Top Reasons To Invest In A Fitness Studio Management Software

If you are a fitness studio owner, then the secret to keeping your business afloat and at the same time remaining competitive is not in burying yourself in paperwork. You need to find ways to save time and increase productivity so that you can focus on the core business. Software automation can be an efficient way of saving both time and money. Here are the top reasons to invest in a fitness studio management software.

Automation of processes:
A fitness studio software automates the most repetitive and often time-consuming tasks like billing, attendance tracking and more.A fitness class booking software like the one offered by My Best Studio can manage your schedule and bookings with ease.

Staff management:
With the right specialized fitness software, you can improve the efficiency of your workforce with a better management of instructors’ time.

Member database:
A fitness studio software makes it easy for you to keep track of all your studio members with a simple database, allowing you to access and edit all member details quickly and efficiently, in one place.

Configurations and Customizations:
If you zero in on a good fitness studio management software, it will allow you to customize configurations as per the requirements of your business. So you have control over the operations of your business in the way you want to run it.

Powerful reporting:
Fitness software helps you store client data, but it goes beyond that.  It also helps you generate a wide variety of reports.

Easy integration:
Fitness studio software can integrate into your brand website, and it typically comes with the requisite 24×7 technical support to address all your grievances and concerns.

One thing to remember, however, is that many fitness studio management software service providers hide some of their important features behind a paywall. This forces you to pay additionally anytime you need access to them and can work out to be expensive. So,its important to do your homework and choose a fitness software provider with an all-inclusive rate. My Best Studio is one of the most popular choices for fitness studio owners around the globe. At a flat, fixed rate of $55 per month, it takes care of all your business needs from a single interface and even offers two complementary apps at no extra charge. Check it out here.

Dance as a form of fitness

Dance is defined as an act of performing arts where humans execute specified sequenced movements. Different countries and cultures have different dance forms. 9,000-year-old paintings in India at the Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka, and Egyptian tomb paintings depicting dancing figures, dating as old as 3300 BC depict the history of dance.

But today, thousands of people around the world are incorporating dance in their daily life as a form of fitness. This is because dance has several health benefits and is enjoyable to do. Dance has several health benefits like:-

  1. Improving the condition of the heart and lungs
  2. Increased muscular strength
  3. Endurance and motor fitness
  4. Increased aerobic fitness
  5. Increased muscle tone and strength
  6. Weight management
  7. Stronger bones
  8. Reduced risk of osteoporosis
  9. Better coordination
  10. Agility and flexibility

These benefits are only to name a few. Dance has several other benefits as well, making it a very popular form of fitness.

But every coin has two sides. With a list of benefits, there is also a list of disadvantages that come with dance. Namely breaking of bones and tearing of tissues due to dance accidents, injuries to hips and toes (particularly in ballet), repetitive strain injury due to overdoing, stress fractures, tendon injuries, sprains, and strains.

Despite all the negative effects, dance is at an increasing demand as a form of fitness. In 2019, there were over 100,000 dance studios only in the United States. Even as of now the number is increasing.

One of the most popular dance forms for fitness is Zumba. Zumba is an exercise fitness program created by Colombian dancer and choreographer Alberto “Beto” Pérez during the 1990s. In this dance form, people usually take an hour-long class and follow the Zumba instructor.

Zumba choreography is composed using all or some of the sixteen core steps. There are four basic rhythms: salsa, merengue, reggaeton, and cumbia, and each basic rhythm has four core steps. It is total body cardio and aerobic workout where people burn about 900kcal in one session.

Thus, this was dance as a form of fitness with benefits.

Why My Best Studio is better than others

My Best Studio is a software development company that creates management softwares for different studios like dance, pilates, crossfit, yoga, pole fitness and many more. There may be other such companies in the market who supply similar services, but My Best Studio is set apart from them. Let’s find out how.

1. Motive
The main motive of My Best Studio is the clients happiness. It aims to provide softwares which are up to the client’s expectations. They value quality over quantity. While other companies, the motive is to get more clients.

