Top 5 features of My Best Studio – Studio Management Software

Studio Management Software

Can I please have the attention of Fitness, Yoga, Pilates and Gym studio owners!

My Best Studio  can fulfill all your studio management needs with our adaptable software that can be designed to suit any fitness industry. We can help you even if you are looking to build a studio from scratch. It can become extremely exhausting managing all the administrative tasks scheduling classes manually. To streamline and automate these studio processes, you may need an online tool and our software solution can be your savior.

In addition to our informative and easy to understand help center, here are the top 5 features of My Best Studio’s Studio Management Software that make it so popular among studio professionals.

Simple and easy to use
My Best Studio
has intuitive designs that allow for smooth navigation through the software. It is easy to learn quickly compared to other complicated software solutions. It takes less than 10 minutes to get acquainted with it. You can manage all your day-to-day operations of your studio with the help of all the different features offered.


Depending on your studio size and business requirements, the software can be easily modified to fit your preferences. You can customize it as you desire as well.

Cost effective
It is affordable and costs only $55/month for any size studio. Without burning a hole in your pocket, you can get the studio management software that can bring you business growth. We also take care of your marketing and website development needs.  You will also get free hosting of your website for one year and we offer free support for the first 90 days once your website is launched. 

Seamless integration of class schedule on your website

Your class schedule can be integrated on your website with the help of our software. There are no hidden charges for that. Moreover, auto billing of recurring fees and memberships is also available. We value client security and we offer a low point of sale rate on our payment gateway system. 

Free customized app
We offer a free customized app under your studio brand, and will be made available at the Apple App store and Google Play store. Mobile apps are becoming more and more popular with each passing day. Keeping this in mind, why wouldn’t you want a mobile app for your studio? 

Wrapping Up

Thinking of starting your own studio but worried about how to manage it? My Best Studio  offers free consultations and trial versions of our software, along with a demo to understand how our software can make things easier for you.

We serve clients who own studios for Yoga, Pilates, Dance, Martial Arts, Fitness, Personal Training, and Cross Fit and based anywhere from New York to Los Angeles.

Starting your business on a powerful foundation is empowering and gives you the peace of mind you need to focus on everything else.  So are you ready to expand your studio with us?

The Importance of Responsive and SEO Friendly Websites for Your Business

Why a Responsive and SEO friendly website is necessary

Is having a website enough for any business to grow? The answer is obviously no it is not! Your website should be responsive and search engine optimized (SEO) so that your business can grow. For business owners who want to get more ROI, a responsive website following good SEO practices is a must. Owners of fitness studios, yoga and pilates studios, martial arts studios, and etc. should make sure their website is following those 2 important tips and they can even get help from experienced website development companies to help with website design. My Best Studio  has catered to clients in Glendale, Burbank, San Bernardino and more and have designed impressive websites for them all.

As more and more people are using mobile phones, it has become imperative to have a responsive and search engine friendly website. Now lets go in depth about what these terms mean.

Search engine optimization (SEO) 

SEO makes it easy for search engines to find your website. As a result, they can be easily crawled upon and read. If your website gets displayed on the first page of Google search results, you are definitely going to get more traffic on your website. This in turn increases the number of customers and memberships at your studio. Sounds like a great deal, doesn’t it?

The most important advantage of SEO is that you will get more qualified leads on your website from people who have actually searched for relevant keywords related to your business and found your website.

Your website will be more professional if it is designed taking into consideration all modern SEO practices. The layout will also be a lot better because H1 titles, SEO titles, slugs, meta descriptions and canonical URLs have been properly assigned.

Responsive Website

Mobile devices are the most used device for internet browsing. To make sure that people have a pleasant user experience on their small screens, designing a mobile responsive website is necessary. Responsive websites with a tappable call to action (CTA) button can facilitate conversions for your business. It will also enhance your engagement with the customers. If your website is responsive, your visitors will have a much easier time navigating your website and are more like to stay on the site longer to browse.


Your website is the best way to market yourself and it’s also where you generate all your leads and customers from. Make sure it is search engine friendly and responsive to get more organic traffic. By doing so,  you can also decrease the cost of paid promotions for your studio.

