How to get that summer body

Spring is almost over and summer is right around the corner. It is likely that most people have gained weight and need to get that summer body. Here are tips for you to follow:-

1. Eat healthy
You must have heard this from everybody but it is very true. Eating right is the key to get that body you want. You may spend as many hours at the gym as you want but if you don’t control your diet then all the hard work is going to go waste. Also, do not starve yourself. If you do that than your metabolism will slow down which will end up making it more difficult to lose weight. Make sure you take in a good quantity of nutrients that will help you to achieve your bikini body.

2. Drink plenty of water
Water is one of the most necessary fluids required by the body to carry out its daily functions. Water helps to maintain blood volume, supports circulation, regulates body temperature and acts as a shock absorber for the joints, muscles and brain. Drinking plenty of water will also help you make your skin clear and lose weight.

3. Get rest
Resting is very important for the body. Sleep plays an important role in your physical health. It is involved in healing and repairing of the body. Getting enough sleep can protect your mental and physical health. Lack of sleep can cause can cause obesity, heart diseases, high blood pressure and diabetes. Thus to stay fit and healthy a person should get about 7-8 hours of sleep every night.

Excising and working out is one of the best ways to get the body of your dreams. If done properly it helps in weight loss, decreases the rate of chronic diseases, increases energy levels and stamina, jogs the memory and keeps the skin clear. The list of the benefits of exercise only goes on. Exercising has many forms like sports, yoga, dance, pilates or going to the gym.

Use these tips to get your summer body .Also remember, consistency is the key.

How to Create a More Attractive Dance Website

Your dance studio website should be created in such a way that it helps you accumulate a large number of visitors and convert them into customers. If you own a dance studio, your website needs to reflect your dance expertise and convince your visitors to become your customers.

Read on for some tips on how to generate more traffic to your website.

Things to Include on Your Website

  1. Interesting and Meaningful Content

    Your website should have helpful content that your visitors will find interesting. Your website should be easy to navigate and important information should be easy to locate. Make sure you update your website content regularly. Be it your blog or web pages, it should be relevant to industry trends.

  2. Details are Important!

    Your users might notice something as trivial as the copyright year in the footer of the website. Having a copyright with the year 2015 in the footer would not leave a good impression with your readers who are visiting the site in 2018.
    Also, your pricing structure and schedule of classes should be easily located on your website. This reduces the chances that they might choose your competitors over you.

  3. Come Up with a Marketing Strategy

    Dance studio owners should consider a video content marketing strategy for their dance studio website as it is the top website trend today. This will help your website visitors would get a better idea about your services and training that you offer through your videos.

  4. Client Testimonials

    Brands can showcase their amazing services on their website as much as they want, but client testimonials work the best as we tend to trust people who have availed the services rather than the CEO of that company. Ask for feedback from your customers and add those reviews on your website for greater impact. Showcase your awards and accolades too, as that would instill trust in your visitors.

How to Optimize Your Website for Search Engines? 

  1. What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

    SEO is the most important aspect to consider if you want to have a successful dance website. Google has strict rules for websites and if you fail to abide by them, your website will get lost in the World Wide Web. If your content is not on par with the standards set by Google, none of your marketing efforts will be able to help you increase business.
    Include internal links and outbound links to reputed sources, as well as relevant page titles and descriptions with keywords. This will increase the likelihood of your website ranking high on search engines.

Build Your Brand Visibility 

Whether it is your website or your social media platforms, be consistently visible on them. Follow your branding guidelines so that your customers can relate to your brand each and every time. Your logo, font style and color theme should all be in sync with your brand guidelines.

Wrapping Up

My Best Studio can help you with all your dance studio website needs and ensure you experience great business growth as well. Our experts are knowledgeable on the latest web development trends and can create impressive websites at a reasonable cost.

How To Create a Better Personal Training Website

If you want to stand out in the personal training industry, it is not enough to have excellent communication skills and extensive knowledge about fitness. With the increase of digitalization, your online presence has become increasingly necessary as it will not only help people find you but also allow you to showcase your expertise as a personal trainer. Your website must also be able to convince your prospective clients to trust you and your skills.

Here are some tips to get you started with the basics of a Personal Training website: 

A compelling About page
Your About page is important because it lets you talk about your experience and how that makes you an expert and professional in the field. If you want to increase your conversions, you should create a compelling About page that instills a sense of trust in your customers and narrates an interesting story. Tell your readers about your personality, goals, educational qualifications, and experience.

