How We Built An Industry-Leading Fitness Studio Management Software

Fitness studios have witnessed a surge in popularity, leading to the need for advanced fitness studio management software. In this article, we share how we built My Best Studio’s industry-leading fitness studio management software that effectively streamlines operations, enhances customer experience, and boosts business growth.

Identifying Business Needs

Before developing our fitness studio management software, we conducted thorough research and identified the specific needs of the industry. We sought to understand the challenges faced by fitness studios, such as membership management or class scheduling, and financial tracking. Identifying these pain points helped our developers to create a software solution that precisely addresses the concerns of fitness studio owners and their staff.

Robust Feature Set

To build an industry-leading fitness studio management software, it is essential to include a comprehensive set of features. We ensured that My Best Studio has essential features for  membership management, class scheduling, staff management, billing and invoicing, reporting and analytics, and marketing automation. We also took care to offer flexible customization options to cater to the unique needs of individual fitness studios.

Seamless User Experience

An exceptional user experience plays a vital role in the success of any software. Any fitness studio management software should feature an intuitive interface that is easy to navigate for both studio owners and their clients. Towards this goal, we created two mobile apps that allow for easy class booking, payment processing transactions, and more ensuring a seamless experience for fitness studio owners and customers.

Security and Data Protection

Data security and protection are paramount in software development. Fitness studios handle sensitive customer information, including payment details and. Incorporating robust security measures, such as encryption and secure data storage, is essential to safeguarding client information. We built our software to ensure the privacy rights of customers are respected and added settings so that studio owners have control over who can access different kinds of information on the software.

In a rapidly evolving fitness industry, building an industry-leading fitness studio management software requires a holistic approach. By understanding the specific needs of fitness studios, providing a seamless user experience, and offering a robust feature set, we created a software solution that empowers fitness studio owners to operate efficiently and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

A Custom App for your Fitness and Yoga Clients

In today’s technologically advanced world, it is essential for businesses to adapt to new trends and tools to enhance their client experience. For fitness and yoga studios, offering a custom mobile app can be a game changer. This app offers a range of features that enable clients to maintain smooth interactions with the studio and perform multiple functions at the tap of a button. That’s exactly what My Best Studio’s custom client app offers.

Simplified Booking Process

One of the key features of the custom app is the ability for clients to easily book classes, workshops, or appointments. With just a few taps, clients can secure their spot in a desired session without the hassle of making a phone call or visiting the studio in person. This not only saves time for clients but also streamlines the booking process for the studio, eliminating scheduling conflicts.

Personalization of Client Profiles

The custom app allows clients to modify their personal information through the ‘My Profile’ feature. Clients can update their contact details, preferences, and even provide feedback directly through the app. This level of personalization not only enhances the client experience but also helps the studio in catering to individual needs and preferences.

Access to Class History and Upcoming Sessions

Clients can conveniently view their past and upcoming classes, workshops, and appointments through the app. This feature keeps them informed about their fitness journey and helps them plan their schedule accordingly. Additionally, clients can have access to class descriptions, instructor profiles, and any necessary preparation instructions associated with each session.

Single and Multiple Appointment Bookings

The app offers clients the flexibility to book both single and multiple appointments. Whether they prefer to attend a single session or sign up for multiple classes in advance, the app provides a seamless process for scheduling their fitness and yoga routines. This ensures that clients can effortlessly plan their sessions, maintaining their commitment to their health and wellness goals.

Membership and Product Purchases

Another significant feature of the custom app is the option for clients to purchase memberships and retail products. Whether it’s a monthly membership, a class package, or wellness products, the app provides a convenient platform for clients to make purchases anytime, anywhere. This feature not only generates additional revenue for the studio but also offers clients a hassle-free shopping experience.

Payment History Tracking

The app tracks the payment history of clients, enabling them to keep a record of their past transactions. This feature not only allows clients to stay updated with their financial commitment but also helps the studio maintain transparent communication with their clients. A custom mobile app for fitness and yoga clients serves as a valuable tool to enhance the client experience. With features such as simplified bookings, access to class history and upcoming sessions, single and multiple appointment bookings, membership and product purchases, and payment history tracking, the app ensures that clients can easily navigate their fitness journey. By offering this custom app, fitness and yoga studios can improve client satisfaction, streamline operations, and stand out in a competitive market.

How To Make A Great First Impression At Your Trial Fitness Class

Attending a trial fitness class is an exciting opportunity to explore a new exercise regimen and potentially find a workout routine that suits your needs. Making a positive first impression can help you feel more comfortable and confident in this new environment. Here are some tips to ensure you make the most of your trial fitness class experience.

