Ways To Improve Your Dance Studio

For any new and upcoming dance studio, getting customers and long term clients is not easy. It takes years of build up and hard work. But if you want the work to be efficient, then here are a few methods to improve your studio.

1. Location
The location of your studio is of utter importance. Choose a place where there is no competition around and where there is no other studio. This way people will come to your studio at their convenience.

2. Trends
Do your research of current trends and operate your studio accordingly. You might have to change a certain way but it will only benefit you. People are attracted to latest trends and want to be a part of it so they will come to your studio.

3. Music
Dance and music go hand in hand and the better the music, the more fun the dance. Work on upcoming music which your clients enjoy. This will give them a sense of confidence and due to the increase in familiarity of pace, they will only want to come back.

4. Easy access
Provide your customers easy access to the studios schedules and timings so they can attend at their convenience. The My Best Studio app which comes for free with our studio management software will help you to do so.

5. Organize
Keep your dance studio organized and keep every detail in order. As mentioned previously, our dance studio management software, will help you to do so. We provide facilities like a free app, unlimited employee login, schedules, easy customer access, over 50 different types of progress reports and much more.


Top 5 Reasons to Purchase Yoga Studio Software

Owning a Yoga studio and running it all by yourself is not at all easy. You have got hundred of tasks to take care of. On top of that, managing and scheduling classes, client management, increase your client base plus keeping track of all the records are not at all trouble-free. You try to do one thing, and the other seems to fall out of your hands. The business and basis do not seem to go smoothly, especially if you are the only one to do it all. Although life can be made easy with Yoga Studio Software.

Here are the top 5 reasons to purchase Yoga Studio Software:


(1) Client Management
With a fantastic software to manage all your clients, who say life won’t be easy? The Yoga Studio Software not only gives you an incredible online presence that your clients can use to book appointments but also give you effortless access to all the client data on any device.

(2) Scheduling
Now you can schedule all your classes online as well as on an app. Not only that you can keep track of all your schedule and sort them by class, workshop, appointment, title, or instructor. This will minimize the time you take to schedule or reschedule any class as you won’t have to check every time. All you need is just a click away.

(3) Reports and analytics
With Yoga Studio Software, you can get 50 different types of reports that will help you to analyze your growth and business tactics. You can use these reports to make better plans and strategies for your studio.

(4) Customized mobile application
One of the best things about Yoga Studio Software is that now you no more have to invest tons of money developing an app for your studio. With Yoga Studio Software, you get your customized mobile application. The app will make it easier for your clients to interact with your studio.

(5) Staff Access
Adding to your ease, Yoga Studio Software gives your staff access to be users. They can now use the app to check their schedules, their appointments, and more. Plus you get the authority to configure your staff members’ access.

Regardless of how big or small your Yoga Studio is; a Yoga Studio Software provided by My Best Studio is always going to make it easy for you to grow more effortlessly. With My Best Studio providing you not only Yoga Studio Software but also Pilates, Fitness and many other Studio Softwares you can now do what you are best at and let the software manage the rest. My Best Studio provides you the best software that are easy to manage and affordable.

Ways To Give Your Studio A Boost

Every new studio struggles a bit to get a good start up. This is the most crucial time for the development of a studio and using key tricks of the trade is how you shall expand you studio and increase your business.

1. Offers and discounts
Everybody loves a discount or offer on new things. Give holiday discounts to new customers or give away free vouchers. The people who use them, will instantly fall in love with your studio and come back for more.

2. Promotions
Don’t be afraid to promote your studio on social media or via text. In today’s world, digital marketing is a huge platform so take advantage of it and it will help you reach countless more people.

3. Get an upgrade
Get your studio an upgrade by getting a good management software like we have at My Best Studio. Our studio management software will get your studio organized and make your work easy. It will give you access to every little detail at one click.

4. Easy access
With our studio management software you will get enough time to focus on your job. With a personalized app, a website, over 50 types of analyzed reports, unlimited staff access, schedules and much more your customers will have an easy access to your studio.

