10 Mistakes You Need To STOP Making In Pilates Class

Pilates is a great way to get fit, improve your posture and flexibility, strengthen your back and tone your stomach, thighs and bottom. The demand for pilates and pilates class scheduling solutions has picked up considerably in recent years and in fact many business owners are choosing pilates studio management software like this one to run their business.

We asked some leading pilates instructors for their top tips on making the most of a workout in pilates class – avoid these ten common mistakes and you’ll be well on the way to feeling like a pro.

Mistake #1: Getting your alignment wrong when you move between positions
Inpilates, the “center” is what you should be holding all your moves from, and should always be kept in alignment as you move through poses to avoid straining muscles or putting unnecessary pressure on any certain part of the body.

Mistake #2: Not breathing
Proper breathing is essential to proper core engagement, and the most common form used in Pilates is called lateral thoracic breathing. The focus on proper breathing can help you make the most of your core correctly, as well as help you to calm your mind.

Mistake #3: Equating strong abs with a strong pelvic floor
Pelvic floor exercises are the only way to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. Period.

Mistake #4: Doing only the moves you like instead of the moves you need
Know what you need to get out of your exercises. To counteract the desk life and reverse the look of our rounded shoulders, do your darts, your back extensions. If facing a computer all day, do arm openings and rotations – don’t do more stomach crunches that bring you back to where you started!

Mistake #5: Not being consistent with the workout
Many people believe that one pilates class per week is enough to create big results for your body over time. Only when you are consistent will you start seeing significant health improvements.

Mistake #6: Competing with others
Exercise is not a competition, so don’t compare yourself to others. Strive for progress and not perfection.

Mistake #7: Hurting your neck during crunches
For years when it came to crunches, the experts warned against putting your hands behind your head. But now certified fitness instructors agree that when it comes to curl-ups, you should use your hands to help hold your head up!

Mistake #8: Over engaging your pelvic floor
When you over recruit your pelvic floor, it basically means that the muscles of your pelvic floor are working too hard or in an imbalanced manner.

Mistake #9:Rushing through movements
Sometimes it’s actually more difficult to do something slower than it is quick. If you’re doing a hip roll and you’re doing it very slowly, you’ll need to really control it over a period of time. If you do it quickly then it’s just your legs doing the work. You should try to focus and work slowly and precisely.

Mistake #10: Giving up after the first class
People often give up on pilates classes too soon after only one or two classes. Mental preparation and not quitting too soon are essential for giving any new exercise a real shot.

If you own a fitness studio and offer pilates classes, a pilates studio management software is a great investment. Pilates software such as the one offered by My Best Studio helps you manage basic functions such as bookings, attendance, payments, so you can reduce the paperwork and focus on your business growth.

The importance of having a regular exercise schedule

People who are insufficiently active have a 20% to 30% increased risk of death compared to people who are sufficiently active (Source: who.int)

Exercise is an integral part of living a healthy lifestyle. Apart from maintaining an ideal weight, you must have various reasons to exercise on a daily basis. It is said that exercising on a regular basis releases endorphins in your body and these endorphins are also responsible for keeping you mentally happy. Thus, not only does exercise help in maintaining an ideal body weight but it also helps you in being energetic, positive and strong.

Exercise prevents health problems and helps in building strength, boosting energy and reducing stress. Experts recommend that an individual must exercise for 60 minutes in a day either by way of yoga, walking, going to the gym, aerobics or any other of physical exercises. Exercise is known to benefit every part of the body, including the mind. There are innumerable health benefits of exercising and hence, one must commit to it for a longer and better life.

A few studies have also found that people who do regular exercise perform better on all fronts of life. It is also said that high physical activity reduces the chances of being obese or overweight, thereby creating a positive and healthy lifestyle for people.