Before creating a website, make sure you leave room to integrate these 2 important factors in and it will go a long way in skyrocketing your sales when you are finally in the digital world.

Top 6 Things to Watch Out For Your Fitness Studio

Starting a Fitness Studio- What you need to know

Is self-employment your cup of tea? Are you the kind of person who can be their own boss and make a good amount of money from it? Have you been in the business of fitness for quite some time and are an expert in the field? If your answer is “YES” for these questions, you should definitely consider starting your own fitness studio.

The biggest advantage of doing this is that you can have a flexible work schedule and will be taking home most of the money that you make. But before you go off and open your own fitness studio, you should consider a couple of factors listed below in order to create a successful business.

Form a Business Plan

The foundation of every business is a well thought out business plan. Your business plan should include the following things:

  • Research: Use Google or ask your colleagues for advice on how to start a fitness studio . Even if you are a seasoned fitness trainer, you will need to understand how to bring business to your own studio. The rates, competition, upstart pricing, and equipment that you may require should be kept in mind.
  • Mission Statement: Figure out your mission statement because this is what will drive all your business strategies.
  • Competition: Determine who your competition is and what you have to do in order to stand out.
  • Requirements for Success: All your plans will depend on your answer to this question. Decide on how much space you will need, the number of clients you need make a profit and the cost of equipment.
  • Timeline and Goals: Prepare a list of short-term goals and then proceed to think about the long-term goals. This will keep you inspired and help you evaluate your progress at regularly.
  • Investments: You can offer equity or shares in your business as a startup or do so once your studio is more well established.


You will need enough money to start your own fitness studio. Besides the cost of the equipment, the additional expenses like rent, basic utilities such as electricity, water, gas, etc. and other office supplies can become high.

Taking on Multiple Roles

As the owner of the fitness studio, you may have to play multiple roles and have various responsibilities. Whether it is marketing or accounting or other administrative tasks, you may have to see to all of them single-handedly.


Making a business successful takes a lot of time and effort. You may have to work early mornings, late evenings and at odd hours of the day so be prepared for that! There is no breaks, even on weekends! You may have to sacrifice your personal time too.


Befriend people who have similar kinds of businesses. They may be able to mentor you through the entire experience of running a fitness studio. You can learn from their mistakes too.

Passion or Profession?

Is this just a profession for you or a passion? Go for it if you are passionate about it and you will persevere through any kind of hardships that may arise.

Wrapping Up

Congrats if you have decided on starting your own studio, there is nothing else like it!

My Best Studio ]offers fitness and Yoga Studio Software in locations like Los Angeles, Irvine, Arizona, and more and we would love to help you out in optimizing all your administrative tasks as well as studio operations!

Best Fitness Software – Things You Should Know to Succeed

Best Fitness Software

Do you wish to build a larger customer base for your fitness studio but are unable to do so? Do you face challenges in managing time for your current customers and consequently end up losing a larger part of your potential revenue? Are you not able to introduce customer referral programs because of these same reasons?

It is true that with the consistent growth of your customer base, your business becomes more and more unmanageable. But it is equally true that changing your business management processes can ease you of the daunting operations.

Having said that, we are sharing some of the signs that makes it clear that you need a business management software.

Business Growth Can be Intimidating

Businesses cannot solely be managed by simple things like pens, paper, and Microsoft Excel. Moreover, these manual processes will not be able to cater to your needs of managing the businesses. You will have to automate and streamline the processes with the help of a software that can get synced with your business objectives.

If you fail to properly use and execute your current fitness software, you may end up losing your business revenue or won’t be able to measure its growth. My Best Studio can make these tasks a walk in the park for you.

Booking Is Challenging

If your front desk operations are giving you nightmares with booking, you need a business management software that has the following functions:

  • Self sign-in functionality for guests
  • Mobile booking
  • Automatic waitlisting
  • Push notifications
  • Easy renewal for memberships
  • Booking scheduler

This will save you a lot of time and labor.

Don’t Waste Time Following Up on Payments

It is a very stressful thing to keep asking for payments. However, your business management software will ensure that your members pay on time through their individual membership profile created on your fitness studio App.