Things You Should Know Before You Start Working Out

Since summer has just started, everyone is in hurry to get back into shape to look impeccable this year. People usually join fitness, dance, yoga or pilates studios. But here are a few things you should know before you start working out.

1. Quitting has consequences
Once you start hitting the gym and working out, your body will change. It will get used to working out and getting a daily dose of exercise. Your weight and body shape is likely to change till your body gets used to the workouts that you do. And once you quit or even go for a vacation, your body will drastically change again, due to the lack of working out. This change is majorly weight gain but it is subjective to every individual.
So if you ever wish to take a break, then work out a schedule so you do not lose the body you have worked so hard for.

2. The scales fluctuate
The scales will fluctuate on a daily basis. One day you may wake up and be happy seeing that you weighed how you wish to be but on another day it may be completely different. This depends on your calorie intake, water retention, muscle gain, body stress, hormonal secretions and countless other activities that you do throughout that particular day.
So one thing you should do is not rely on the numbers on the scale every single day. It can de-motivate you and also give false hope. Keep working despite all that because practice is the key.

3. Diet is important
Honestly, this is one thing that may make or break you from reaching your goal body or weight. I cannot stress the importance of diet enough. You can exercise everyday for months and eat incorrectly, and there will be absolutely no change in the way you look. Whereas, you will see changes in mere weeks if you eat clean and healthy. Try to eat as many whole foods and possible and cut down on levels of sugar and oil intake in your body. Also drink 8-10 glasses of water everyday and watch your body transform.

4. Results take time
This is one thing that again, cannot be stressed enough. Results do take time and effort. You cannot expect abs to grow in a day and nor can you become thin in a day or two. Consistency is the key here. You need to workout as often as possible and change it up. Do not let your body get used to a single workout routine and challenge yourself. If you do t correctly you will not only see amazing results but also will feel good inside.

Lastly, do not stress yourself over small things and end up hurting yourself with juice cleanses or counting calories. It will take time and patience but if you are faithful, you will get what you want.

Reasons You Aren’t Losing Weight

Are you trying to lose weight but have been unsuccessful so far? Here are 5 reasons why it is happening and how to fix it.

1. Calories
Overeating and under-eating both have a huge effect on your body. If you are overeating, it means you are consuming more calories than you are burning in a day, so ultimately you are going to gain weight due to increase in body fat levels. To fix it make small changes in your routine. Do more exercise or eat less slowly.
If you are under-eating you are going to feel fatigued and not perform up to the mark. Under-eating forces your body into starvation mode and you are likely to get cravings. What you need is a balanced diet between healthy carbs, protein and fat. This will help to get your metabolism back up and will help to get your body back.

2. Exercise
Even after exercising if you aren’t getting the wanted results then either you aren’t pushing yourself enough or challenging your body enough. You need to switch up your routine so your body does not get use to your workouts or they will yield little to no result. So switch up between strength training and cardio.

3. Stress
Yes! Stress does really have a huge impact on our hormones. It can cause hormonal imbalance and have an effect on depression and anxiety which can also lead to weight gain. Make sure you are checking in with yourself to see how you feel because you don’t want your stress levels to get too high. The best thing to do is unwind at the end of the day and have some time for yourself.

4. Sleep
A good sleep is one of the most important factors of our physical and mental health. Sleep helps our body to relax after a tiring day and lack of sleep is one of the single biggest factors for obesity. Studies show that people who don’t get enough sleep have an 89% greater risk of obesity. It can affect your mood and appetite. So make sure you are aiming to get around 7-8 hours of sleep per night.

5. Water
Seriously, water is so important for the body. If you want to reduce your calorie intake make sure you have a glass of water before every single meal. By drinking more water you also increase the number of calories you burn throughout the day. So it is advised to drink about 8-10 glasses of water every single day.