Arrive Early

Punctuality is key to making a great first impression. Arriving early allows you to familiarize yourself with the surroundings, settle in, and mentally prepare for the class. It also gives you the chance to introduce yourself to the instructor, who can provide guidance and answer any questions you may have. Being punctual demonstrates respect for others’ time and shows your commitment to the class.

Dress Appropriately

Wearing appropriate workout attire not only ensures comfort but also reflects your dedication and readiness to participate. Opt for clothes that allow freedom of movement and are suitable for the type of exercise involved. Choose comfortable, supportive footwear that is appropriate for the specific workout environment. Dressing appropriately shows your preparedness and sends a message that you are taking the class seriously.

Be Open and Friendly

Approach the trial fitness class with a positive and friendly attitude. Smile, introduce yourself to fellow participants, and engage in light conversation before the class begins. This helps create a welcoming atmosphere and may lead to potential workout buddies. Remember, everyone is there for a common goal: to improve their fitness. Embrace the opportunity to meet new people and build connections within the fitness community.

Listen and Follow Instructions

Once the class starts, be attentive and listen carefully to the instructor’s instructions. Show respect by following directions promptly and correctly. Avoid distractions and focus on your form and technique. Demonstrating attentiveness shows your commitment and eagerness to learn. If you are unsure about any instructions or exercises, don’t hesitate to ask for clarification. This will help you get the most out of the class and prevent any potential injuries. By arriving early, dressing appropriately, being friendly, and actively engaging in the class, you can make a great first impression at your trial fitness class. Enjoy the experience and embrace the opportunity for personal growth. Offering a trial fitness class is a great way to attract more students into your fitness program. To manage your fitness studio more efficiently learn how My Best Studio’s fitness studio management software can help.

It’s Good To Sweat When Working Out. Here’s Why!

It’s good to sweat when you’re working out. But, why is it good? And, how do you make sure your workout is giving you all the benefits it’s supposed to, and that you’re not being led astray by misinformed workout gurus? Let’s answer these questions by first dissecting what a workout should be doing for you.

You want to get the most out of your workout, but you’re worried about sweating too much. Well, you can stop worrying. Sweating during a workout is actually good for you! Here’s why:

1. It helps keep your body cool and functioning normally: Sweating is a natural way for our bodies to cool down when we’re hot or stressed out (like when you’re running away from a tiger). So if you’re feeling hot or stressed out during exercise, just remember that this is going to help keep things under control! It keeps your body from overheating during intense workouts like cardio or weight lifting.

2. It helps flush out toxins that have built up in your body over time. When we sweat during exercise (or when we’re just hot outside), those toxins are released into the air around us instead of being stored in our bodies. In effect, this means that the toxins go away and don’t have time to build up inside our cells—which is great news!

3. It makes you feel better: When you sweat, your pores open up and allow your skin to breathe better. This helps you be more comfortable while exercising, which is important because exercise makes you feel great!

4. Its a sign of a good workout: If you don’t sweat during a workout, it could mean one of two things: either your workout wasn’t intense enough or the exercises weren’t challenging enough for your body. So if you want to make sure you’re getting the full benefits of exercising, aim for sweating at least once or twice every time you work out!

So next time you’re feeling gross after a workout? Just remember – You’re helping yourself out in more ways than one!

A word of caution – if you’re not working out or exercising, sweating can be a sign of a more serious issue. If you notice that sweat is dripping down your back or forehead when you’re not working out, it could be a sign of dehydration or even a fever! If it happens once in a while, drink water! If it happens more often than that (especially if it’s accompanied by other symptoms), see your doctor as soon as possible.

Pro tip: Fitness studio owners should invest in a fitness studio management software, so they can focus on helping their clients sweat it out in class!

The Ultimate Guide to Scheduling Workouts

It’s time to get fit! You’ve been thinking about it, maybe you’ve even tried to do it before and just didn’t feel like you were getting results. But this time is different—you’re going all in. You’re ready to take control of your body and put yourself first, because you know how important it is to be healthy and happy.

But here’s the thing: if you know how to make a workout plan for yourself, it’ll never happen. And what good is a plan if you don’t stick with it? The benefits of scheduling a workout are immense.  So let’s make sure your workout schedule doesn’t fall by the wayside this time around by creating a workout schedule for beginners that actually works for you. Here’s how:

Make it a priority:
You wouldn’t leave your bills unpaid or go without eating or drinking for days on end, so why would you do that with your workouts? Schedule them in like any other important appointment—even if it’s just a quick walk around the block and back before work, or a 10-minute stretch break at lunchtime—and don’t let yourself cancel unless there’s an emergency. Keep in mind that your needs are unique and that a workout schedule for men and women would typically be different.