Communication With the Members Is Exhausting

Imagine you have 50 members and emailing is your primary form of communication. Sometimes members do not open up emails. Updates about a classroom could be sent and your students may not receive it. Of course, that would be a difficult situation for both the parties.

Your app allows you to stay connected with your studio members 24/7. Through push notifications, you can send out messages and promotions to your members. It will help you build a better rapport with the members and bring more customers to you.

You Have No Idea How Many Members You Have

To be a successful businessman, you always need to have a clear idea about the following:

  • Number of members
  • Average sign-ups per month
  • Average number of people canceling a membership
  • Class Attendance
  • Number of Trainers

If you don’t have these details, it is time to have a business management software to store this all information in one place for easy access.

Wrapping Up

Be fully aware about where your business is heading, as well as its performance with My Best Studio Business Management Software. Furthermore, whether it is sales, payments, or attendances, get everything at your fingertips, it’s just a click away!

How to Sell Your Fitness, Yoga or Pilates Studio Membership

Are you a gym manager or the CEO of a fitness studio? Do you want new memberships for your fitness, Yoga or Pilates studio? If you answered yes, then you have come to the right place. With the rapid increase in fitness and thus various fitness studios, it has become difficult to bring in new memberships and attract fitness fanatics to choose your studio. It is imperative to have effective advertising and marketing ideas that work.

Here are some pro tips to help you sell your fitness, yoga or pilates studio membership.

Get help from FitnessTexter

FitnessTexter is a great tool to use to market your studio. It gives a texting code to the studio and you can place this code on websites, social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, email signatures, business cards and flyers. Your target audience will therefore have easy access to your promotional deals and you will get a business lead. It’s a win-win situation for both parties.

Offer training classes

People often won’t continue their fitness studio membership because not enough classes are provided. If you want to gain new studio memberships, while retaining the old ones, you should offer a variety of classes like Zumba dance, TRX, abdominal classes, cardio kickboxing, and more. You can even hold Yoga classes in your Pilates studio. This increases the options for your members, allowing them to stay inspired and motivated to renew their memberships.

Just remember that your clients will have different preferences and you should follow a customer-centric approach by catering to their interests and keeping things exciting.

Have dedicated trainers

Your trainers should be dedicated and considerate to your clients. Your clients are there to be fit and healthy, therefore you should make sure that the trainers believe in the importance of customer-service. They should make working out delightful for the clients and teach them the correct methods to exercise. They should themselves be physically fit and health conscious or have experience training people in different workout techniques. If your client is performing a hard lift, your trainer should be there to encourage them and prevent them from getting injured. Short-tempered trainers are a strict no-no in any fitness studio.

Use referral marketing to your advantage

The “Refer-a-Friend’ program is gaining a lot of popularity these days. No marketing strategy can beat word-of-mouth publicity from your existing customers. Drive more sales by cashing in on their positive reviews and testimonials. Offer incentives for every successful referral who has signed up for your studio membership. You can either offer a discount or free membership for a specific period to the referrers.

Partner with local businesses

If you have a Yoga studio, you can partner with other fitness studios, gyms or pilates studios. The shortcomings of a Yoga workout can be improved with gym training. Complementary workouts are always more exciting than doing the same monotonous exercises. You can even offer a couple of free Yoga classes to the fitness studio members. By doing so, you open new avenues to your members and both the businesses can generate higher revenue.

Stay open at peak hours

It is a great idea to have your studio open 24×7 for your members. You should recruit fewer people for the slow hours, but have more trainers for the peak hours. If you want your studio to have a better business growth, you should have efficient staff members and be open to cater to a large amount of people. Your members should be able to workout at your gym whenever they want to, that’s the whole idea! The experts at My Best Studio can help you in increasing your studio memberships.

Get corporate clients at your studio

Large businesses and corporate clients can drive great results for your Yoga, Pilates or fitness studio. Bulk membership at discounted rates is a great idea to get new memberships. It does take a lot of effort but if this works, you will definitely boost your sales!