Here are some reasons that will encourage to you to add exercise to your daily routine and get you moving –
  • Exercise lowers the risk of heart diseases and ensures that your cardiovascular health is in check
  • Exercise reduces stress and anxiety levels
  • Exercising on a daily basis improves your energy and endurance
  • Exercise is known to improve your sleep cycles
  • Exercise reduces the effects of aging and gives you strong
  • Exercise enables you to maintain a normal weight and also assists in increasing your metabolism
  • Exercise can contribute positively to mental well-being and is also helpful in treating depression
  • Exercise keeps your joints, muscles and ligaments flexible, making them easier to move and giving them more elasticity
  • Physical activity enhances learning and thinking skills
  • Exercise acts as an aid in boosting your overall well-being
  • Exercise lowers the risk of various diseases like diabetes, hypertension, cancer etc.

It is also said that physical activity stimulates brain cells and releases chemicals that leave you feeling happier and give you a pleasant mood. Exercise further enables you to feel better about your appearance and feel more enthusiastic and joyful. Exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and thereby helps in the efficient working of your cardiovascular system.

Moreover, exercise and physical activity are a fun way to keep your health intact and improve it to a large extent. Exercising with your friends and partners makes you socially active and helps you have a pleasant mood, Hiking, Trekking, taking a dance class, swimming, joining the soccer team are all forms of exercise that will help you in contributing to a good health. Moderate aerobic exercises like brisk walking, jogging, trekking,  biking, mowing lawns etc. can help you meet your fitness goals and get more health benefits.

A study has also found that kids who exercise well function in a better fashion and have improved cognitive functions like reasoning, memory, attention span and increased knowledge.Additionally, physical activity and exercise gives people a sense of pleasure, accomplishment and pride of having achieved a purpose. It also imbibes discipline and passion at an early age. Thus, it is of prime importance to start exercising at an early age.

Hence, if you are tired after a stressful day, feel loss of energy or need an emotional lift, remember exercise will come to your rescue. A regular exercise routine will always go a long way in securing your health.

Workout for Beginners

It is not an unknown fact that exercising has innumerable advantages. Exercising helps in reduction of the risks associated with chronic disease, better mood and mental health, balanced energy levels, slowing of the aging process, a boost to brain health amongst various other benefits. Some common types of exercises include cardio training, strength training, flexibility and mobility training.

With multiple write-ups, blogs and videos on the internet, it can feel overwhelming for you to get started. Also, as a beginner, you might be worried about where to start from and how to start exercising and workout.

Through this article, we wish to simplify your workout sessions and help you in setting an approach that will motivate you to exercise on a daily basis and reap the benefits of workouts. The first step to planning a good workout session is to set your short-term and long-term goals. Setting the right goals encourage you to work in the right direction and feel more energized and productive.

Here are a few steps that will help you in planning your workout as a beginner-

Decide a workout routine and stick to it
While planning a workout routine, you must always keep in mind that you as a beginner will have a slow journey. However, it is more important than the duration and type of workouts that you maintain a regular routine and follow it strictly. In the initial phases, even a short 7-10 minutes workout session will provide you with great health benefits.
Start gradually and keep a track of your progress from the start, so that you can see your improvisations on a daily basis and stay motivated.

Expect setbacks and learn to overcome them
There may be days when you have a planned workout session but you suddenly feel loss of energy and feel tired. It may also happen that you feel stressed or have no motivation to pursue your workout plan. In all these cases, you must encourage yourself and remind yourself of the great health benefits associated with workouts. You must learn how to overcome your setbacks so that you can get back on the right track immediately.

Don’t stress hard on the days when you fail to workout. Instead, just start again to feel energized and refreshed.

Set realistic goals
Starting with small and achievable goals is the key to reaching towards bigger goals. For e.g., if your goal is to walk 10,000 steps in a day, you must first aim at walking 4,000 steps in a day and gradually increase your stamina to reach to your desired goal. Hence, setting realistic goals will help you go a long way and make your workout sessions more fun.

Make your workout a Habit
Making your workout a habit is another key component to attaining success. It is easy to purse your workout sessions in the long run if you make exercising your habit. Furthermore, you should make a schedule and do your workouts at the same time everyday so that you can sustain your routine and make it last.

Below is the list of a few workout exercises for beginners to make it achievable in the long run:-

  1. Chair Squat
  2. Bridge
  3. Knee Pushup
  4. Stationary Lunge
  5. Plank to Downward Dog
  6. Straight-leg Donkey-kick
  7. Forearm Plank
  8. Bird Dog
  9. Side-lying hip abduction
  10. Bicycle crunch

It is very important to stay hydrated, optimize your nutrition and listen to your body while exercising and doingworkouts.