List your services and packages
Put greater emphasis on the outcome of your personal training instead of the process. Display the advantages of your services and how it can improve your  client’s physical well being. Your customers want to know the effects your training program would have.

Include feedback/reviews from your clients
Create a separate page that highlights the feedback received from clients. Display only genuine testimonials. You should keep in touch with your previous and existing clients and ask them if they are willing to provide a testimonial. It would be great if you can convince your clients to send  video testimonials as well, as those typically increase sign up and conversion rates.

Areas of operation
Your physical address is of utmost importance if you have your own website. It should feature the gyms or areas that you operate from and where you travel to. Adding your location can also enhance the Search Engine Optimization and increase the traffic to your website.

Pricing details
We advise that you list your prices on your page so your customers are informed. If they do not find the pricing details, they may end up visiting your competitors’ website and you may lose out on a customer.

Contact information
Your contact information is an integral part of your personal training website. Your email address and phone number should be included as a sticky header or footer on your website. It is also a good idea to highlight your social media profiles on your Contact page.

Regularly updated blog
Create a fitness/health blog for your website and include engaging content that is updated regularly. The content should be optimized for search engines through the use of keywords, images, meta descriptions, and etc.

Email newsletters
Email marketing is an effective marketing channel for every business. Include a signup form on your home page or as a pop up. Once someone subscribes, you should send out a welcome email and email newsletters at regular intervals. This will go a long way in brand building and letting your customers stay updated with you.

Your personal training website is an extension of you as a person. Make sure it leaves a memorable impact on the visitors and get them thinking about your services. If you are planning to start a personal training business, My Best Studio is here to help with any website design and development needs you may have. Contact us for a free consultation!

CrossFit Website Design That Attracts New Members

CrossFit is becoming more popular each day as people are becoming more fitness conscious. If you have a CrossFit business, having a website will help you build an online presence and bring in more business. However, in this competitive online world where websites are constantly being created, you have to make sure that your website has something unique to offer your visitors and stands out from everyone else.

When it comes to CrossFit website design, you should design the website in such a way that it keeps the visitors coming back and excited to sign up to join your classes.

Here are some pointers that will help you attract more visitors on your CrossFit website.

  1. Visually impressive design
    To increase the engagement on your website, you should consider including strong visuals like images and videos that showcase your expertise in the world of CrossFit training. You can put up images of your equipment, studio, and trainers, as well. However, keep in mind that the design of your website should remain simple and easy to use. And always make sure there are no loading issues.
  1. Easy social sharing
    Make your website posts easy to share on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram and etc. This will help you build a good online presence and enhance your brand visibility. It will also reduce your paid marketing efforts a bit.
  1. Useful content that is updated regularly
    Use an inbound marketing strategy that helps you get more visitors on your website. Posting creative content on your website is one way to utilize inbound marketing. Also, update your content regularly with new and fresh information that delivers value to prospective users and make them want to get in touch with you. 
  1. Search Engine Optimized pages
    Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the most important aspect of Internet marketing. To make sure that you are getting organic traffic on your website, you must optimize your CrossFit website for search engines. If done successfully, your content will be displayed on the first page of search engines and increase your website visits. My Best Studio can help you designing and create and SEO friendly CrossFit website. 
  1. Calls-to-Action across the website
    On the website blog and other service pages, have prominent and relevant calls-to-action that prompt the visitors to take the next action, whether it be signing up for a discount coupon or any special offers you have going on. Be creative with your calls-to-action, and also think from the perspective of a potential customer. This will help you get more conversions through your website.
  1. Have an email sign up form
    Your website should have an email sign up form. This generates leads that your business development executives can approach. You can also create gated content to get more leads and build the list of your prospective customers.
  1. Easy to contact
    Your website should reflect that you are easily approachable, and the customers can contact you. Have a physical address, email address and contact number as well so that your prospects can talk to you without any difficulties.

CrossFit websites should be made to communicate your offers in an effective way and showcase your expertise and professionalism.

If you have any concerns about building your website, contact My Best Studio and get actionable tips to boost your business!

How to Increase Client Revisits to Your Fitness, Pilates Or Yoga Studio?