Free memberships work better than discounts

You can offer a trial membership to new customers so that they can get an idea about the kinds of programs you offer. Once they have tried it and like the service, you will be more likely to receive a full price membership from them. Also note that this will not cut down your profit margins if you get a lot of memberships.

Get help from Google Adwords if you have a small business

It’s quite expensive to invest in Google Adwords. However, this can be a great and effective tool if you want to get your business on the first page of a Google search. Doing this can get your business great brand visibility on the digital platform.

Social Media should be used sparingly

Facebook and Twitter can promote your gym, but they should only be used up to a certain point. It should not be the only form of advertising you are conducting. Instagram is a good way to get new memberships for your fitness studio. Leverage newspaper advertising along with digital marketing.

Wrapping Up

New studio memberships won’t happen overnight. It takes time and should be a long-term goal. If you need any assistance with your promotion deals or marketing ideas, My Best Studio would love to help you out.

How much should you pay for Studio Management Software?

If you are an owner of a fitness studio, then you are probably also a fitness fanatic at heart. Nothing is better than turning your passion into your profession. However, it can get become extremely daunting when you have to execute all the admin duties such as: registering for classes, marketing, and invoicing.

For everyone who is unmotivated and stressed out by these concerns, My Best Studio studio management software has your back!

Who Are We?

My Best Studio works on the principle of helping fitness studios grow their business through competent web solutions that are simple to use. An ideal software should give you the liberty to handle your business from a central system regardless of where you are or what device you are on.

It is common to be skeptical before paying for a premium service online. Purchasing studio management software is no exception. You may have several questions on your mind if someone suggests that you should buy studio management software. The main concern here is credibility and pricing.

You should make sure that the company you choose is trustworthy enough to invest in. Be wary of getting scammed in the name of ‘easy-to-use’ studio management software. Read through customer reviews and testimonials that they have. You can possible even join a new customer success program or switching support program. Finally, it is essential that the studio management software you choose is mobile friendly.

Amazing Value

Now comes the most important point… PRICING!

How do you determine how much you should pay for the software?

There are certain companies that charge based on the number of users that sign up on your software. If you have a small-scale fitness business, it would not be a major problem in the beginning. But once your business starts expanding, it can lead to exorbitant costs that may exceed your budget.

Also, you probably want to add more customers and build individual profiles for every trainer in your software. Before purchasing the studio management software, consider all these points and check the software provider’s usage policy too. Work out all the costs according to your budget and business plan.

My Best Studio offers you management software at $55 per month. This flat monthly rate will not increase for any reason and it is not subject to change after you sign up. We also offer free support and 24/7 customer services without any hidden charges.

In addition, you can request a free trial with a personalized demo where our experts will walk you through the software in depth and get you started with the services on a trial basis.

That gives you a chance to understand how the software will work and determine whether it matches your requirements. We believe in a long term relationship with our clients, while offering the best deal out there.

If you are looking for a studio management software at a reasonable rate for your Yoga, Pilates, fitness, dance, or martial arts studio, My Best Studio can be the perfect fit for you regardless of the size of your studio!

What You Need to Know About Owning a Dance Studio

Are you a passionate dancer ready to own a dance studio? If so, it is important to know that you have a long road ahead of you. You will have to think about a business strategy and many details that are important to run a business. When you’re ready to set forth on your journey of owning a dance studio consider the following points:

  • Find an Apprenticeship
    Observation and practice is the best way to gain experience in any given field. Same goes with starting a business. Work at a dance studio to get an idea about the variety of jobs or roles that you will have to play. Afterward, look for seminars where you can learn from professionals who have already been through the process of opening their own dance studio. This will shed light on how you can troubleshoot common business problems new studio owners typically encounter. It will also give you an idea of the revenue generated and the customer base. Understand the marketing strategy that you will need to implement in your future business.
  • Build you Credibility as a Dancer
    Before you set forth to building your dance studio, build a rapport with the students you have instructed in the past.. This will help you build your initial customer base when you open your studio. Look for companies that offer dance studio management software to get you started in organizing instructor and client information.
  • Draft a Business Plan
    As exhausting as it sounds, drafting a business plan is necessary. Before you create a business plan be sure you conduct proper market research and test various pricing structures. Make a note of all the costs you will incur. This will include promotions, website designing and updating, signage, dance studio management software, equipment, and insurances. Afterwards, your main aim will just be to earn money. Be sure to stay updated by reading fitness and dance blogs or stay involved with your local community – this will help your business flourish.
  • Studio Space Should be Innovative
    The most exorbitant cost will be the purchase or rent of studio space and monthly bills. Many yoga instructors will build their clientele before they open up their dance studios. Perhaps you can get a permit for a park and hold sessions there to build a client base. Afterwards, when you are ready to open up your studio you will already have built a good number of clients. This is a pocket friendly approach to fulfill your dream of having a dance studio of your own.
  • Keep Hires Down to a Minimum
    It is not practical to go on a hiring spree right after the commencement. You can offer internship to dance students who wish to get some experience. This would give them academic credit and would come at little cost to you. It would be a win-win situation for both of you.

Wrapping Up
Owning a studio cannot be taken as in impulsive decision, every little detail matters. Furthermore, it is important keep any loose ends tied up. When starting a new business it’s easy to let things slip through the crack. Set reminders for yourself of when to pay of your bills and send notifications of classes to your clients using dance studio management software. Don’t just jump into owning a dance studio. Plan everything accordingly but also remember to have fun! You’re building your life’s dream, enjoy it.

Yoga Studio Website Design – The Importance of Have a Well-Developed Website

Yoga Studio Website Design

Digitization has made websites an indispensable part of business development. This holds true for various types of businesses including yoga studios. It is crucial to regard your website as your online storefront and consider it as the most important medium to attract potential clients.

Furthermore, yoga studio website design is typically the most important aspect to consider while planning a marketing strategy for your studio.

Take a look at the following points that reflect the importance of website design for yoga studios.

  • Build Credibility
    It is particularly useful to have a well-designed website if you wish to gain traffic. It helps you stand out from your competitors and establishes your status as a credible individual. In addition to your resume, your website works wonders to get you new clients. Moreover, prospective clients can learn about your passion and professionalism through a good website.
  •  Networking
    A good website lets you network with people from the yoga industry. Networking with other people in your industry helps you built connections and gain opportunities. It will facilitate building your career within the yoga and fitness industry.
  •  Improve Relationships with Clients
    The yoga industry is incredibly competitive; it can be difficult to build a rapport with students. Having a website can help you reach out to your target audience including your existing students, in an effective manner.
  •  Increase Your Average Class Size
    How many times do we check for online presence while buying something from a company? Always. That’s exactly what a student willing to learn Yoga would do. Unless you have an impressive website, it will be difficult to gain clientele. You can definitely enhance your average class size if you have an SEO optimized website design for your prospective clients to access.
  • Grow the Distribution of Email Campaigns
    If you have a well-developed yoga studio website design, you can build your email list and plan out an email marketing strategy. Doing so will increase the number of potential students and will gain the attention of prospective clients.

  • Increase Class Size and Website Traffic Through Blog Usage
    Grow your opportunities using the blog on your websites. Furthermore, not only does a blog have the ability to lead potential clients to your website, you can include content that educates potential clients on the benefits of taking yoga classes. You can get instant shares on social media if you publish highly informative content that builds a deep connection with the readers.
  • Drive Revenue From Your Website
    A great way to drive revenue for your yoga studio is by offering tools that clients can purchase directly through your website. The top yoga studios offer online training material or eBooks that customers can purchase and use from the comfort of their home.

As soon as you improve your yoga studio website design, you’ll begin to notice the difference it will make. The good news is that a website is not very difficult to maintain. It just takes dedication, patience, and perseverance along with some basic knowledge about website development or content creation.

Furthermore, research and figuring out the objective of your website is the first step to a successful yoga studio website design.

Pilates Studio Software: Tips for Scheduling a Workout


Scheduling a Workout Around a Busy Lifestyle: Pilates Studio Software

Pilates studio software is a useful tool that we can use to facilitate scheduling our classes or booking appointments at our studios. However, it is also important that we find the time in our busy lives to treat our body to a nice, long workout. We live in a society where we are consistently occupied with various tasks. Moreover, sometimes healthy eating and a change of lifestyle is all we need to start focusing on our tasks. In addition, it is important for us to stay mentally and physically healthy to lead an active and well scheduled lifestyle.