Lastly, have fun while doing exercises and do not dread it. Work out in groups or with your friends to maintain accountability and keep your exercise routine within your control.

Track your progress at each stage and gradually, try to reach for more intense workout sessions so that you can reach to the intermediate level and advanced level with passing time.

Starting something new can be difficult but having real objectives and doing it for your body will take you a long way. Start slowly and build your fitness level in order to achieve the maximum benefits of workouts and exercise. Additionally, take care of your diet and keep a check with your healthcare provider to see that you are going in the right direction.

Dance as a form of fitness

Dance is defined as an act of performing arts where humans execute specified sequenced movements. Different countries and cultures have different dance forms. 9,000-year-old paintings in India at the Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka, and Egyptian tomb paintings depicting dancing figures, dating as old as 3300 BC depict the history of dance.

But today, thousands of people around the world are incorporating dance in their daily life as a form of fitness. This is because dance has several health benefits and is enjoyable to do. Dance has several health benefits like:-

  1. Improving the condition of the heart and lungs
  2. Increased muscular strength
  3. Endurance and motor fitness
  4. Increased aerobic fitness
  5. Increased muscle tone and strength
  6. Weight management
  7. Stronger bones
  8. Reduced risk of osteoporosis
  9. Better coordination
  10. Agility and flexibility

These benefits are only to name a few. Dance has several other benefits as well, making it a very popular form of fitness.

But every coin has two sides. With a list of benefits, there is also a list of disadvantages that come with dance. Namely breaking of bones and tearing of tissues due to dance accidents, injuries to hips and toes (particularly in ballet), repetitive strain injury due to overdoing, stress fractures, tendon injuries, sprains, and strains.

Despite all the negative effects, dance is at an increasing demand as a form of fitness. In 2019, there were over 100,000 dance studios only in the United States. Even as of now the number is increasing.

One of the most popular dance forms for fitness is Zumba. Zumba is an exercise fitness program created by Colombian dancer and choreographer Alberto “Beto” Pérez during the 1990s. In this dance form, people usually take an hour-long class and follow the Zumba instructor.

Zumba choreography is composed using all or some of the sixteen core steps. There are four basic rhythms: salsa, merengue, reggaeton, and cumbia, and each basic rhythm has four core steps. It is total body cardio and aerobic workout where people burn about 900kcal in one session.

Thus, this was dance as a form of fitness with benefits.

Last 10 Years Fitness Trends

As we move towards the end of 2019 we also move to the end of another decade. These 10 years have shown immense growth and diversity in the methods and techniques of different workouts and trends. This one is for the last 10 years that have got us here today.


Fitness boxing and specialty classes such as Zumba, Bollywood, Afro-Cuban, and ballroom dancing grew in popularity – encouraging more people to become involved in physical activity, but in a slightly different way. This period saw personal training to increase significantly in popularity (and continues to be up until this day). It was less for the rich and famous, and more for the everyday gym user, and as a result many gyms and fitness centres moved away from having ‘floor-based’ gym instructors to service their clients.


It was during this time that the age demographic of those involved in physical activity began to broaden quite dramatically, with a large focus on providing fitness programs for both older adults and children. With obesity at epidemic levels for both children and adults in Australia, more families were looking for programs to help them lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle.


trends like intermittent fasting, low carbohydrate and gluten-free diets became popular to follow (and continue to be up until this day). The first examples of successful wearable technology were also starting to hit the market at this time, giving people an insight into information about their health and fitness that was previously unobtainable.


With the functional fitness movement becoming increasingly popular, traditional gym equipment was still being used, but was now sharing space with innovative equipment such as kettlebells, battle ropes, suspension trainers and many other unique tools that could be used as a part of an exercise program. Primal, body-weight training, movement-based, whatever you want to call it, functional fitness was at the forefront during this time.


This period also introduced the world to a new type of ‘fitness centre’, one that was determined to capture the atmosphere of large group-training while incorporating high intensity strength and aerobic based exercises – all in short, pre-determined and repeatable workouts.