2. Features they offer
My Best Studio offers a wide variety of features to their clients. You can choose from a large number of already made designs for your studio or even create your own!
For anyone investing in our services, they are provided with a free personalized app! Other companies usually charge extra fee on top of the existing one but not My Best Studio. The app comes with tons of amazing features that are custom made only for the particular client.
Other than this, many of the other features include easy online booking, client management, a free branded app, a responsive and SEO friendly website which helps in social media marketing and email marketing! This is way beyond what other companies even offer.

3. Price
One of the main factors to investing in softwares is price. And My Best Studio provides it’s services for only $55 per month and guarantees no increase in price later in the future. This fee includes an embedded class schedule into your website, free personalized app, custom studio management software, help centre, 24/7 customer service and much more! Other companies charge more and offer less.

So we can conclude that My Best Studio is one of the most client friendly and pocket friendly company that will give you great results!

What to look for in a management software?

A studio management software, by definition is an application or set
of programs that help studio support, improve, and automate their
processes. Such software assist in eliminating errors,
completing studio tasks, reporting activities and increases overall
efficiency and effectiveness.
An ideal studio management software is one which is designed to
help streamline the complexity of large projects and tasks as well as
facilitate team collaboration and project reporting. In other words, it
should make the work of the studio owner easier and increase
business. Here are some things to look for in a studio management

1. Flexibility
There are tons of management softwares in the market but to
find the right one for you is a task. A management software
should be flexible enough to satisfy all your needs. It should be
bendable to benefit you and your business.

2. Customization
Not all management softwares offer this, but it can make work
very easy for you. Having a software made solely for your
studio is a privilege because it is highly beneficial. It makes you
exclusive and saves time for you. Every studio is different and
thus you need what’s best for you!

3. Price
This is a very big factor in every software. Most of them have a
very high retail price which makes it difficult for the studio
owner to invest in it. Find a company that offers a reasonable

price which suits you. Companies also have a tendency to
increase prices over the years so look out for that!

4. Efficiency
After investing money in the software, it should prove to be
helpful and efficient. Nobody wants to put their money in the
wrong place! Try to find companies that either give free demo’s
or free returns. It will take off stress and make you feel

5. Comfort
You should be comfortable using the software. If you are not
used to using high end softwares than take a test run or go for
something easier. There is no point of getting a software if it
makes your work a problem rather than a relief.

One of the best softwares in the markets are the ones by My
Best Studio. They not only are fit for every pocket but also
provide free demo’s. They personalize the software to fit every
need of the consumer to make them feel best. Check them out!

Business Development With A Management Software

Every business needs resources to grow and become better. Business development can be taken to mean any activity by either a small or large organization, non-profit or for-profit enterprise which serves the purpose of ‘developing’ the business in some way.
With the development of technology in today’s world, it has become easy to reach out to your target audience to develop your business. The different softwares available in the market have made it easy to manage and expand your business.

What does a development software ideally do?
A development software should usually make your work easy and efficient. It should be easily accessible to the public and should also answer an of their questions without them having to put extra effort. With all of that in mind, it should also correctly promote your business in a way that new customers are attracted to it. And lastly, it should carry your theme throughout the entire website.
A management software gives an overview of the business activity & people associated with it.It helps in promoting your business in less expensive manner as compared to traditional media. It is accessible 24/7 and increases availability to the widest possible audience.
Custom software plays a key part in your organization’s growth and efficiency. Business operations can be complex and every organization has different needs and issues. The numerous advantages of custom software development include integration, personalization, and cost effectiveness.

How can we help?
At My Best Studio we offer custom management softwares for your studio. We offer communities like yoga, pilates, dance, martial arts, fitness, personal training and much more. Our services include a personalized mobile app, over 50 different types of analyzed reports, unlimited user log ins, and much more. Our management software will develop your business by sending more traffic towards your studio. You will see your studio thrive with us. Sign up now!


The Benefits Of Website Development

In today’s hectic world, not every person has time to leisurely check out every gym or fitness studio in town. This is when people turn to the internet. With so much data to access at your fingertips, the internet is a spectacular platform to promote and grow your business. But as to do so, you also need to have an eye catching website for your studio. And not only that, but also it should develop and change as per the requirement of the consumers.