Owners of Yoga, Pilates, and fitness studios are usually most concerned about retaining their clients and increasing client revisits. It is a no-brainer that acquiring new customers is more difficult than retaining existing ones. To make sure that you are getting a good amount of client revisits, it is important let them know that they are special to you and are valued customers.

Let’s take a look at 6 effective ways to get more clients to revisit your studio! 

  1. Offer incentives by organizing contests
    To increase your client engagement, organize a contest or challenge. Ask your clients to find a partner and together refer people to your studio. Announce prizes for the partners who refer the most people. This will endorse the principles of teamwork. Some of your clients may even invite their friends to the studio, which will help you get new leads. You can also implement social media marketing for your yoga studio or whatever studio you may have, and hold a giveaway on Instagram or whatever platform you prefer. You can even get assistance from local businesses who can sponsor your competitions, which can help you reduce the costs.
  1. Send out handwritten notes to your customers
    If you appreciate your customer’s fitness awareness or how they have been consistently coming to your studio, send out a handwritten note to them acknowledging their hard work. You can even send out a re-engagement note to the inactive customers and inspire them to revisit your studio.
  1. Make a call to your clients
    You can call your clients saying that you value their presence at your studio. The holiday season is a great opportunity to do this. You can also have your customers share their birthdays and call them on these special occasions or delight them with a gift they would love.
  1. Encourage them to renew their membership prior to the expiry date
    It is a huge turn-off for clients when they find out it’s the last day to renew the membership if they wish to continue being a client. Inform the client long before their current membership expires so that they can purchase their next one within the needed time frame. This will reduce last-minute hassles for your customer.
  1. Hold specialty classes
    You can hold some specialty classes for post-natal mothers or pregnant women. You can also create groups for golfers, cyclists, equestrians, skiers etc. so they connect with like-minded clients.
  1. Pick a reasonable price
    You should not lose existing clients because your price is too expensive for them. My Best Studio can help you with all your concerns, including pricing structure. Your price should match market standards, but give you a considerable profit margin as well.

In a Nutshell
Your fitness, Pilates, or Yoga studio should be able to retain the existing clients while also generating new leads for a steady flow of revenue. Feel free to incorporate the ideas shared here to show appreciation to your clients and have them keep revisiting you. Also, using social media marketing for yoga studios and fitness studios can also bring in new customers who discover you online.  A long-lasting customer relationship is what My Best Studio strongly advocates, especially if you want to build a good reputation in the field and within your clients.

Martial Arts Customized Website

Martial Arts Customized Website at a Reasonable Cost

Every business website on the internet is built with the primary objective of bringing in more customers and getting more business. It can be very profitable to open a martial arts studio, but you need to have a detailed business plan that creates a professional image for you. Your website should be able to get you more students and a continuous flow of revenue.

Running a martial arts school can be tough. Web presence is necessary for advertising your business. If you do not have an online marketing campaign, it goes without saying that you will get very little business despite your expertise in the field.  My Best Studio provides Martial Arts website design and development services for your school, so that you can focus on what you love doing while we manage the technological aspects for you.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Here are some things you should look for when creating a customized website for your Martial Arts school.

Your martial arts school website should do well in search engines, specifically if someone is doing a local search. Make sure your website is designed in such a way that website traffic turns into leads. Finally, your website should be simple and easy to manage.

Should You Go With a Martial Arts Customized Website?

With all the websites present online, we recommend that you create a professional-looking website. You should include sign-up and inquiry forms that will help you get new leads and students. Your website should be hosted independently with a unique URL of your own. My Best Studio can help you build customized websites that complement your school’s branding guidelines. We offer unlimited and fully-customizable pages that include news, events, and blogs.

Things to Keep in Mind

martial arts customized websiteThe navigation of your website should be hassle free. Think of techniques that will retain your students’ engagement even when they are away from school. Photos and other media are a must if you want your website to resonate well with your readers. Also, include the calendar of your classes and tests too. Your website should be a one-stop solution for all the questions that your students might be having.

Our website management tools are easy to handle and make editing the website a breeze for the web managers. Making changes is just a click away. This way you don’t have to follow up with web designers and pay for each change. You control all the content on your website!

We also make sure that you get a search engine optimized website. Google, Yahoo! And Bing are the most prominent search engines today and it is imperative to stay at the top in these searches. We ensure that you get a search engine listing for your website. Finally, we provide mobile responsive websites integrate with social media to maximize the lead flow and enhance your website performance.