Pick your favorite type of workout(s):
Yoga? Boxing? Running? Once you learn how to make a workout plan for weight loss or muscle gains, write it down in your planner or calendar app as something that needs to happen at least once per week. Then add any other types of workouts (strength training, martial arts classes) that sound fun or interesting to you! And remember, this is just an outline—you can do whatever feels right for YOU!

Figure out how long each workout should be:
If this is new for you, another of the popular workout routine tips is to try starting with something short and simple like walking or jogging for 30 minutes at an easy pace. That way, if something comes up or if something doesn’t go according to plan (or if life gets in the way), it won’t feel like a huge setback when it comes to getting back into your routine later on down the road.

Figure out your goals:
Know your workout plan goals. Then break them down into smaller steps. For example, if your goal is to run 5 miles every day, start by running 2 miles on Mondays and Thursdays for two weeks straight. Then add an extra mile every week until you reach 5 miles each day!

Don’t forget about rest days:
You’ll need them so that your body can recover from the hard work of training and grow stronger from it too!

Make sure you have all your equipment:
If you’re training at a fitness studio, this will be taken care of. Make sure the equipment is well sanitized and set to default settings before you begin. If there’s anything else you need (water bottle, towel, sweat band), have that within easy reach as well.

If you are a fitness business owner and want to keep track of bookings and schedules, explore My Best Studio’s fitness management software.

What Happens To The Body If You Don’t Exercise

Sometimes doing nothing at all can be the most dangerous move of all. Inactivity (like sitting for hours on end) causes more deaths around the world than cigarette smoking or diabetes. Experts say the results show that no matter who you are or how fit or unfit you are, there’s still a benefit to taking even a short walk every day.Researchers have found that the least fit people (determined by a treadmill test) had a 500% increased risk of early death.

Still need convincing? Here are some more reasons to stop being a couch potato and break a sweat!

Exercise helps you get a good night’s sleep
Have you ever experienced a deep, extremely satisfying and rejuvenating sleep after spending a couple of hours in the fresh air, paddling a kayak, working in the yard, backpacking 10 miles, or running a long-distance race? Vigorous exercise, especially outdoors, is a highly effective sleep inducer—one that you are missing if you aren’t getting regular exercise.

Exercise may prevent you from developing high blood pressure
Exercising helps your heart become more efficient at pumping blood, which decreases the force of blood flow through your arteries. If you don’t exercise regularly, over time you will lose your cardio-respiratory fitness (CRF). A study of 3,831 men found that those whose fitness levels decreased over about 10 years were 72% more likely to develop high blood pressure compared to subjects who increased their cardio-respiratory fitness.

Exercise could protect you from memory loss
Scientists have linked physical fitness to the brain’s ability to make new neural pathways, and the hippocampus, which refers to the area of the braindevoted to memory and executive function. Studies have shown that people who were fit as young adults had better motor skills, memory and aheightened  ability to focus on emotional control 25 years later, in middle age.

Exercise could help regulate your blood sugar levels
Researchers found that just one 30-60 minute session of moderate exercise can help to boost insulin sensitivity, and improve the way our body regulates blood sugar. So take a walk at lunchtime, or maybe have a mini workout after dinner – there’s a good chance it will help to keep your blood sugar levels in check.

Exercise may reduce chances of getting some cancers
Does sitting the entire day increase your risk of cancer? Scientists don’t know for sure. But what they do know is sedentary behavior is a risk factor for several chronic conditions and premature death.According to the National Cancer Institute, while no studies have conclusively proven that lack of exercise causes cancer, many self-reported observational studies have provided evidence that links higher physical activity to lower cancer risk.

Martial Arts Boosts Mental Health. Here’s How.

Martial arts have a wide array of health benefits. The goal of martial arts is to teach the body and mind to work together in order to bring about self-discipline. It isn’t surprising that the martial arts business is growing in leaps and bounds. If you’re thinking about trying martial arts, here’s why it’s a good idea.Practicing martial arts is a great way to not only change your physical strength and muscle tone, but also transform your mental health. By practicing martial art you are able to get in touch with your emotions and channel your negative thoughts. Martial arts are good for developing concentration and focus, as well as emotional skills like self-­control, resilience and inner calm.­­­­

1. Helps Combat Stress
Stress and anxiety are nowadays a part of almost everyone’s life. You can be sure that it will not, in any way, leave you alone in the near future. However, with martial arts training, you can easily combat all the adverse effects of stress and anxiety. Additionally, most of these trainings have meditation and breathing sessions that can further help you fight stress.