It is not an easy task to create a personalized website for your studio. To do so you must have a lot of experience handling the computer and its languages. And since that is not very common, studio owners usually outsource other companies to do it for them at a nominal fee.

How to develop your website?

To develop your website you need to have a list of core points to be maintained throughout. It should be easily accessible to the public and should also answer an of their questions without them having to put extra effort. With all of that in mind, it should also correctly promote your business in a way that new customers are attracted to it. And lastly, it should carry your theme throughout the entire website.

What are the benefits of website development?

• It gives an overview of the business activity & people associated with it.

• Lower Maintenance Needs

• It helps in promoting your business in less expensive manner as compared to traditional media.

• More Mobile Traffic towards your business.

• It is accessible 24/7 and increases availability to the widest possible audience.

• Faster Mobile Development at Lower Costs.

How can we help?

At My Best Studio we offer custom management softwares for your studio. We offer communities like yoga, pilates, dance, martial arts, fitness, personal training and much more. Our services include a personalized mobile app, over 50 different types of analyzed reports, unlimited user log ins, and much for. Sign up now!

Best Fitness Software – Things You Should Know to Succeed

Best Fitness Software

Do you wish to build a larger customer base for your fitness studio but are unable to do so? Do you face challenges in managing time for your current customers and consequently end up losing a larger part of your potential revenue? Are you not able to introduce customer referral programs because of these same reasons?

It is true that with the consistent growth of your customer base, your business becomes more and more unmanageable. But it is equally true that changing your business management processes can ease you of the daunting operations.

Having said that, we are sharing some of the signs that makes it clear that you need a business management software.

Business Growth Can be Intimidating

Businesses cannot solely be managed by simple things like pens, paper, and Microsoft Excel. Moreover, these manual processes will not be able to cater to your needs of managing the businesses. You will have to automate and streamline the processes with the help of a software that can get synced with your business objectives.

If you fail to properly use and execute your current fitness software, you may end up losing your business revenue or won’t be able to measure its growth. My Best Studio can make these tasks a walk in the park for you.

Booking Is Challenging

If your front desk operations are giving you nightmares with booking, you need a business management software that has the following functions:

  • Self sign-in functionality for guests
  • Mobile booking
  • Automatic waitlisting
  • Push notifications
  • Easy renewal for memberships
  • Booking scheduler

This will save you a lot of time and labor.

Don’t Waste Time Following Up on Payments

It is a very stressful thing to keep asking for payments. However, your business management software will ensure that your members pay on time through their individual membership profile created on your fitness studio App.

Communication With the Members Is Exhausting

Imagine you have 50 members and emailing is your primary form of communication. Sometimes members do not open up emails. Updates about a classroom could be sent and your students may not receive it. Of course, that would be a difficult situation for both the parties.

Your app allows you to stay connected with your studio members 24/7. Through push notifications, you can send out messages and promotions to your members. It will help you build a better rapport with the members and bring more customers to you.

You Have No Idea How Many Members You Have

To be a successful businessman, you always need to have a clear idea about the following:

  • Number of members
  • Average sign-ups per month
  • Average number of people canceling a membership
  • Class Attendance
  • Number of Trainers

If you don’t have these details, it is time to have a business management software to store this all information in one place for easy access.

Wrapping Up

Be fully aware about where your business is heading, as well as its performance with My Best Studio Business Management Software. Furthermore, whether it is sales, payments, or attendances, get everything at your fingertips, it’s just a click away!

How much should you pay for Studio Management Software?

If you are an owner of a fitness studio, then you are probably also a fitness fanatic at heart. Nothing is better than turning your passion into your profession. However, it can get become extremely daunting when you have to execute all the admin duties such as: registering for classes, marketing, and invoicing.

For everyone who is unmotivated and stressed out by these concerns, My Best Studio studio management software has your back!

Who Are We?

My Best Studio works on the principle of helping fitness studios grow their business through competent web solutions that are simple to use. An ideal software should give you the liberty to handle your business from a central system regardless of where you are or what device you are on.