Wrapping Up

If you are fed up with dealing with numerous website developers and designers, we are here for you! We can create a customized martial arts marketing website that is meticulously designed by our proficient web marketers. Our services are absolutely cost friendly and will help you draw in more business.

For anyone who is looking for a budget-friendly comprehensive website, My Best Studio is here to help!

Point of Sale Software- A Necessity

Along with all the administrative tasks that needs to be done at your studio, accepting payments just adds to the stress. We all know how exhausting it is to manage numerous accounts. Therefore, it is essential to have a system that keeps track of those who have and haven’t made their payments.

It is impossible to remember all those who have made a payment, which is where human limitations meets machine intervention. My Best Studio’s software can integrate credit card payment gateway right into your website and release you from your financial stress.

Why Choose My Best Studio’s Software?

Point of Sale integration can help you set up recurring billing for any type of studio from dance studios, yoga studios, and martial arts studios to gyms.

My Best Studio offers integration of your credit card system regardless of your business size.

Credit Card Terminal Included
We provide a credit card terminal that will make credit card transactions all the more easier for you. Through these terminals, you will be able to save money as well as process any voids or returns through WiFi, 3G, Ethernet, or phone line.

Low Point of Sale Rates
We have low Point of Sale (POS) rates on our payment gateways to help you reduce any additional expenses.

Recurring fees and memberships will be easier to manage through our auto-billing functionality. Also, please rest assured that your client information will be safe and secure with our software solutions.

Credit card integration will allow you to be able to sell your services online as well as through a physical storefront, and it saves you money on the credit card fees.

Wrapping Up 

You obviously started a fitness studio to make a living doing the thing you love.  Credit card integration in your studio software will save you time and money, so you can spend more time on your clients.  If you have any questions regarding security, hidden charges or other important financial concerns, our customer support specialists would be happy to answer them!

Choosing the right studio software- a challenge or a breeze?

Have you ever shown up for a multiple choice test unprepared? Tough, isn’t it?

The same kind of analogy can be used if you are planning on purchasing a fitness studio software.

If you have done your homework , then you know exactly what you need in order to meet your business goals. Therefore, choosing the right software should be a breeze!

However, if you’re not sure what you need, choosing the software that best suits your fitness studio may be more challenging.

To make it easier, My Best Studio  has provided a list of some features you should look for in a studio management software.

Do a Background Check on the Software

Run a background check on the software you’re interested in and read the reviews/testimonials of their customers. This will give you an idea on the kind of services they offer and if they are qualified in their industry. Capterra is a good site that provides genuine reviews for free.

Adapt to Mobile Devices

The world is going mobile and it is important that your fitness studio software can adapt to mobile phones. If the software you are planning to buy does not meet this requirement, you should probably go with a different one. We at My Best Studio have designed mobile responsive websites for our customers based in various locations from San Diego to Chicago, Ontario, and more. Whether you own a gym, dance studio or fitness training studio, we cater to all these industries.

Avoid Signing Long Term Contracts

The studio management software should be cost effective and allow you to quickly set up of your business. You should not be bound by a long-term contract, the service should be good and offers you flawless customer support.

Watch Out for Additional Costs of Adding Users

There are certain studio management software companies who charge for every new user added onto the database. We advise you to avoid such companies. It might not seem like a big issue when you are just starting up but as your business grows, it can go beyond your budget.

Automated Processes

The main goal of a studio management software is to streamline manual processes and save you time and effort. You should take not of all administrative tasks that requires manual effort and make sure that the software takes care of all of them for you.

Wrapping Up

While all these options in studio software solutions may make it harder for you to select the right one to manage your studio, if you have your priorities sorted it should make things a lot easier.

If you find yourself stuck at any point, the experts at My Best Studio are there to answer all your questions, no matter how trivial they are! Feel free to call us to see if our studio management software is the right one for you!

Why You Should Avoid Using Free Template Builders for Your Website

Template Builders vs. Custom Website Design for your Studio

Free template builders are online tools that allow you to create a website without needing any coding knowledge. They mainly use a drag and drop feature and your website will be created a few minutes.

At first, these template builders seem to be a good idea, but they have certain limitations. Although they are an easy option for beginners, it can lead to setbacks in the long run.

Here are a few reasons why you should refrain from using free template builders for your website.