2. Increases Mindfulness
If you’re looking to practice mindfulness, you might want to consider taking up a martial art. Through their teachings and focus on meditation, martial arts classes can help you become more aware of how your body works.

3. Increases Confidence & Self Esteem
Martial art training can promote the development of moral values. It also assists with physical and mental relaxation, mind and body control, and an increase in self confidence.

4. Helps Release Anger
The practice of martial arts is an intense aerobic workout, so it’s a very helpful way to release your anger. Kicking, punching, yelling and sweating do wonders!Martial arts helps you to manage your reactions and calm your thoughts before it gets too intense.

5. Teaches you how to go with the flow
Martial arts teaches you to overcome difficult challenges that life throws your way by developing a more flexible mindset.Through martial arts students develop awareness, resilience, and acceptance that help them to get through life’s curve balls with a positive attitude.

If you are a personal martial arts trainer who is looking to scale up, investing in a martial arts software is a great idea. Many business owners of fitness studios have explored martial arts business software solutions for their enterprises.

Workout for Beginners

It is not an unknown fact that exercising has innumerable advantages. Exercising helps in reduction of the risks associated with chronic disease, better mood and mental health, balanced energy levels, slowing of the aging process, a boost to brain health amongst various other benefits. Some common types of exercises include cardio training, strength training, flexibility and mobility training.

With multiple write-ups, blogs and videos on the internet, it can feel overwhelming for you to get started. Also, as a beginner, you might be worried about where to start from and how to start exercising and workout.

Through this article, we wish to simplify your workout sessions and help you in setting an approach that will motivate you to exercise on a daily basis and reap the benefits of workouts. The first step to planning a good workout session is to set your short-term and long-term goals. Setting the right goals encourage you to work in the right direction and feel more energized and productive.

Here are a few steps that will help you in planning your workout as a beginner-

Decide a workout routine and stick to it
While planning a workout routine, you must always keep in mind that you as a beginner will have a slow journey. However, it is more important than the duration and type of workouts that you maintain a regular routine and follow it strictly. In the initial phases, even a short 7-10 minutes workout session will provide you with great health benefits.
Start gradually and keep a track of your progress from the start, so that you can see your improvisations on a daily basis and stay motivated.

Expect setbacks and learn to overcome them
There may be days when you have a planned workout session but you suddenly feel loss of energy and feel tired. It may also happen that you feel stressed or have no motivation to pursue your workout plan. In all these cases, you must encourage yourself and remind yourself of the great health benefits associated with workouts. You must learn how to overcome your setbacks so that you can get back on the right track immediately.

Don’t stress hard on the days when you fail to workout. Instead, just start again to feel energized and refreshed.

Set realistic goals
Starting with small and achievable goals is the key to reaching towards bigger goals. For e.g., if your goal is to walk 10,000 steps in a day, you must first aim at walking 4,000 steps in a day and gradually increase your stamina to reach to your desired goal. Hence, setting realistic goals will help you go a long way and make your workout sessions more fun.

Make your workout a Habit
Making your workout a habit is another key component to attaining success. It is easy to purse your workout sessions in the long run if you make exercising your habit. Furthermore, you should make a schedule and do your workouts at the same time everyday so that you can sustain your routine and make it last.

Below is the list of a few workout exercises for beginners to make it achievable in the long run:-

  1. Chair Squat
  2. Bridge
  3. Knee Pushup
  4. Stationary Lunge
  5. Plank to Downward Dog
  6. Straight-leg Donkey-kick
  7. Forearm Plank
  8. Bird Dog
  9. Side-lying hip abduction
  10. Bicycle crunch

It is very important to stay hydrated, optimize your nutrition and listen to your body while exercising and doingworkouts.

Lastly, have fun while doing exercises and do not dread it. Work out in groups or with your friends to maintain accountability and keep your exercise routine within your control.

Track your progress at each stage and gradually, try to reach for more intense workout sessions so that you can reach to the intermediate level and advanced level with passing time.

Starting something new can be difficult but having real objectives and doing it for your body will take you a long way. Start slowly and build your fitness level in order to achieve the maximum benefits of workouts and exercise. Additionally, take care of your diet and keep a check with your healthcare provider to see that you are going in the right direction.

Dance as a form of fitness

Dance is defined as an act of performing arts where humans execute specified sequenced movements. Different countries and cultures have different dance forms. 9,000-year-old paintings in India at the Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka, and Egyptian tomb paintings depicting dancing figures, dating as old as 3300 BC depict the history of dance.