Here are some tips on what you can do to organize your life and your workout schedule.

  • Create a Reasonable Schedule
    Put together a schedule that doesn’t pack too many activities in one day. Consider the time it takes you to drive to a destination, cook a meal, workout or relax. Write down what you could like to accomplish for the day. Making a mental note can sometimes get confusing and it’s better to build a routine that you can memorize during the week. Pack your work-out clothes in a gym bag and take them to work with you. Sometimes, going home straight after work drains your body and dissuades you from working out. However, if you go to the gym straight after work, think of all the time you’ll have to relax in the evening.
  • Keep Your Workout Gear Organized
    Prepare your gear the night before. Organize your workout gear and place it in your gym bag to make sure you’re not rushing in the morning. Furthermore, place your gym bag by your front door and grab it on your way out. It’s hard to find excuses when your prepared.
  • Prioritize You Daily Activities
    We get it. Sometimes it’s hard writing down what classes you need to take. The excuses are endless when it comes to working out. But we promise that if you get in the habit, you’ll live a happier and healthier lifestyle in no time. Straighten out your priorities. If you have a Pilates class coming up, remind yourself that your physical health is priority. Sometimes, it’s easy to be forgetful even if you write things down. Luckily, there is Pilates studio software you can take advantage of. For example, the My Best Studio app allows you to organize your Pilates classes and will prevent you from missing out on any classes!
  • Perfection is a Myth
    There’s no such thing as perfection. Therefore, it sometimes it rains and other times there is scorching hot temperatures. Even if you can’t go out for a run or don’t have transportation to get to your favorite Pilates classes, you can still work out at home. Working out is a way of life that will help you and make you happier in the long run.
  • Add Small Workouts To Your Daily Routine
    Sounds strange, right? Not really! Add stretches throughout the day. If you’ve been sitting on your desk, stand up and stretch your arms out or do some quick lunges. You don’t need to be in a Pilates studio to get those endorphins going.
  • You and You Health is a Priority
    Working out gives you a sense of satisfaction and makes you feel great about yourself. Therefore, it puts you at peace and you feel like you have achieved a great deal. Dedicate yourself to your workout schedule and follow it religiously.

Wrapping Up
Don’t wish for it, work for it. No doubt, reaching for your goals is tough and obstacles will always interfere but strength and determination will always succeed. Scheduling is tough, don’t be afraid to use pilates studio software to organize yourself and your activities. All things considered, your body will thank you for all your hard work.

Studio Management Software for the Fall Season

My Best Studio Offer the Best Studio Management Software in the Area. 

The fall season brings in a fresh new population of potential clients and students for your yoga and fitness studios, and My Best Studio is here to help with Studio Management Software.

Fall is approaching faster than ever; upcoming weeks will bring back students to their towns and they’ll be looking to unwind during their exams.

With the busy fall season, there is another aspect that unfortunately comes back to intervene with our activities. With classes to worry about it’s difficult for student’s to easily find fitness classes.

Students feel that they lack time.

And with this new construct, may come something else: boredom. Parent do not want their children spending all the spare time inside. So signing them up for dance lessons, or yoga classes, or getting them into martial arts seems to be a great solution for this problem.

My Best Studio can help you prepare for the sea of impending clients and students coming your way with our advanced, and yet so easy to use, studio management software.


Our Studio Management Software

My Best Studio allows you to

  • manage all your day to day operations in one exclusive software
  • easily navigate through a website with attractive and inviting designs
  • sign up new clients or book appointments on our most advanced schedule
  • afford this Studio Management Software at one unbelievable price!

Our Studio Management Software can integrate your already existing client listings from your old software.  Meaning, you do not have to waste your time adding in every single existing client of yours.  It is hassle free as well as easy to operate.

Be prepared with the best management software from My Best Studio.

Get in touch with us now and sign up for a free trial today!

Posted by: Katherine Birgen | June 6, 2017