Benefits Of Software Management For Your Studio

Owning a studio is not an easy job. Not only do you need to keep in mind all the small details but also keep track of all your clients, their needs, schedules, outstanding income and what not. Software management will help you and your studio to grow and we at ‘MyBestStudio’ will make it easier. Here’s how-

1. Organization
Software management will help you to keep your schedules and client list organized. You will be able to keep track of each class and customer in your studio.

2. Personalization
The software management offered by us is personalized according to your need. You will get exactly what you ask for that makes your job easy for you. We also provide a mobile app for your own studio.

3. Easy access
Software management will give you easy access to anything you desire. At just one click you can get any information you want rather than going through files and folders all the time. Even your customers will have easy access to any times or schedules of your studio with the app we provide.

4. Studio upgrade
Having a personalized software for your studio will be a huge upgrade. You can get rid of all the piles of registers and folders and get any information you want on your smart phone.

5. Increase in customers
Once you have your studio organized and de-cluttered, you will be able to give more time and attention to your customers and focus on making your studio better. This will increase the output you get to all the effort you put in.

Overall, software management is a detox for your studio and a chance for you to grow more. Also, who is better to go to for software management than us?

Top Tricks To Get Back On Track

It is hard to get back on track after you have taken a break or fallen off the wagon. So I am going to make it easy for you today with these top 5 tips.

1. Set a goal
Now setting a goal is the best way for you to get back on track. If you don’t have a goal, you won’t have any motivation and you will eventually stop working out. Keep reminding yourself that you have a goal you want to achieve and why you started this journey.

2. Schedule your workouts
Every person has a different time they want to workout. Some like to do it first thing in the morning while some like to do it at the end of their day. Work out a schedule and stick to it so you can get back on track.

3. Accountability
Once you hold yourself accountable for your wokouts and exercise, you will learn to stay on track and realize to take care of your health. Actions produce results and if you are accountable for your workouts, you will make sure to stay on track. You will also have nobody to blame but you.

4. Cut the excuses
Yes, so many of you will have excuses of why you cannot work out or why you will stop working out. Talk to yourself and address the issues on why you keep making these excuses. Learn to ignore the excuses that pop up in your mind. Make time to workout because you are doing something good for your own self and once you start you won’t want to stop.

5. Find what works for you
Workouts are different for every individual as everyone likes different things. If you want to stay on track then stick to what you enjoy but at the same time don’t be afraid to switch it up to challenge your body.


Why ‘MyBestStudio’ Is The Best

Have you ever had to remember countless names with outstanding dues for your studio? Or have you ever had to go through books and files go find that one little detail? Hard, isn’t it? That’s where human limitation meets machine dynamics. We at ‘My Best Studio’ design management softwares to make sure that you can get anything you want by one click. Here are a few reasons why we are the best for you.

1. Integrated solutions from start to finish for your studio
We provide for every detail, and make sure that your software is perfect and personalized for your studio to get optimum utilization and maximum results.

2. Studio Management Software
Our studio management software is very powerful and attractive. It easily manages the daily operations of your studio. It is easy to use and very affordable at $55/month for any size studio.

3. Communities we serve
We serve a vast number of communities like yoga, pilates, dance, martial arts, fitness, personal training and cross fit. We specialize in studio management software, website development, marketing and POS for them.

4. Point of sale
By using our gateway, studio owners will save money due to less POS rates. We provide auto billing and security for recurring fees or memberships. We also make sure that client information is always protected.

We provide easy and effective ways to make your studio more comfortable for you and your customers.

Beginners Guide To Start Getting Fit

Today we’re going to show you 5 strategies that are going to get your health and fitness journey to an amazing start. Do not ignore these tips or you will be ignoring the quickest wins that will help you achieve your goal body in the fastest way possible.


Strategy 1:- Taking progress pictures
You really need to get familiar with your body and the best way to do that is to take progress pictures. It may be scary to do this at the start but when you look back on those pictures and see how far you have come, you will feel motivated and confident. I recommend you to take pictures from the front, side and the back and make sure to do a progress checking photo every 4 weeks.