But today, thousands of people around the world are incorporating dance in their daily life as a form of fitness. This is because dance has several health benefits and is enjoyable to do. Dance has several health benefits like:-

  1. Improving the condition of the heart and lungs
  2. Increased muscular strength
  3. Endurance and motor fitness
  4. Increased aerobic fitness
  5. Increased muscle tone and strength
  6. Weight management
  7. Stronger bones
  8. Reduced risk of osteoporosis
  9. Better coordination
  10. Agility and flexibility

These benefits are only to name a few. Dance has several other benefits as well, making it a very popular form of fitness.

But every coin has two sides. With a list of benefits, there is also a list of disadvantages that come with dance. Namely breaking of bones and tearing of tissues due to dance accidents, injuries to hips and toes (particularly in ballet), repetitive strain injury due to overdoing, stress fractures, tendon injuries, sprains, and strains.

Despite all the negative effects, dance is at an increasing demand as a form of fitness. In 2019, there were over 100,000 dance studios only in the United States. Even as of now the number is increasing.

One of the most popular dance forms for fitness is Zumba. Zumba is an exercise fitness program created by Colombian dancer and choreographer Alberto “Beto” Pérez during the 1990s. In this dance form, people usually take an hour-long class and follow the Zumba instructor.

Zumba choreography is composed using all or some of the sixteen core steps. There are four basic rhythms: salsa, merengue, reggaeton, and cumbia, and each basic rhythm has four core steps. It is total body cardio and aerobic workout where people burn about 900kcal in one session.

Thus, this was dance as a form of fitness with benefits.

Last 10 Years Fitness Trends

As we move towards the end of 2019 we also move to the end of another decade. These 10 years have shown immense growth and diversity in the methods and techniques of different workouts and trends. This one is for the last 10 years that have got us here today.


Fitness boxing and specialty classes such as Zumba, Bollywood, Afro-Cuban, and ballroom dancing grew in popularity – encouraging more people to become involved in physical activity, but in a slightly different way. This period saw personal training to increase significantly in popularity (and continues to be up until this day). It was less for the rich and famous, and more for the everyday gym user, and as a result many gyms and fitness centres moved away from having ‘floor-based’ gym instructors to service their clients.


It was during this time that the age demographic of those involved in physical activity began to broaden quite dramatically, with a large focus on providing fitness programs for both older adults and children. With obesity at epidemic levels for both children and adults in Australia, more families were looking for programs to help them lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle.


trends like intermittent fasting, low carbohydrate and gluten-free diets became popular to follow (and continue to be up until this day). The first examples of successful wearable technology were also starting to hit the market at this time, giving people an insight into information about their health and fitness that was previously unobtainable.


With the functional fitness movement becoming increasingly popular, traditional gym equipment was still being used, but was now sharing space with innovative equipment such as kettlebells, battle ropes, suspension trainers and many other unique tools that could be used as a part of an exercise program. Primal, body-weight training, movement-based, whatever you want to call it, functional fitness was at the forefront during this time.


This period also introduced the world to a new type of ‘fitness centre’, one that was determined to capture the atmosphere of large group-training while incorporating high intensity strength and aerobic based exercises – all in short, pre-determined and repeatable workouts.


High Intensity Interval Training was trendy and there are lots of people seeing fabulous results in the fitness club and with home regimens using these high and low intensity moves. Strength Training remained a popular form of exercise workouts, especially among males interested in fitness and better health. More and more women continued to hit the fitness clubs for various strength training exercises as well, in the hopes of building or improving their strength.


Bodyweight training included the use of minimal equipment makes it a super convenient and affordable do-anywhere workout. And it’s not limited to just push-ups and pull-ups-put a fresh spin on bodyweight exercises with different routines.


Group Training.
Some things are just more fun in a group. Group exercise instructors teach, lead and motivate their students through classes designed for a specific intention. Experienced and educated group instructors help people of varying levels achieve their fitness goals. They use a combination of leadership, teaching and motivational skills to accomplish this. Group programs appeal to a wide demographic because of the variety of choices available, camaraderie and social aspects. Thus group training was immensely popular in 2017.


Wearable Technology
Activity trackers, smart watches, and heart rate monitors were as popular as ever in 2018 for people who—were into seeing their workouts by the numbers, wearable technology can give them interesting feedback about how you move. Many estimate your steps, sleep, standing time, calories burned, and time spent working out.


The ancient practice has been on the list for many years. ACSM notes that in 2019, yoga has taken on many forms, like “Power Yoga, Yogilates, yoga in hot environments,” and more. Now that we’ve seen goat yoga, who knows what other forms of yoga the future holds? Yoga became immensely popular with a 32% increase only in 2019. It is on of the hottest forms of workout right now and will continue to be for some time.