It is common to be skeptical before paying for a premium service online. Purchasing studio management software is no exception. You may have several questions on your mind if someone suggests that you should buy studio management software. The main concern here is credibility and pricing.

You should make sure that the company you choose is trustworthy enough to invest in. Be wary of getting scammed in the name of ‘easy-to-use’ studio management software. Read through customer reviews and testimonials that they have. You can possible even join a new customer success program or switching support program. Finally, it is essential that the studio management software you choose is mobile friendly.

Amazing Value

Now comes the most important point… PRICING!

How do you determine how much you should pay for the software?

There are certain companies that charge based on the number of users that sign up on your software. If you have a small-scale fitness business, it would not be a major problem in the beginning. But once your business starts expanding, it can lead to exorbitant costs that may exceed your budget.

Also, you probably want to add more customers and build individual profiles for every trainer in your software. Before purchasing the studio management software, consider all these points and check the software provider’s usage policy too. Work out all the costs according to your budget and business plan.

My Best Studio offers you management software at $55 per month. This flat monthly rate will not increase for any reason and it is not subject to change after you sign up. We also offer free support and 24/7 customer services without any hidden charges.

In addition, you can request a free trial with a personalized demo where our experts will walk you through the software in depth and get you started with the services on a trial basis.

That gives you a chance to understand how the software will work and determine whether it matches your requirements. We believe in a long term relationship with our clients, while offering the best deal out there.

If you are looking for a studio management software at a reasonable rate for your Yoga, Pilates, fitness, dance, or martial arts studio, My Best Studio can be the perfect fit for you regardless of the size of your studio!

Studio Management Software at an Incredibly Low Price

Is it getting really daunting for you to manage your yoga or fitness studio all by yourself without any technological intervention? My Best Studio has something that can make your task easier and in a cost effective manner, with NO hidden charges.


What’s Studio Management Software All About?

It is basically a cloud computing software that can automate all the processes involved in your yoga and fitness studio. All you need is a stable internet connection and a business account that can allow you to access the complete software setup from wherever you are. It keeps you assured about managing your customers and employees, and you can focus on expanding your business.

It can be effortlessly integrated with your website without any need to update it manually. You don’t need to invest any additional time to do so and all the data that you put up on the website gets automatically added in the software offered by My Best Studio.

Who Can Benefit From It?

Whether you own a small or large fitness studio, gym, or club, studio management software can easily manage all the activities.

You can even avail its benefits if you are a yoga teacher, martial arts trainer or a dance studio owner.

It makes your studio all the more professional, which ultimately helps you expand your student base.

Why Should You Get It?

Studio management software has some awesome advantages in the field of Yoga, fitness, martial arts, dance, etc. Here’s why this software has the upper hand:

1. The software helps you expand your fitness studio. As all your processes become automated, it becomes very easy for you to concentrate on acquiring new customers and strategizing on retaining them.

2. It is user friendly and gives you the scope to outperform your competitors and companies from the same industry. It contains additional exclusive features that will go a long way in boosting your business and driving greater revenue. Ultimately, you will stay ahead in the competition.

3. It is a cakewalk to manage your members. The software allows you to create the exercise classes and reach out to the members through emails and text messages. Their body mass, exercise schedule, and other relevant information can be securely stored in the software.

4. You can easily maintain the personal information of the members and their payment records. You can track the payments by clients, thereby eliminating the possibility of missing a payment. Receipts are also generated through the system and you can send it across to your clients every month. It nullifies all the hassles related to finances and collection of fees.

5. Attendance of your employees and their salary structure can also be stored in the studio management software. As a result, it makes the job of human resource department much easier.

6. Studio Management Software seamlessly operates everything for you, which means that you can communicate well with the fitness studio members instead of managing paperwork. It also reduces the overhead costs as you need to employ less number of staff members.

Doesn’t it sound like a troubleshooter for all your problems related to manual processes?

Get in touch with us now and get the best studio management software at the most reasonable price from My Best Studio.

Posted by: Katherine Birgen | May 25, 2017