Strategy 2:- Set a small goal
This is important to do as so many of us set very high goals and when we don’t accomplish them we end up feeling de-motivated and don’t stick to our plan. What you need to do is set one small goal to focus on. This could be anything from giving up diet coke, drinking 3 litres of water every day or even giving up some sweets. Once you’ve accomplished a smaller goal then you can set up a momentum and start working towards higher goals.

Strategy 3: Do not count calories
Yes guys, you do not want to count your calories and end up obsessing over the number every single day. This can actually be dangerous and lead to an unhealthy relationship with your food. Instead, you can cut down on sugar and processed food and stick to whole foods and you will end up losing weight anyway. Just stick to a balanced diet.

Strategy 4:- Know your ‘WHY
This is very important to keep you motivated and going. Remind yourself why do you want that body? Why do you want to lose weight? Or why are you eating healthy? Write it down, pin it up or set it as your phone wallpaper. Keep a reason for wanting to improve your life and look at it every day so you stay focused on your goal.

Strategy 5:- Identify your hurdles
If you tried to get in shape in the past and failed? That you need to ask yourself why? Did you go on a vacation? Did you get sick and gave up? Or did you not see the results you wanted? We’ve all been there before. When you start your journey think about your past pitfalls and come up with ways to avoid them so you can continue your journey and achieve your goal this time.

Hope these tips help you to start working towards your goals. Make sure to let us know which worked out the best for you.


Healthy Cheat Foods

Want to eat cheat meals like pizzas and ice creams and still be healthy? Here are 5 replacement recipes for your favourite meals.
Recipe 1 – Ice cream
All you need is a tub of Greek yogurt, honey and vanilla bean or vanilla essence.
How to make it?
Add everything into a bowl and stir it together. Put the mixture into a pot in and leave it in the freezer for about 2 hours. And your healthy ice cream is ready.

Recipe 2- Cookies
For this recipe you need 90g dark chocolate chips, 2cups of rolled oats(150g), ½ cup melted coconut oil(100g), ¼ cup honey(85g), 2 tablespoons vanilla, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon of baking soda and a pinch of salt.
How to make it?
To get started, preheat your oven to 170 degrees. Now blend the rolled oats to get flour like consistency. Then, add the oats to the bowl with all the other ingredients and mix them up till you get dough like consistency. Then put it into a baking sheet or parchment paper, and press it down. To get the final product stick it into the oven for about 8-10 minutes or until the edges turn crispy. Remove the cookies and allow them to cool so you can then eat them. You can also put a little bit f ice cream between 2 cookies and have a sandwich.

Recipe 3- Pancakes
The ingredients for this recipe are 50g almond flour, 1 egg, 50ml almond milk and for your choice of toppings you can keep some berries, honey and 1 table spoon of nut butter.
How to make it?
Mix everything into a bowl. We need to put it in a medium size frying pan on a medium heat. You can either add in butter or some olive oil. Once the pan gets hot, I advice to pour the mixture in the size of the pancake you want. Wait till the pancake turns golden brown and flip it. Now take the pancakes into a plate and add your desired toppings.

Recipe 4- Pizza
For this recipe you need 1 gluten free/ whole wheat tortilla wrap, 50g tomato sauce, cheese and toppings of your preference like vegetables and chicken/turkey for protein.
How to make it?
You need to preheat the oven to 190 degrees. Lay out your tortilla wrap, add on the tomato sauce, cheese and preferred toppings. Pop it into the oven for around 7 minutes and you are done. This is a very quick and easy healthy snack.

Recipe 5- Crisps
All you need for this is 1 large peeled beet, 1 large sweet potato, olive oil and salt and pepper or any seasoning of your choice.
How to make it?
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees, take your beet and sweet potato and cut it very thinly into crisps like shapes. Add everything into a bowl, drizzle with olive oil and add salt and pepper or any seasoning of your choice. Scatter it evenly onto a baking tray and pop them in the oven for about 25-30 minutes. Let them cool once done.

So here are the 5 recipes to make your food tastier and healthier.