carry your theme throughout the entire website.

What are the benefits of website development?

• It gives an overview of the business activity & people associated with it.

• Lower Maintenance Needs

• It helps in promoting your business in less expensive manner as compared to traditional media.

• More Mobile Traffic towards your business.

• It is accessible 24/7 and increases availability to the widest possible audience.

• Faster Mobile Development at Lower Costs.

How can we help?

At My Best Studio we offer custom management softwares for your studio. We offer communities like yoga, pilates, dance, martial arts, fitness, personal training and much more. Our services include a personalized mobile app, over 50 different types of analyzed reports, unlimited user log ins, and much for. Sign up now!

Easy Pointers To Grow Your Pilates Studio

One of the most popular forms of exercise these days is pilates. And with the increasing competition in pilates studios, being on top of the ladder is crucial. You need to work harder and constantly strive for more and in order to stand out, extensive knowledge and skill is not enough. Even after all that, everyone is bound to make a mistake or crack under pressure. Small mishaps can cost you even the biggest of clients and instead of helping you grow your business, it will only deteriorate your progress.
So here are a few easy pointers that will help you grow your pilates studio

1. Consistency is key
Being consistent is a very important task as the owner of a pilates studio. Make a list of things to get done every week that benefit your business and stick to it. If you keep on reverting for the smallest details yourself, people will notice your effort and take you seriously.

2. Give regular clients attention
Your regular clients should be given attention so that they keep coming back and stay loyal. Don’t lose these clients in order to get new ones or in the end you will not be left with any. Give out offers and discounts once in a while or on special occasions. After all, everyone loves a good discount!

3. Upgrade, upgrade and upgrade.
After every few months, find a way to upgrade your studio. It does not mean to get your entire studio renovated, but even the smallest things don’t go un-noticed by people. Even if it is just a new music system or sign outside it will make a difference. Customers will notice that you are bringing in more capital to the business.

4. Easy access
It is not possible for you to go around giving customer support to every client. And one of the best ways to grow your studio is to establish a reliable connection between the both of you. You can do that with a pilates studio management software like My Best Studio. Not only will you get an easily accessible customized app but also many other management and organizational functions like customized schedules, client efficiency, analyzed reports and unlimited staff log in options that will grow both your pilates studio and increase your customers.

From LA to New York, ‘My Best Studio’ will make managing and booking pilates classes a piece of cake. This pilates studio software offers many things from a personalized app, 50 different types of analyzed reports, easy client management and even unlimited staff access. With customer friendly services, effortless studio management and a guaranteed increase in sales, your pilates studio will thrive with us. So what are you waiting for? Sign up now!


5 Signs You Really Need Dance Studio Software

Managing a dance studio is no easy all the time. Along with managing clients, you have many other things to take care of. And the enthusiasm you had while staring the studio seems to fade away. Many of your friends might have told you that it would be intense. However, you were certain you had enough going for you to monitor it. Perhaps you are juggling things well, or possibly you are beginning to feel like you are in a tight spot. To give you a more precise idea, here are five signs that you really need dance studio software:

Communication with your clients
In between taking dance classes, managing finances, and making new strategies for your dance studio, somehow constant communication with your clients has become very difficult. Even with so many social media available nowadays, it seems very confusing to check each and every social media for communicating with your clients. If your business has become a hustle of smooth communication and quick engagement with clients seems next to impossible for you, then it is a sure sign that you need a dance studio software.

Inconvenience Maintaining Students
 You have had some entirely amazing footfall to a great extent, yet you can’t make sense of where every one of your understudies is going or why they aren’t proceeding to pursue more classes. In all honesty, more often than not, understudies don’t enlist because the procedure isn’t helpful enough. Take that sign and get the help of a dance studio software.

Tracking finance
On the off chance that your funds aren’t appropriately composed, you are simply requesting inconvenience. Dance studio software helps you with this by checking your income. At the end of the day, it monitors the development of cash coming in and leaving your business. The inflow of your business will generally originate from anything you provide or buy, yet you can possibly check these exchanges when you really get the money. Surges are, for the most part, charges and some other fundamental costs.

Time management
Managing time for yourself and your studio is almost impossible, and you end up with compromising your own time. If this is your situation than trust us with dance studio software, you can not only manage your personal time, but you can actually save some time for yourself. 

Having a problem in tracking your progress
Tracking your progress and having a record of all your past strategies along with a report is one of the most important things to grow a business. If you are having difficulties managing all the reports, strategies plus tracking your progress, then it is the right time that you start taking some workload off your shoulders and give it to a dance studio software. It can not only keep track of your progress, but it can help you make new strategies by analyzing your previous ones. 