High Intensity Interval Training was trendy and there are lots of people seeing fabulous results in the fitness club and with home regimens using these high and low intensity moves. Strength Training remained a popular form of exercise workouts, especially among males interested in fitness and better health. More and more women continued to hit the fitness clubs for various strength training exercises as well, in the hopes of building or improving their strength.


Bodyweight training included the use of minimal equipment makes it a super convenient and affordable do-anywhere workout. And it’s not limited to just push-ups and pull-ups-put a fresh spin on bodyweight exercises with different routines.


Group Training.
Some things are just more fun in a group. Group exercise instructors teach, lead and motivate their students through classes designed for a specific intention. Experienced and educated group instructors help people of varying levels achieve their fitness goals. They use a combination of leadership, teaching and motivational skills to accomplish this. Group programs appeal to a wide demographic because of the variety of choices available, camaraderie and social aspects. Thus group training was immensely popular in 2017.


Wearable Technology
Activity trackers, smart watches, and heart rate monitors were as popular as ever in 2018 for people who—were into seeing their workouts by the numbers, wearable technology can give them interesting feedback about how you move. Many estimate your steps, sleep, standing time, calories burned, and time spent working out.


The ancient practice has been on the list for many years. ACSM notes that in 2019, yoga has taken on many forms, like “Power Yoga, Yogilates, yoga in hot environments,” and more. Now that we’ve seen goat yoga, who knows what other forms of yoga the future holds? Yoga became immensely popular with a 32% increase only in 2019. It is on of the hottest forms of workout right now and will continue to be for some time.

The History of Pole Fitness

Pole fitness also known as Pole dance combines dance and acrobatics practiced on a pole. Pole fitness today is practiced widely in dance studios and gyms as a form of fitness.

A brief history:-
1. Mallakhamb
Centuries ago, pole fitness was introduced to the traditional Indian sport of mallakhamb, where complex yoga postures are performed by a group of people on a wooden pole or cane. These postures are aerial in nature.

2. The Chinese Pole
The Chinese pole, originating in India, uses two poles on which circus performers climb ad pose. The poles have a certain amount of distance apart and the performers are known to move from one pole to another. Historical records like mural paintings and carvings From the Han Dynasty were where this was first recorded.

3. Hoochie Coochie
Pole dance in America was introduced in 1893 in the form of Hoochie Coochie. Chicago was the first recorded place for this sensual dance. in the 1920s, during the Great Depression, this form of pole dance became particularly popular in different circuses to attract crowds from all parts of America. This dance is also popularly known as ‘Kouta Kouta.’ The term Hoochie Coochie caught on when people started referring to the scantily dressed dancers as so.

Today Pole Dancing is practised by many people actively and even done in studios and gyms. My Best Studio is the best software management app for pole dancing or pole fitness studios.

Health Benefits Of Pilates

Pilates is a physical fitness system developed in the early 20th century by Joseph Pilates, after whom it was named. It is practiced worldwide, especially in Western countries.

As of 2005, there were 11 million people practicing the discipline regularly and 14,000 instructors in the United States.
Pilates developed in the aftermath of the late 19th century physical culture of exercising in order to alleviate ill health.

Evidence from studies show that Pilates improves balance with regular practice. Regular Pilates sessions can help muscle conditioning in healthy adults, when compared to doing no exercise.

Health benefits of Pilates:-
1. improves concentration
2. relaxes body muscles
3. improved posture
4. improved stabilization of spine
5. increases lung capacity and circulation
6. increased muscle strength and toning of body
7. improved physical strength and balance
8. rehabilitation and prevention of injuries with respect to muscles
9. improved physical coordination and balance
10. enhanced muscular control and increase in hand eye coordination.

The Pilates method is taught to suit each person and exercises are regularly re-evaluated to ensure they are appropriate for that person. Due to the individual attention, this method can suit everybody from elite athletes to people with limited mobility, pregnant women and people with low fitness levels. It helps everyone and is suitable for every body type.