You Have No Control

None of the website builders offers you control over your website design. Bad user experience is not easy to resolve when using free template builders. If you are using a basic template builder, this problem can become quite serious. It is very likely resolving one problem you are facing may lead to a new problem. In some cases, you may even have to get your website redesigned.

Lack of Advanced Features

One of the biggest drawbacks of website builders is that they provide very limited features and functionalities. While this can be great for a content based website, it usually is not scalable. If your business grows, you might not be able to add the extra features you want to your website. My Best Studio  offers website design services to fitness studios, dance studios, and many other training studios at various locations from Pasadena to Riverside, Ontario, Long Beach, Los Angeles and more. If you are struggling with free template builders for your website, we are here to help make the transition smooth and simple, and at a low cost!

Not Responsive

Websites are not responsive when created with template builders. People viewing your website on a tablet or mobile device might have a bad user experience. With website builders, you only get a desktop version and a mobile version. This is certainly not great when it comes to website designing.

Misleading Designs

The content that you have may not match the drag and drop elements of the free website builder. This can be frustrating because it does not match the demo video you watched. A website designer is irreplaceable compared to template builders. That human touch matters a lot if you want to create a nice website with lots of traffic.

Template designs are not always aesthetically pleasing and choosing the wrong one can cost you your business.

Poor SEO Features

Search Engine Optimization plays a pivotal role in the world of online marketing. Not optimizing your website for SEO will lead to less new customers. The challenge with website builders is that they offer very limited SEO features, which can be bad for your business.

In a Nutshell

The bottom line is that professionals and studio owners who want to see their business grow and increase their brand visibility should invest in getting their website designed professionally, rather than saving a few bucks by using template builders. Website builders can temporarily solve your problems, but in the future you may have to invest both your time and money again because you are dissatisfied with the template.

However, the choice is yours and we will be here for you, whatever you decide on! 

Creating a Custom Website That Works For You

Is a custom website really that important for my business?

Yes- websites are essential for every business if you want to survive the fierce competition these days. Fitness studios, Gyms, Yoga studios, Pilates studios, and etc. are no exception to this rule of thumb. Your prospective studio members are likely to search online and check out the websites of different studios before signing up for a membership. A well-designed website can make a good first impression to your customers. We recommend that you get a custom website built exclusively for your studio. This will ensure that there is more traffic on your website, thereby generating more business growth.

My Best Studio offers website design services for dance, yoga, fitness, Pilates, and martial arts studios and gyms at locations all over the world from Irvine to Chicago, New York, and San Diego.

Based on our vast experience of handling a variety of projects, we have compiled a list of basic things that are necessary for your website.

Clean Design

Your website should be clutter-free so that the user is able to navigate smoothly. Users should be able to find what they are looking for without putting in any extra effort.


Most people are browsing and shopping through the mobile devices these days. To cater to them, your website should be optimized for mobile devices. The custom website should be responsive in order to fit in all screen sizes.


Your website should provide informative content to the user. It should include everything a customer needs to know, from the class schedule to the the kind of training programs you offer. You can use inbound content marketing strategies to attract more visitors and convert them into leads.

Visually Appealing

Use visual aids like images, videos, or animations on your website to make it more aesthetically pleasing for your visitors. However, adding these graphics should not affect the loading time of your website. You can use pictures and videos that showcase the equipment and expert trainers you have at your studio.

 Clear and to the Point 

People visiting your website should understand your services and offers clearly and it should reflect your Unique Selling Proposition. Highlight your offers that make you stand out from the sea of fitness studios.

Make a Blog

Having a blog is a must if you want to generate more leads and get more memberships. Write on topics that showcase your expertise in the field and engage with people through comments. You can even write a blog post on FAQs and such. Research and find relevant topics that people frequently search about because these are the topics that they are interested in.

 Sign Up Form

Invest in email marketing by having an email sign up form on your website home page and create gated content that can help you get more leads.

Prominent Call-to-Action

Include a prominent call-to-action on your website and service pages that can direct the prospects to take the next step and join your studio, bringing in more customers to you.

Include testimonials

People always believe in user reviews and feedback. Take advantage of this by displaying the testimonials of happy customers on your website.

Wrapping Up 

A custom website is a great option for studio owners who want to boost business and get more new customers as well as retain their existing ones.

Contact My Best Studio  for any assistance that you may need!! We are always here to help.