If you have all these signs and can relate to all these problems than it is high time that you introduce your business with a dance studio software, my best studio is one best software provider where you can find some fantastic dance studio software with implacable functionalities. You can get the remedy to all these signs and can happily concentrate on dancing your problems away.

Yoga Marketing Ideas – Attract More Members to Your Studio

The yoga market keeps on being one of the quickest developing ventures on the planet. While experienced yogis will say that you need to keep the clam, but when it comes to marketing your yoga studio, there is no maintaining calm. The competition is so high nowadays that you need to have a vigorous marketing plan packed up with some pretty amazing marketing ideas. New yoga studios keep springing up all over, and you might consider how you can you bring your business into the spotlight and advance your yoga studio to have more clients. Here are some of the most effective Yoga Marketing ideas to attract more members to your studio and stand out in the competition:

Offer customized classes
One of the best ways to attract more members to your yoga studio is to offer customized yoga classes for your members. With so many people leading an active life, it is hard to manage a particular time for all the members. So, if you provide them customized yoga classes according to their convenient time and day, the chances of getting more clients will, for sure increase. Plus there are very fewer studios that provide customized classes.

Have the social media ball rolling
Social media is nowadays is undoubtedly the best platform for marketing. And a person missing out on social media is missing out one of the best strategies in marketing. Make your social media presence, post on a daily basis, talk to new members over social media, persuade them, and influence many through your social media posts.

Easy to understand advertising
The advertisement should be appealing, not intimidating. Make your posters easy to understand, creative, and attractive. Illustrate yoga positions that are easy to achieve, include the best five benefits that yoga can provide and highlight how you can make a difference.

Never forget the existing audience
In the process of approaching a new audience, people neglect the existing audience they have in their hand and who are at the verge of converting into your client. Focus some of your marketing strategies to push them over the edge and turning them into your clients.

Yoga Website design and Internet marketing
Surprisingly what people don’t understand that in this digital age, one of the best ways to reach and persuade people is through a digital platform. Having a stunning yoga website design that is appealing, fast, and interactive will help your users to understand and connect with you in a better way. To reach the maximum audience with your website is through internet marketing. A yoga website with stunning design and super marketing over the internet can be easy to find and connect with.

Plus having a Yoga Studio Software by My Best Studio in handy can save you lots of efforts. My Best Studio offers you some of the best yoga studio software that can give you an overview of your strategies plus can give you progress report to understand the effectiveness of your existing marketing plans and upgrading them accordingly.

How Fitness Studio Software Will Save Your Time

No matter where you live, what lifestyle you follow, or what kind of food you eat, fitness and health is something no one can get over with. And with the fast life, we lead nowadays fitness studios are the only savior we have got in our lives! Although running a fitness studio seems easy, but it isn’t. Be it a yoga studio, martial arts, dance studio, or any other fitness studio, managing the classes, appointments, schedules plus keeping a track on the growth of the business is pretty tough. It becomes quite challenging to manage time all by yourself, even if you have helpers around you, leaving everything up-to them is never an option.

How can Fitness Studio Software save your time?

With competition in the fitness world growing so rapidly and people taking efforts to stand in the market with the best experience they provide their clients, it is crucial to be different from the others. To stand out among the rest, one thing that will make a difference is time. If you have got enough time to provide to your clients and to take care of your strategies at the same time, you will be a pro in no time.

And to have that time in your hand you need a Fitness Studio Software. Not only they provide you with a better way to interact with your clients, but they also save you the time you can actually use to build better strategies and to focus on your core business. With Fitness studio software giving you access to some fantastic features like scheduling appointments, classes, online booking and customized mobile application, the only time you need to spend is on supervising.

These Fitness Studio Softwares are super easy to manage and needs no expert skills. All you need to have is a stunning Fitness studio software. They also help you with customer support and client management. Managing your clients and providing them with a support system that allows them to connect with you in a better way is the key to a successful business. And you cannot go around providing customer support to each and every client. Having a Fitness Studio Software helps you in taking care of your client management and customer support and saves you an immense amount of time which can be used to focus on the crucial problems that need your attention.

My Best Studio provides one of the best fitness studio software. They not only give you customized options for your studio but are also affordable. You can get free staff access, reports, and analytics to overview your growth and many more. This fitness studio software will certainly make your life easy and save you a hell lot of time.