Yoga tips for beginners

If you want to learn and practice yoga you have to start somewhere. It is said that yoga is the art work of awareness on the body, mind and soul. Yoga tends to stabilize mental levels and bring peace. If you are a beginner to yoga, here are some steps to take note of.

1. Education
Before starting anything new, educate yourself about it. There are many different types of yoga like Vinyasa yoga, Iyengar, Birkram and many more. Once you learn about these you will get an idea which one you’re drawn to. That yoga will usually be the best for you.

2. Set a routine
Try to do yoga every day or every other day. The more you do it, the more you’ll like it and the more likely you are to continue it. If you slack once, you’ll want to slack every time.

3. Try new moves
Don’t be afraid to try new moves and asanas. It may be difficult and scary at first but the more you do it, the more familiar you will get with it. You will realize that they only do good to you. Growth is scary but worth it!

4. Join a studio
Joining a yoga studio will develop confidence in you. Being around other people who do yoga will give rise to a sense of familiarity and make you feel comfortable. You will want to go back.

5. Practice makes perfect
The more you practice yoga, the better you will feel. The joy you get when you perfect an asana after hours of practice will give you a rush. It will also calm your body, and free your mind from unnecessary stress of every day life.

Why My Best Studio is better than others

My Best Studio is a software development company that creates management softwares for different studios like dance, pilates, crossfit, yoga, pole fitness and many more. There may be other such companies in the market who supply similar services, but My Best Studio is set apart from them. Let’s find out how.

1. Motive
The main motive of My Best Studio is the clients happiness. It aims to provide softwares which are up to the client’s expectations. They value quality over quantity. While other companies, the motive is to get more clients.

2. Features they offer
My Best Studio offers a wide variety of features to their clients. You can choose from a large number of already made designs for your studio or even create your own!
For anyone investing in our services, they are provided with a free personalized app! Other companies usually charge extra fee on top of the existing one but not My Best Studio. The app comes with tons of amazing features that are custom made only for the particular client.
Other than this, many of the other features include easy online booking, client management, a free branded app, a responsive and SEO friendly website which helps in social media marketing and email marketing! This is way beyond what other companies even offer.

3. Price
One of the main factors to investing in softwares is price. And My Best Studio provides it’s services for only $55 per month and guarantees no increase in price later in the future. This fee includes an embedded class schedule into your website, free personalized app, custom studio management software, help centre, 24/7 customer service and much more! Other companies charge more and offer less.

So we can conclude that My Best Studio is one of the most client friendly and pocket friendly company that will give you great results!

What to look for in a management software?

A studio management software, by definition is an application or set
of programs that help studio support, improve, and automate their
processes. Such software assist in eliminating errors,
completing studio tasks, reporting activities and increases overall
efficiency and effectiveness.
An ideal studio management software is one which is designed to
help streamline the complexity of large projects and tasks as well as
facilitate team collaboration and project reporting. In other words, it
should make the work of the studio owner easier and increase
business. Here are some things to look for in a studio management

1. Flexibility
There are tons of management softwares in the market but to
find the right one for you is a task. A management software
should be flexible enough to satisfy all your needs. It should be
bendable to benefit you and your business.

2. Customization
Not all management softwares offer this, but it can make work
very easy for you. Having a software made solely for your
studio is a privilege because it is highly beneficial. It makes you
exclusive and saves time for you. Every studio is different and
thus you need what’s best for you!

3. Price
This is a very big factor in every software. Most of them have a
very high retail price which makes it difficult for the studio
owner to invest in it. Find a company that offers a reasonable

price which suits you. Companies also have a tendency to
increase prices over the years so look out for that!

4. Efficiency
After investing money in the software, it should prove to be
helpful and efficient. Nobody wants to put their money in the
wrong place! Try to find companies that either give free demo’s
or free returns. It will take off stress and make you feel

5. Comfort
You should be comfortable using the software. If you are not
used to using high end softwares than take a test run or go for
something easier. There is no point of getting a software if it
makes your work a problem rather than a relief.

One of the best softwares in the markets are the ones by My
Best Studio. They not only are fit for every pocket but also
provide free demo’s. They personalize the software to fit every
need of the consumer to make them feel best. Check them out!